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Quieter Neighbourhoods - Fox Lane

Council proposing new active travel route through Palmers Green

04 April 2023

Enfield Council's recently announced plans for a new cycling and walking route will mean that the important shopping, travel and employment hub at Southgate Circus will for the first time be safely accessible by bike from the Fox Lane LTN and Palmers Green. However, continuing the route east of PG to the Cambridge Roundabout will require bold measures to make Hazelwood Lane safe for cycling.

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New Fox Lane LTN exemptions for disabled people

18 December 2022

As of last week, new exemptions have been in force to make it easier for disabled people and their carers to drive into and out of the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood (QN).

High Court judge dismisses legal challenges to Fox Lane LTN

16 November 2022

In a written judgement issued on 9th November, a High Court judge has dismissed legal challenges against the traffic orders issued by Enfield Council to implement the low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) scheme in the Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood.

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Council leader approves LTN changes, but court decision still awaited

03 November 2022

As opponents and supporters of active travel measures anxiously await the outcome of a legal case against the Fox Lane LTN, the leader of Enfield Council has approved implementation of recommendations for changes to both the Fox Lane and the Bowes LTNs designed to improve access for people with disabilities.

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Council planning changes to low-traffic schemes

23 March 2022

Enfield Council is planning to make changes to the Fox Lane and Bowes low-traffic LTNs, aimed at easing access for disabled people and emergency services. Some bollards will be replaced by camera-controlled restrictions and blue badge holders and dial-a-ride buses will be allowed to drive past them. In addition, the council is seeking views on the future of the restriction in Meadway and about possibly switching the access points for the Bowes LTN.

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Scrutiny committee to debate Fox Lane and North Mid active travel schemes

23 February 2022

Following 'call-ins' by opposition councillors, Enfield Council's scrutiny committee will be discussing the council leader's decisions to make two active travel schemes permanent: the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood and a small scheme in Bull Lane near the North Middlesex Hospital. The meeting on 28th February will also discuss a petition calling on the council to 'take down the flower beds and wooden blocks in the middle of the road for all of the palmers green and Winchmore Hill area'.

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Fox Lane report recommends making the LTN permanent

29 January 2022

The report on trial operation of the Fox Lane LTN has now been published. Its recommendation to the leader of Enfield Council is that she should sign off making the scheme permanent in its current form. However, the report also states that the council intend to look at potential changes to the scheme that relate to issues which emerged from the consultation and the data collected during the trial.

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A Tale of Two Minutes

24 November 2021

Residents of some Enfield wards - I'm looking at you, Palmers Green councillors! - would be grateful if they had more than a few hours notice of upcoming ward forums, while minutes of previous meetings would be looked upon as a wholly unrealistic luxury, but the Winchmore Hill ward forum has always been exemplary in both respects. This week it has outdone itself by publishing not one, but two versions of the minutes of its most recent meeting, on 4th November.

Anti-LTN campaigners march through PG

24 November 2021

The size of Saturday's well organised and well behaved march shows what was already clear - that there is substantial opposition to the Fox Lane scheme, though it proves nothing about the overall balance of opinion among residents or about whether on balance the effects of the LTN are beneficial or harmful. It's also clear that there is a widespread view that Enfield Council is not listening to people's complaints about the LTN. Instead of just saying that all comments will be taken into account, the council would do well to be more ready to acknowledge people's genuine concerns, and to engage more readily about potential ways of mitigating problems.

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New chance to comment on Fox Lane LTN

09 November 2021

Following further collection of traffic data during September, after the return to school, Enfield Council is inviting further objections and representations about the low-traffic neighbourhood scheme in the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood. The deadline for submitting comments (by post or email) is 11th January 2022.

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Police intervene as anti-LTN campaigner incites dangerous lawbreaking

23 May 2021

Intervention by police officers last Wednesday prevented opponents of the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) from mounting a protest deliberatedly timed so that it presented a danger to children returning home from school. Last week was National Walk to School Week.

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Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood: More information published as consultation is extended to July

12 May 2021

Enfield Council has published further information about how it will be assessing the success of the Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood. The consultation period has been extended until 11th July and a webinar to update residents has been scheduled for 26th May. Data on traffic levels and speeds on surrounding roads is currently being collected. There will be further monitoring of traffic levels in the summer. In the autumn the council will be reporting on all monitoring activity and the outcomes of public consultation and will take a decision to either make the scheme permanent or remove it.

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'We really do have a neighbourhood' – the effect of the Fox Lane LTN

05 May 2021

A quiet lane, with wandering pedestrians, dogs, cyclists, children on scooters, and the occasional bus and delivery van. This is Fox Lane. It is a dreamlike contrast with what used to be a thundering main road, with several thousand polluting and speeding vehicles every day. We are liberated. Instead of cowering in our separate, dangerous rat-run streets, we are now a 'neighbourhood'. A daily nature walk, a history walk or jog of discovery is a revelation, as you pass kids and mums and dads scooting, walking or cycling from school...

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Assessing the impact of the Fox Lane LTN on disabled people

11 March 2021

An update on the Let's Talk Enfield website has information about extension of trial operation of the low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) scheme in the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood and announces a new focus on gathering information about the impact of the scheme on people with disabilities and their carers.

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Winchmore Hill ward forum minutes published

23 February 2021

The draft minutes of the Winchmore Hill ward forum on 11th February are now available online. Topics discussed included the Fox Lane LTN and the new care home at Reardon Court.

Full council meeting rejects call to open low-traffic neighbourhoods to through traffic

02 February 2021

At last Thursday's full meeting Enfield councillors rejected a call by the Conservative and Community First groups to remove the low-traffic neighbourhood schemes and allow through traffic to use all streets in the Bowes and Fox Lane quieter neighbourhoods.

Fox Lane residents' association chair resigns

22 December 2020

The chair of Fox Lane & District Residents' Association (FLDRA), Richard Mapleston, has announced that he is standing down from the position, which he has held for three years, because of the 'rancorous' nature of opinions expressed by committee members when discussing the trial of a low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in the Fox Lane area

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Fox Lane LTN supporters launch new website

03 December 2020

Supporters of the low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) trial in the Fox Lane area have launched a website to promote their cause. The new website,, has pages explaining the reasons for setting up the LTN, pointing out how the last decade has seen traffic in London growing and spilling over from main roads onto residential side streets, and quoting evidence about the effects on emergency services and businesses.

Healthier journeys to St Monica's, thanks to the low-traffic neighbourhood

07 November 2020

A year ago more than half the children attending St Monica's school arrived by car and only just over a quarter by 'active travel' - walking, cycling, scooting or skating. Now, after the introduction of a school street and the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood, the proportions are almost exactly reversed. The headteacher has now begun cycling to school and is suggesting that those parents who still drive all the way to school should think about other ways of getting there.

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Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood: Start of statutory consultation

20 October 2020

The statutory consultation for the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood trial is now under way and comments can be submitted online or by post. People can comment more than once. The trial is initially due to last for six months, but if modified might be prolonged. On the other hand, it could be stopped before six months is up, as has occurred in some other boroughs. The council has made it clear that - despite claims to the contrary on social media - the emergency services have not objected, but if they do raise any issues during the trial the scheme will be suitably modified.

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