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Urban Design

Poems for Saddlers Square

07 February 2025

At the inauguration ceremony in the new Saddlers Square for phase 1 of Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhood, Christine Vial and Mary Duggan from the Enfield Poets gave short readings to celebrate the event. They've each sent one poem for publication on PGC.

The sun shines on Enfield Town's new square to celebrate completion of first phase of environmental improvements

29 January 2025

The sun shone on the new Saddlers Square as London's walking and cycling commissioner cut the ribbon to officially mark the completion of the first phase of a scheme to make Enfield Town more people-friendly.

Celebrating the first phase of the Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhood scheme

22 January 2025

A ribbon-cutting ceremony at the newly built 'Sadlers Square' this Saturday will mark the formal completion of the first phase of the Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhood project. Attendees are afterwards invited to take refreshments at Enfield Town Library. The council is currently seeking funding for the next phase of the project, which will improve the environment around Enfield Town Station..

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Enfield Town pedestrian improvements work starting this week

03 July 2024

Construction work on the initial phase of the Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhood scheme is due to begin this week. Phase 1 will bring improvements for pedestrians in the western part of the borough's main town centre, in particular making it easier and safer to access the Library Green and Town Park on foot from Church Street. A new public square will be created near the post office.

Devonshire Square statutory consultation ends next week

03 July 2024

The deadline for responding to a statutory consultation regarding a permanent ban from driving on Devonshire Square is approaching. The 28-day period for submitting views about banning cars from the new pedestrianised space in Palmers Green will be up on 9th July.

Redesigning Devonshire Square

15 May 2024

Palmers Green residents are being invited by Enfield Council's Journeys and Places team to provide feedback on the recently published concept for a permanent redesign of Devonshire Square. In addition to an online survey running until 2nd June, there will be a public drop-in session at Arbeit Studios on Friday 24th May.

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Southgate urban realm enhancement discussions at the Southgate Club

20 March 2024

The final stop on the Southgate Launches itinerary on Saturday 9th March, after admiring Dan Maier's window art at the library and the two new parklets on Ashfield Parade, was the Southgate Club on Chase Side, where visitors were able to meet the designers who will be creating the Portrait of Southgate mosaics, as well as finding out about plans for rain gardens along this currently very ungreen street.

Inauguration of new Southgate parklets incorporating design ideas from young people

13 March 2024

Following the inauguration of the window art at Southgate Library, the second location on last Saturday's Launch Southgate itinerary was Ashfield Parade, where two new parklets were installed last month.

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Southgate launches on Saturday!

06 March 2024

On Saturday 9th March, between 10am and 3pm, Enfield Council's Journeys & Places team launch recent urban realm projects in Southgate town centre and talk about future plans.

Delivering the Mayor of London's transport strategy in Enfield

28 February 2024

Transport for London has allocated just over £3.8m to Enfield Council in 2024/25 to fund projects which will help deliver the Mayor of London's ambitions for improvements in road safety and better conditions for walking and cycling.

'Portrait of Southgate' artists selected

23 February 2024

An artists' brief for creation of an art trail in Southgate town centre, under the title A Portrait of Southgate, was published last October. The names of the two successful artists were published on 23rd January: Alex McHallam and Liz Tiranti. They will produce mosaics for installation at three locations.

Creating a 'Portrait of Southgate'

25 October 2023

Create Enfield have published an artist's brief for an art trail around Southgate town centre, under the title A Portait of Southgate. They are looking for 'impactful' and 'engaging' works of art to counteract the impression of Southgate as 'very grey'.

Aged 16 to 18 and interested in architecture and the built environment?

05 April 2023

Accelerate is a free pioneering design, education and mentoring programme providing access to a wider pool of young people and increasing diversity in the built environment professions. Applications are now open for next year's course, starting in October 2023.

Has your home environment helped or hindered during lockdown?

18 May 2020

The Place Alliance and its partner organisations carry out research into and campaign for improvements to the built environment. They are currently carrying out a survey of how the quality of people's homes and neighbourhoods supports - or fails to support - their lives during lockdown. This short online survey runs until 24th May.

Could street play hold the key to creating more sustainable, liveable cities?

08 August 2017

This article originally appeared on the Rethinking Childhood website and is republished with the permission of the author, Tim Gill. This week marked a milestone in the UK street play movement, with the publication of three new reports. The first is an evaluation report by the University of Bristol [pdf link], published by Play England, which looked mainly at the health outcomes for children. The second is a report [pdf link] from Playing Out, the Bristol-based national hub for street play, of.......

Enfield Town Master Plan: Council extends consultation period

26 July 2017

Following complaints about consultation arrangements, Enfield Council has now extended the deadline for commenting on the draft Enfield Town Framework Master Plan until 25th September and has arranged some additional "drop-in" events on top of the event scheduled for Thursday 27th July (6pm to 8pm in the Civic Centre). The additional drop-in events are all at Enfield Town Library: Wednesday 9 August 12-2pm Saturday 12 August 1-3pm Thursday 24 August 12-2pm Some of the questions that the.......

Stewarding PG's newest public space

19 February 2025

Local residents and businesses are being invited to become involved in 'stewarding' Devonshire Square once it reopens in the spring. There will be a public meeting updating people about plans for the square on Tuesday 4th March.

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