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Transport for London has allocated just over £3.8m to Enfield Council in 2024/25 to fund projects which will help deliver the Mayor of London's ambitions for improvements in road safety and better conditions for walking and cycling.

plan of phase 1 of enfield town liveable neighbourhood schemeTfL have allocated just over £1m to help implement the first phase of the Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhoods scheme, which will make walking considerably pleasanter and safer in the north western part of the town centre

Ahead of each meeting of Full Council, councillors can submit questions to be answered in writing by cabinet members. The questions and answers are then published on the council website. The paperwork for the February 2024 meeting included the following question and answer relating to the sums recently allocated to Enfield by Transport for London (TfL) to fund projects supporting the Mayor's Transport Strategy and Vision Zero for London (elimination of road deaths and serious injuries).

Question 29 from Councillor Mahym Bedekova to Councillor Rick Jewell, Cabinet Member for Environment

How will the recent TfL funding allocation to Enfield Council contribute towards the delivery of the Mayor of London's Vision Zero?


TfL have recently confirmed funding allocations for 2024/25 to help deliver the Mayor's Transport Strategy. Enfield received an allocation of just over £3.8m, the second-highest London borough allocation.

The funding will help make our roads safer and contribute to the Mayor's Vision Zero in several ways, either directly or indirectly.

Firstly, we have an allocation of just under £0.5m for a range of projects targeted at known collision hot-spots, such as in Church Street N9, Fore Street N18 and Hertford Road EN8. Some of this allocation will also be used to develop and deliver a programme of more localised interventions to improve road safety.

Secondly, an allocation of just under £2m will be used to continue our plans to introduce safe walking and cycling facilities across the borough, promote active travel, as well further Quieter Neighbourhoods to reduce road danger in residential areas and more school streets.

Finally, TfL have allocated just over £1m to help implement the first phase of the Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhoods scheme, which will introduce safer facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as enhance the public realm for everyone.

Source: Council meeting 22nd February 2024: Supplementary Agenda

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