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Palmers Green Town Centre

Making sure Festival goers don't get caught short

01 May 2018

The organisers of the Palmers Green Festival have issued an appeal for help of a very practtcal kind. Palmers Green Festival seeks relief Festival organisers are worried that its ongoing success might cause some discomfort to visitors. Organising volunteer Angie Smith explained, “For a number of years our portaloos have been funded by a hugely generous £600 annual donation by a Palmer’s Green resident. Because the festival is developed, organised and funded entirely by.......

Council responds to ward forum complaints about Lodge Drive car park operating hours

15 November 2017

The operating hours of the Lodge Drive car park in Palmers Green are to be extended, probably from this weekend. Cars will be able to enter up until 11.30pm and leave at any time. The failure to extend the car park's operating hours - something promised as part of the Cycle Enfield project - was raised at the September meeting of the Palmers Green Ward Forum. In an email to attendees sent out today, Councillor Mary Maguire wrote: Please also note that following the September ward forum I.......

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Six new trees for Palmers Green Triangle

03 February 2017

The latest news about the Triangle from Richard Eason, Cycle Enfield Consultation Manager, is that the plans include six new trees. Five of these are intended to be ‘heavy standard’ trees (three located around HSBC and two by Starbucks). The sixth tree will be a semi-mature tree to be placed in the middle of the triangle. So essentially as captured in the attached visualisation, though the positioning of the clock is yet to be agreed. Work on the triangle is currently scheduled.......

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Cycle Enfield: Work to start in Palmers Green imminently

01 February 2017

According to a letter delivered to homes in the vicinity of the A105, Cycle Enfield construction work in Palmers Green was due to start "by late January 2017" between Lodge Drive and Osborne Road.  Work on this section would continue until June. 17th January 2017 Cycle Enfield construction on the A105 This letter is to inform you of work in your area to construct the A105 cycle lane. Work on the upcoming sections of the cycle route (between Lodge Drive and Osborne Road and also.......

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Cycle Enfield plans come under more scrutiny

02 September 2016

Enfield Council's plans to install cycle lanes along the A105 are again being challenged, this time by Conservative councillors, who have "called in" the decision by the Cabinet Member for the Environment, Councillor Daniel Anderson, to implement the proposals as set out in the Statutory Consultation earlier this year........

Cycle Enfield - part of a national strategy to improve our wellbeing

27 August 2016

Enfield Council's plans for cycle lanes along main roads and quieter neighbourhoods in residential areas moved a little closer to completion this week, when a High Court judge refused an application for a judicial review of the Cycle Enfield consultation arrangements and ordered that the Save Our Green Lanes campaigning group should pay the  Council's costs. The judge dismissed claims by the anti-cycle lane campaigners that there were  serious flaws in the way the consultation was.......

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Cycle Enfield A105 statutory consultation now running until 29th July

06 July 2016

The Cycle Enfield A105 project has now reached the Statutory Consultation stage, which runs from today (6th July) until 29th July.  This gives the public an opportunity to submit formal objections to the entire scheme or individual elements.  Enfield Council will be distributing information leaflets to homes and businesses. All required documents are linked to from Paper copies of these documents are also available for.......

Cycle Enfield A105 revisions

24 May 2016

The revised drawings for the planned cycle lanes along the entire length of the A105 between Enfield Town and Palmers Green are now available online.  The drawings reproduced below show the most important sections in Palmers Green only. In addition to the drawings the Council has published a "You said - we did" list: You Said - We Did You were concerned about the bus stop design – we have amended the design at 22 bus stops to create additional space between the bus and the.......

“We’re not anti-car. We just want better streets”

17 May 2016

A new campaigning group is calling for a fairer balance between cars, cycles, buses and pedestrians on Enfield's roads. Better Streets for Enfield supports the Cycle Enfield (Mini Holland) plans to boost cycling and walking rates by installing bike lanes, 'quieter neighbourhoods', and redesigned high streets. Devonshire Road should by rights be a quiet residential street, but most of the time is a "rat run".  For two hours a month it turns into a Play Street (Photo:  Phil Rogers)While.......

Cycle Enfield: Revised A105 plans to go on show

04 May 2016

On 19th May Enfield Council will be exhibiting the final design plans for the A105 cycle lanes scheme, revised to take account of public feedback from the last consultation round.  The exhibition will be held at Palmers Green Library from 3pm to 8pm. On the evening of Wednesday 25 May there will be a co-design workshop for residents on the design of the public realm mprovements in Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill. People have to apply for a limited number of places on this workshop, so get.......

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"One Atmosphere": Cleaning up London's air

13 November 2015

In this film of a presentation at a conference held in Australlia, Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, talks about the most important lessons learned by him from 10 years of campaigning on air pollution. The film urges immediate action to reduce local air pollution and greenhouse gases to protect public health and mitigate climate change. "One Atmosphere"  can be viewed as ten separate "chapters" or as a single 35 minute film at

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Green Lanes cycle lanes proposals have public backing

09 November 2015

According to a press release issued by Enfield Council today, a majority of people who responded to the public consultation about the A105 Cycle Enfield proposals indicated that they were in favour of the scheme going ahead. The press release states that "60 per cent of the 1,646 people consulted said they supported the plans, while just 40 percent were opposed to them".  However, the Cycling Weekly website breaks down the in favour submissions into two subcategories:  in favour - 51.......

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Cycle Enfield A105 scheme: only a few days left to comment

01 October 2015

The deadline for letting the Council have your views about the A105 component of Cycle Enfield is fast approaching - the online questionnaire must be completed by 9th October.  If you want to comment on every stretch of road, the process could take a while, so don't leave it to the last minute.  There is plenty of information available on the Cycle Enfield website, and we have published several articles with information in easily digested form. The approaching deadline has prompted.......

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Mayor of London issues report calling on drivers to cut 4 million car journeys a day by walking or cycling

27 September 2015

The Mayor of London has issued a report, Health Impact of Cars in London, which provides the evidence base for future work by policy makers and health professionals.  A key finding is that by not driving, but walking or cycling when this is a reasonable alternative, the population of London would gain over 60,000 years of healthy life every year, which would deliver an economic health benefit of over £2 billion annually. The report's authors point out that most people in London do not.......

Children are traffic too

26 September 2015

There was a public meeting this week about the Enfield Mini Holland plans, and days later, I’m just starting to work out what was actually being said… It seemed that 90% of the 200-plus audience were against the scheme. I don’t know if they represent real feeling in the area or not, since this is a bit of a rogue series of meetings that are not part of the official consultation process. They are chaired by our conservative MP (we have a Labour council) who seems to.......

Cycle Enfield - how the Triangle area might look

08 September 2015

On the Cycle Enfield website the introductory page for the A105 consultation has been revised and now has a "visualisation" of how Palmers Green Triangle might look after implementation of the cycle lanes scheme.  The option that is illustrated is the one that retains the Triangle traffic island. As the Council has emphasised from the outset, the proposals include improvements not just for cyclists, but also for other road users.  The Triangle proposals, for example, would provide.......

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Cycle Enfield A105 scheme: How to comment

22 July 2015

The exhibtion at the Fox last weekend marked the start of the 12-week consultation period during which members of the public are invited to give their views on the plans for cycle lanes between Enfield Town and Palmers Green. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as it should be to find the relevant information on the Enfield Council website, so here's a short guide with direct links. The start page for consultation is, where you can watch the.......

Cycle Enfield - next round of consultations

21 June 2015

The next round of public consultation about the Cycle Enfield ("Mini-Holland") scheme for the A105 will start with an exhibition in July.  There will then be a 12-week period in which members of the public can give their views online or on paper. Cycle Enfield West timetable Business Event – 16th July 2015Public Exhibition - 17th & 18th July 2015Public Consultation - 17th July to 9th Oct 2015 (12 weeks)"Pop-up" at Palmers Green Triangle - AugustStall at Palmers Green Festival.......

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Cycle Enfield: Partnership Board to consider draft scheme this week

14 June 2015

On 15 June the Cycle Enfield West Partnership Board will for the first time be able to discuss some specific proposals for the implementation of cycling improvements between Enfield Town and Palmers Green, using "Mini-Holland" money provided by Transport for London. Members of the Partnership Board, which comprises representatives of many different community and interest groups, have been sent the draft designs for the changes to roads and pavements.  Making sense of the drawings requires.......

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Cycle Enfield A105 project update

10 June 2015

The Cycle Enfield West Partnership Board held its second meeting on 14th May. Alex Stebbings from Jacobs, the consultancy employed by the Council, briefed community representatives on the steps taken so far and the next steps.  There was also an opportunity for members of the partnership board to ask questions and comment on the scheme. Following analysis of various surveys (see below), "feasability designs" have been sent to Transport for London (TfL) for its initial comments.  These.......

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