The Cycle Enfield A105 project has now reached the Statutory Consultation stage, which runs from today (6th July) until 29th July. This gives the public an opportunity to submit formal objections to the entire scheme or individual elements. Enfield Council will be distributing information leaflets to homes and businesses.
All required documents are linked to from
Paper copies of these documents are also available for inspection at the Civic Centre. At the end of the statutory consultation period all written comments will be considered and the designs reviewed.
The contents below are intended as a guide to the information that is available, but have no official or legal status. In case of any doubt, contact Enfield Council.
Statutory drawings
The Statutory Drawings are in the same format as was used at earlier stages of the consultation process.
Statutory consultation leaflet
The Statutory Consultation Leaflet is being distributed to homes and businesses along the route. It provides outline information about the scheme and consultation.
You said, we did
The "You said, we did" section lists objections and concerns raised about the A105 scheme and provides the Council's responses (in the form of clarifications, explanations or information about changes made in response to concerns).
Triangle redesign
The Council's designs for Palmers Green Triangle and the triangle at the Green Lanes/Compton Road junction in Winchmore Hill have drawn on the work done at co-design workshops. The picture below shows the redesigned Triangle (there is more information, including a diagram, on this page).
Draft traffic management orders
Draft versions of the traffic orders that will be published in the local press. It takes some effort to interpret these, but they include important detail that cannot be deduced from the drawings alone.
Submitting objections
To submit objections online, use the consultation form. You are required to provide name and address details and then fill in two fields:
- What is the specific location to which your objection refers?
- Please describe the nature of your objection?
These are the only questions.
Presumably you can fill in a separate form for each aspect of the plan that you wish to object to (we will try to clarify this).
It is also possible to submit objections in writing. They should be sent to Cycle Enfield, Civic Centre,
Silver Street, Enfield EN1 3XY.
Other information
Bus stop designs - showing how Bus Stop Boarders and Bus Stop Bypasses would work.
Consultation Downloads
This list is taken from the Cycle Enfield website but has been rearranged into a single list. Some of the impact assessments appear to have been revised since earlier stages of the consultation process.
- A105 Statutory Consultation drawings (July 2016)
- A105 Draft Traffic Management Order
- A105 Statutory Consultation Leaflet (distributed to homes and businesses along the route).
- You said, we did exhibition display boards (May 2016)
- A105 Revised drawings post Consultation (May 2016)
- A105 Consultation Report
- A105 Economic Impact Assessment
- A105 Air Quality Assessment
- A105 Predictive Equalities Impact Assessment
- A105 Preliminary Traffic Modelling Report
- Lodge Drive Car Park Design
- Fords Grove Car Park Design
- A105 Consultation Summary
- A105 Initial Route Drawings (pre-consultation)
- Business Exhibition Invite Letter (to business along A105 route)
- Public Exhibition Invite Letter (sent to over 17k homes)
- A105 Consultation Booklet (sent to over 60k homes)