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Palmers Green Town Centre

Update on "Mini-Holland" consultation arrangements

29 April 2015

Enfield Council has published more information about the design concepts for the main Cycle Enfield ("Mini-Holland") routes, together with feedback from the consultations held at the Fox and other venues.  There is still time to comment on the concepts before the next consultation phase begins in the summer. Information from the Fox exhibition now online The Cycle Enfield team have uploaded to their website the "opportunities plan" for the entire stretch of the A105 between Enfield Town.......

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Council seeks to reassure Green Lanes businesses about Cycle Enfield impact

28 April 2015

Enfield Council has written to businesses located along the A105 (Enfield Town-Bush Hill Parade-Winchmore Hill-Palmers Green) to reassure them that when implementing the "Mini-Holland" cycling scheme it will be taking account of their concerns about car parking, deliveries, bus services and accessibility for elderly and disabled customers. The letter from the Council also promises special consultation events for businesses and outlines the remaining steps in the consultation and planning.......

Road layout options displayed at Cycle Enfield exhibition

12 February 2015

Bob Griffiths has kindly emailed copies of the key illustrations giving possible road layouts for Green Lanes. One is for stretches with little or no retail activity and one which might apply to Palmers Green where there are shops etc on both sides of the road. Each starts with an "as now" cross section, which is followed by possible layouts using the same overall shop frontage to shop frontage distance across the road so they are intended to be easily comparable. Better quality versions of.......

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Cycle Enfield video released

11 February 2015

Ahead of tomorrow's Cycle Enfield ("Mini-Holland") exhibition and consultation at the Fox (3pm to 8pm), Enfield Council have released a short video explaining the thinking behind the scheme. The video also outlines further consultation stages. To go to the YouTube pages, click on the picture above, or view the embedded video below........

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Dates announced for Cycle Enfield consultations

23 January 2015

The dates have been announced for the first public consultations about the planned Cycle Enfield/Mini Holland cycle routes.  These will be "exhibitions" running from the afternoon to mid-evening.  Members of the public will be able to call in, examine the plans, ask questions and feed back their initial views about the schemes.  Later in the year there will be a "full and extensive public consultation". The Palmers Green/Winchmore Hill consultation will be held at the Fox from 3pm to 8pm on.......

Notes from the "Mini-Holland" meeting

18 January 2015

Earlier this month Andy Barker, in his role as Chairman of Fox Lane and District Residents' Association (FLDRA), attended the one of the Partnership Board meetings that are being held as part of the consultation about the Cycle Enfield ("Mini-Holland") scheme. This meeting relates to the section of route between Green Dragon Lane in the north and Broomfield Lane in the south. The yellow lines show an alternative to creating cycle lanes along Green Lanes. If this option is chosen, TfL will.......

Business Association lists its concerns about cycling proposals

10 January 2015

The Green Lanes Business Association (GLBA), which works on behalf of businesses in Palmers Green (mainly shops), has released the text of a letter which it sent to the Mayor of London's Cycling Commissioner in December. The beginning of Mr Georgiou's letter to the Cycling Commissioner (click on the image to view the complete original letter)The letter from GLBA Chairman Costas Georgiou was sent to the Cycling Commissioner, Andrew Gilligan, and copied to a number of local and national.......

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Residents' views on improving Palmers Green revealed

25 October 2014

In March 2014 Enfield Council carried out a public consultation, using a vehicle parked in Green Lanes, with the aim of discovering what residents of Palmers Green thought about the town centre and what improvements they would like to see to the "public realm". A hundred people attended the consultation sessions, filling in a questionnaire, annotating a map and using a "Planning for Real" model of Palmers Green town centre to focus their thoughts. A report based on the consultation exercise.......

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Installation of the new clock at Palmers Green Triangle

01 July 2014

          Photographs:  Colin Younger.......

Council update on PG Environmental Improvements and Mini-Holland changes

30 June 2014

Enfield Council have provided a written statement outlining their plans for consultation about implementing the "Mini-Holland" cycle scheme (now rechristened "Cycle Enfield")  along Green Lanes and carrying out "urban realm improvements" in Palmers Green town centre.  The letter clearly states that it is not the intention of the Council to "remove the Palmers Green Triangle". As expected, the urban realm improvements will be funded using Cycle Enfield money provided by the Mayor of.......

Could "shared space" be the solution for cyclists, pedestrians, motorists and shopkeepers?

23 June 2014

The debate about the "Mini-Holland" cycling improvements along Green Lanes has so far been pretty polarized:  on the one hand, advocates of cycle lanes along the whole street, on the other some fierce defence of the right of drivers to park in Green Lanes close to the shops they want to visit.  Cycle lane supporters claim that there is evidence to suggest that reducing car parking would boost shop sales, those defending the interests of local businesses dismiss this argument as.......

Mini-Holland: Cyclists aim to soothe PG shopkeepers' fears

23 June 2014

The Enfield Cycling Campaign is hoping that by organising a "Cycle Cash Mob" to coincide with the Palmers Green Festival of Shopping they will be able to soothe the concerns of shopkeepers in Green Lanes about the effects of the planned "Mini-Holland" cycle improvements on their businesses. The Shopping Carnival will be held on Saturday 5th July and the Cycling Campaign is asking its members - and anyone else who would like to see safer conditions for cyclists in Palmers Green - to assemble in.......

Cycle lanes in Palmers Green - more details of the mini-Holland proposals

21 May 2014

In response to a Freedom of Information request, Enfield Council have provided drawings from late 2013 showing the concepts, at that time, for implementing cycle lanes along the Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill stretch of Green Lanes.  As we reported in April on the basis of another document, the newly released material does show parking bays at various points along Green Lanes between Bourne Hill and the Triangle - on the eastern side only between Bourne Hill and Fox Lane and on both sides.......

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Shop fronts - how they impact on the street scene

07 May 2014

  Both the discussions on the mini-Holland scheme and the consultation on the future of Palmers Green raise issues about the shopping environment. One of the most significant influences on the street scene, whether in a Conservation Area (as along parts of Aldermans Hill) or more generally, is the appearance of shop fronts themselves. This can be as subtle as the colouring and lettering on shop fronts or as “in your face” as the spread of the solid shop front security shutters which.......

Details of new Sainsbury Local for Green Lanes

26 April 2014

A planning application pertaining to a new Sainsbury's Local store in Green Lanes was submitted to Enfield Council this week.  As expected, it will occupy the premises previously belonging to the Turkish food shop 1001 Supermarket and the adjacent Palmers Green News paper shop.  However, it does not include the former Coffee Culture cafe, which last week reopened as Kiva Coffee House and Brasserie (see this Enfield Independent report.). Sainsbury's are planning to open the new store.......

Palmers Green Public Realm consultation "went well"

26 March 2014

According to the Enfield Council officers involved, last weekend's public consultation about improving the "Public Realm" in Palmers Green went well, and they were pleasantly surprised at the level of interest and the amount of time many local residents spent engaging with the 3D model of Palmers Green town centre.  They have begun analysing the information they gathered from residents and hope in the near future to be able to provide some initial information about the most important themes.......

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Have your say on the future of Palmers Green

19 March 2014

This week there are three ways that you can influence the future look and feel of Palmers Green: On Thursday the Area Forum will discuss the proposed changes to Green Lanes and the Triangle. A "mobile consultation space" will be parked in Green Lanes from Friday to Sunday.  You will be invited in to tell the Council what you think about their ideas. You can contribute to our online discussion:  your top five ideas about improving the Palmers Green Public Realm.  As we.......

Success in Mini-Holland bid - but what will be the consequences for Palmers Green Triangle?

11 March 2014

Enfield's Mini-Holland funding bid has been successful.  The Borough is one of four that have been awarded up to £30 million from the Mayor of London to implement a comprehensive scheme to improve conditions for cyclists, with consequential benefits for everyone in terms of a reduction in traffic-related air pollution.  In addition to the cycling improvements, some of the money will be available for enhancement of the "public realm" along the cycle routes - for example, smartening up the appearance of streets and pavements and improving conditions for pedestrians.  However, an unpublicised consequence of the scheme's implementation may be the removal of the Triangle traffic island at the heart of Palmers Green.

What became of the Triangle toilet railings?

10 March 2014

If you've ever wondered what became of the railings around the public conveniences at the Triangle, we have now discovered that they are being stored by the Council's highways contractor at a site in Broxbourne.  The Council is open to suggestions from residents' groups about suitable sites in Palmers Green to re-erect them.  One suggested location is in front of the Conservatory in Broomfield Park.  If you like this idea or have another suggestion, you can use our Forums to air.......

Council to consult over Palmers Green Public Realm improvements

06 March 2014

 Later this month local residents will be invited to play a part in planning future enhancements to the "Palmers Green Public Realm", which we understand refers to redevelopment and public works along the stretch of Green Lanes between Bourne Hill and Broomfield Lane and to the eastern end of Aldermans Hill. The focal point of this area is Palmers Green Triangle, the future shape of which is uncertain - the last study carried out by the Council actually recommended completely removing the.......

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