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Enfield Council

Enfield Council statement on easing of restrictions in parks and open spaces

13 May 2020

A statement issued by Enfield Council following the government's relaxation of lockdown restrictions acknowledges that some of the new guidance can be confusing and strongly advises residents to stay at home if at all possible

Update on waste collections, recycling and flytipping

29 April 2020

Some brief updates on the general subject of waste collections and recycling.

Council consultation on its Climate Action Plan

15 April 2020

The Climate Action Plan published by Enfield Council in mid-March outlines measures designed to make the council carbon-neutral by 2030. However, only 11 per cent of borough-wide emissions are due to the council's own operations, the main sources are transport, housing and the industrial and commercial sector, and it is equally important to make these carbon-neutral too. The deadline for comments is looming - in view of the coronavirus crisis taking precedence, it should be extended.

Read the full article and forum comments

Temporary jobs with Enfield Council

13 April 2020

Some of Enfield Council's services need additional staff or have staff shortages due to the coronavirus outbreak. These are temporary roles that need to be filled now and are open to anyone who is unemployed.

Enfield Stands Together update

12 April 2020

An update on the support to vulnerable people provided by Enfield Stands Together

Update on waste collections

07 April 2020

Enfield Council has posted updated information about waste collection services on its Facebook page. In summary: Barrowell Green recycling centre remains closed; All four household waste collection services are continuing; To cope with extra waste generated during the crisis, street cleaning teams will collect bags of 'side waste' - up to two additional sacks per collection; Avoid big 'clear-outs' and do not put out large items; Double-bag potentially contaminated items.

Help for those in need of practical support

30 March 2020

Enfield Council has published a flyer notifying people of the support available through Enfield Stands Together.

Support for residents who fall behind with council tax payments

30 March 2020

Enfield Council is suspending enforcement or recovery action against people who fall behind or have problems paying their council tax.

Enfield Housing Services during the Coronavirus outbreak

30 March 2020

Enfield Council's Housing Service has published the following information about how it will be operating during the current virus outbreak.

Council launches Enfield Stands Together

18 March 2020

Enfield Council and Enfield Voluntary Action today launched Enfield Stands Together, a 'community response website', with the aim of coordinating volunteering and help to those who need it.

Petition launched opposing Dugdale Centre changes

06 March 2020

A campaign to 'Save Our Dugdale' has been launched after community groups which use rooms on the first floor of the Dugdale Centre were told that they will no longer be available from this September. In response, Enfield Council has explained that it plans to use the accommodation to improve services for children and families.

Read the full article and forum comments

Council consulting on community involvement in planning

01 March 2020

Enfield Council is consulting on a draft revised Statement of Community Involvement in Planning.

Read the full article and forum comments

Report calls for government funding to tackle growing deprivation in the borough

04 February 2020

The final report of the Enfield Poverty and Inequality Commission found that deprivation in the borough has increased in recent years and called on the government to review its funding arrangement for local authorities to help them tackle increasing poverty. The Commission made 27 recommendations which it says will make a significant difference to families with the lowest incomes in the borough. They include reforming the private rented sector, improving access to healthcare - including mental health services - revitalising youth services and reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read the full article and forum comments

Environmental campaigners interrupt council meeting

02 February 2020

A demonstration by environmental campaigners from Extinction Rebellion Enfield led to last Wednesday's meeting of Enfield Council being temporarily adjourned. The protesters say that the council is taking too long to take measures to combat the climate emergency.

Six months on from the climate emergency declaration: What has the council done so far?

14 January 2020

On 8th July last year, two days before full council declared a Climate Emergency, Enfield's cabinet members signed a printed copy of a document pledging action to tackle climate change. Six months on, how much progress has been made? Deputy council leader Ian Barnes provides answers to some questions.

Extinction Rebellion Enfield plans protest to remind council to act now

14 January 2020

Extinction Rebellion Enfield, the local branch of the global environmental movement, is planning a protest in Enfield Town on Saturday 25th January to raise awareness for the lack of action to address climate issues in the borough.

Prize draw: How much do you know about the council's Healthy Streets programme?

14 January 2020

Enfield residents who take part in a survey about the council's Healthy Streets programmes will be entered in a draw to win a £50 shopping voucher.

Commissioners have a second go at redrawing ward boundaries

05 November 2019

Modified proposals for new wards are out for consultation. Compared with the proposals consulted on in May, they reallocate some streets in Palmers Green ward to Winchmore Hill ward and vice versa.

Local groups encouraged to seek Lottery funding for heritage projects

21 October 2019

Following the official launch last week of the borough's new Heritage Strategy, Enfield Council is encouraging community groups to propose ideas for local heritage projects that could attract funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF). Recent changes to NLHF priorities mean that projects in Enfield should stand a higher chance of success when bidding for funds.

Social care sector workers striking for London Living Wage

02 October 2019

Following a ballot, workers who support people with learning disabilities at a home in Enfield have begun a series of one-day-a-week strikes after the failure of negotiations to increase their pay from the minimum wage of £8.21 per hour to the London Living Wage (LLW) of £10.55 per hour.
