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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Cllr Mary Maguire has provided an update on Enfield Stands Together.

Dear Resident,

Wishing you all a safe and peaceful Easter weekend. During this time, Enfield Council continues to offer help and support to our residents, particularly those who are vulnerable, to those identified as at risk and those self-isolating. We have a list of 4,400 residents in the extremely vulnerable group - all of whom have been contacted to offer help and support. In addition, 3,800 residents have called our hotline number.

Our supply centre is up and running and staffed by officers, councillors and volunteers who are packing parcels of food and distributing them - we are distributing in excess of 400 a day so far. This is in addition to the food packages provided by the Government. We are receiving about 35 emergency requests a day; we expect this number to increase as the lock-down measures continue. We have taken over the Travelodge in Edmonton to help house the homeless.

coronavirus access to parks1Volunteers have been amazing - in helping to pack and deliver food parcels and prescriptions. Local businesses, too, have been fantastic, many donating food or services at this time when we do all need to stand together.

Council staff are working tremendously hard whether carrying on the business of the council, making sure that homeless and rough sleepers are housed, or helping to co-ordinate, organise and deliver the ongoing response and those on the front-line - social workers, carers, parks attendants and the refuse collectors. Our refuse collectors are working hard to empty the bins and keep our roads clean and safe - please remember that they, too, are affected by this virus. Our workforce is currently down by 17% due to the impact of coronavirus - this puts an incredible amount of pressure on our front-line teams. I'm sure you, like me, have been out every Thursday at 8pm applauding our selfless NHS and caring staff - all the front-line workers are doing their best to look after us.

As a council, we are a good way through the mammoth task of distributing government grants to small and medium sized businesses and financial help to residents through the council tax support and hardship scheme. We are also looking at how we can support our SME businesses to come out the other end of this, so that our high streets and our local businesses are still there and available for us all. So please remember the local food retailers when you go for your shopping.

We really want to keep our parks open for our residents to be able to take their daily exercise. This weekend will be challenging. We have additional staff in the parks and, working with your Safer Neighbourhood Team, will be encouraging residents to observe the stay safe rules and to not use any equipment. Thanks to the SNT, particularly our PCSO Jen Arkwright and her colleagues, on the front-line for us. Every day, we have to send officers out to secure play and gym areas where people have wantonly disregarded the advice and broken the locks on basketball courts and other play areas.

I attach a pdf of the posters that are now up in the parks to remind residents of the stay safe rules. I have also attached the EnfieldStandsTogether information- if you or anyone you know needs help or you want to volunteer. Again, if you cannot volunteer, please consider donating to the Just-Giving EnfieldStandsTogether fundraising page.

Thanks and stay safe and well,

Cllr Mary Maguire

Palmers Green Ward
Cabinet Member for Finance & Procurement

Enfield Stands Together

enfield stands together flyerWe are prioritising support for those residents who are unable to rely on family or trusted friends for adequate practical support

  • Are you alone?
  • Do you need food?
  • Do you need any household cleaning products?
  • Do you need a prescription collected?
  • Do you need your electricity key topped up?
  • Would you like to receive a personal phone call to discuss your concerns?

If you answer yes to any of these questions and you are unable to get support from family or trusted friends, please ring us on 0203 821 1966.

You can also request help through our online form and get more information about our community support scheme, Enfield Stands Together, at

Further information about coronavirus, Enfield Council service changes and our support for businesses can be found at

Enfield Council is working with the NHS to ensure that residents on the NHS shielding list and those who are most vulnerable receive the support they need.

Please note: We will contact you before we do any necessary visits to your home. Make sure you stay safe and ask for identification from anyone knocking on your door.

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