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Community Projects

A safe space for young people - Out of the Box

09 March 2020

Jenny Godfrey from the Palmers Green Youth Provision describes the three types of support that will be offered to young people and their parents or carers. The Out of the Box youth centre launches on Friday 13th March.

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Cheering up Palmers Green Station!

24 February 2020

Lucy Burton from the Palmers Green Action Team (PGAT) tells the story of PGAT's latest project - cheering up Palmers Green Station by commissioning artworks

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Broomfield Park friends celebrate a bumper year for community events

18 December 2019

Friends of Broomfield Park are celebrating the end of an event-packed year for Palmers Green's favourite park, during which more than 13,000 people visited to take part in activities including music, theatre, dance, storytelling, well-being, apple tasting, food and much more. Dates of the 2020 events are already on the Friends' website.

Action women!

11 December 2019

For the benefit of those readers who avoid Facebook (probably very wisely), here are some updates on what the dynamic Palmers Green Action Team has been up to recently.

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Local groups encouraged to seek Lottery funding for heritage projects

21 October 2019

Following the official launch last week of the borough's new Heritage Strategy, Enfield Council is encouraging community groups to propose ideas for local heritage projects that could attract funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF). Recent changes to NLHF priorities mean that projects in Enfield should stand a higher chance of success when bidding for funds.

A community hub for Palmers Green?

06 October 2019

At the recent meetings about reviving Palmers Green town centre a suggestion made from the floor was that PG needs a 'community hub'. So what might a community hub look like? A couple of months ago I visited Social Spider, the community interest company that publishes the Enfield Dispatch. Their offices are in Walthamstow, in a building called The Mill. The Mill is a perfect example of one possible type of community hub.

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Celebrating the All Good Bookshop

26 August 2019

Local author Stephen Cox celebrates the opening of a co-operatively run bookshop in Blue House Yard, near Wood Green Station.

Apply for funding from Walking and Cycling Grants London

14 August 2019

Walking and Cycling Grants London is a programme which supports London's diverse communities to walk and cycle more often and more safely. The programme, funded by Transport for London and administered by Groundwork London, offers grants to projects of up to £10,000 over a three year period.

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Palmers Green Action Team: What next?

25 June 2019

Hello all! Thank you all again so much for all of your hard work and dedication which made our Spring Clean Event an amazing success! We’ve had some ideas about what’s next, but we’d also like to open it up to you to discuss.

StART Haringey seeks a development manager

24 May 2019

Do you have experience of developing social housing sites? Can you apply your negotiation and business planning skills in a community-led housing setting?

Springing into action to make PG a more beautiful and thriving place

06 March 2019

A group of PG residents who are keen to make Palmers Green a more beautiful and thriving place have got together to form the Palmers Green Action Team. Their plans include a spring clean of the town centre on 11th May.

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Got an idea to improve where you live? Find out how to use community crowdfunding

22 February 2019

Enfield Now is a crowdfunding initiative where you can share your community ideas and offer friends, neighbours, local businesses and others the opportunity to pledge their support to make your idea a reality.

Community cafe back in business

24 March 2021

The Palmers Greenery Community Cafe in Broomfield Park has reopened, with Covid precautions in place.

Blitzing the Brooks!

06 April 2022

Tired of seeing and smelling pollution from your local river? Join the Thames21 WATERBLITZ across the Pymmes, Salmons and Turkey Brooks.

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