pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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palmers green action team committee december 2019The Palmers Green Action Team committee members take a well deserved refreshment break at the beginning of December 2019

For the benefit of those readers who avoid Facebook (probably very wisely), here are some updates on what the dynamic Palmers Green Action Team has been up to recently.

The photo above was posted on 3rd December with the following message:

So here we are, the PGAT Committee. Almost a year old, with a strong team of volunteers behind us, projects under our belts, plans afoot and ideas in the pipeline. We are a team of local volunteers all passionate about making the high street the best it can be for the community. We have no vested interest, but we live in PG, we raise our children here and we want to see the area fulfil its potential.

As a group we have a variety of skills and backgrounds, some of us run businesses, some work part time or full time and we’ve busy family lives alongside our PGAT commitments.

Our committee are Justine, Heather, Claude, Natasha, Lucy, Liz, Christine, Dana, Helen and Sarah.

If you would like to know more about upcoming projects and get involved, please do drop us a line - we would love to meet you! And thanks for all the support so far,


And here's an update posted on Tuesday.

palmers green action team planting trees december 2019

Spring 🌷 It might be a few months away yet but we have been busy in the last couple of weeks, planting hundreds of bulbs around PG; in the flower beds at the library, the job centre and under the potted trees along the high street... keep your eyes peeled when the warmer weather comes and look out for those green shoot of recovery 🌈 thanks to our green team and volunteers as always.

Finally, some very promising news about Palmers Green station.

palmers green station december 2019

All change please 🚞 After months of conversations, we are very pleased to say we are setting up a Station Partnership at PG train station, so we can get the platforms and entrance greened up. Hopefully by Spring there will be colourful planters and baskets for us all to enjoy on our way to work 💐 In addition we’re exploring art ideas including professional painting on the outside boards. 🎨 Hopefully we will all see some big improvements in the coming months.


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