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Community Projects

Community projects awarded grants of up to £70,000

17 November 2021

A new community hub at Firs Farm Wetlands and improved equipment in Tottenhall Rec are among the projects that will be benefiting from the first round of the Enfield Neighbourhood Fund.

A busy year for the Friends of Broomfield Park

14 November 2021

Watch a presentation about the last year's work by the Friends of Broomfield Park.

Funding our Floral Friends

20 October 2021

The appeal by the Friends of Broomfield Park for donations to help restore three of the park's borders has got off to a great start. Only four days after sending out their first email asking for donations, enough money had flowed in for the Friends to start work on one of the borders this autumn. However, the volunteers are still £1000 short of the amount they need to complete the project.

Core Blimey! Ten years of Forty Hall Farm Orchard

23 September 2021

Val Dyer from the Forty Hall Farm Orchard volunteers' group invites readers to help celebrate the orchard's tenth anniversary at its Apple Day on 10th October.

Friends of Firs Farm raise alarm about crematorium proposal

08 September 2021

Friends of Firs Farm Wetlands have launched a campaign against a proposal by Enfield Council to build a crematorium on land at Firs Farm where the Friends have been planning to build a community hub.

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So much more than a park café - the story of the Palmers Greenery

18 August 2021

A few weeks ago Francis Sealey of GlobalNet21 and Enfield Voices uploaded an interview with Sarah Cotton about the Palmers Greenery community café in Broomfield Park. The interview is packed with information and ideas and I've picked out just a few of the points. Watching the interview, if you weren't aware of it already, you'll soon realise that, in Sarah's words, the Greenery is 'so much more than a park café'.

Building a multigenerational chill-out space

14 July 2021

A new 'chill-out' space in Broomfield Park which was formally opened last Wednesday has been designed and built by pupils from Broomfield School to provide somewhere for people of different generations to spend time together in the park. The project is a collaboration between the school, the Palmers Greenery community cafe, the Friends of Broomfield Park and the charity Build Up.

Marvellous mosaics!

31 March 2021

They took a long time to piece together, but at last the mosaic artworks for Palmers Green station are in place. They've been installed in existing recesses in the wall underneath the stairs to Platform 2 and can be viewed as an ensemble from the very front of Platform 1.

Community groups invited to bid for money for innovative projects

30 March 2021

Enfield Council is inviting community groups to bid for grants of up to £60,000 to fund projects that will help develop their neighbourhoods and improve the day-to-day lives of communities. The Enfield Community Fund, totalling £1.4 million, will disburse the 15 per cent of developers' Community Infrastructure Levy contributions which is ringfenced for local projects.

Mayor's grant gives go-ahead for greening Green Lanes

17 March 2021

Thanks to the pledges and likes posted by local people on Facehive, the Palmers Green Action Team's project to start creating a green chain from Broomfield Park to Hazelwood Rec is now assured financially. The money taking the project over the finishing line came in the shape of a grant of £4,065 from the Mayor of London. Added to the more than £1,500 pledged by individuals and organisations, that takes the total to just under £6,000, 128 per cent of the target of £4,363.

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The first links in a green chain between Broomfield Park and Hazelwood Rec

12 February 2021

A green chain stretching from Broomfield Park all the way to Hazelwood Recreation Ground, allowing birds, butterflies and other pollinators to cross Green Lanes east/west - that's the vision of the Palmers Green Action Team. To get it started, they've launched a Spachive crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds needed to buy and put in place two trees to green the stretch of Green Lanes between the Triangle and the end of Hazelwood Lane

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Making Palmers Greener in 2021: Become a tree donor

02 February 2021

When at the end of 2020 Friends of Broomfield Park announced the launch of their Tree Project, they were surprised (and delighted) when individuals and businesses offered to donate trees for planting in the park. Obviously, they didn't turn down the offers and are now seeking further donations so that they can make their planting plans even more ambitious and turn Palmers Green even greener.

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Piece by piece...

17 January 2021

The next items of street art being created for PG under commission from the Palmers Green Action Team are taking a while... But that's hardly surprising, as they're a set of mosaics which will adorn Palmers Green Station and are being put together one little piece at a time.

Palmers Greenery cafe closed until further notice

07 January 2021

Contrary to information in this week's PGC newsletter, the Palmers Greenery community cafe is currently closed until further notice.

Bed-time in Broomfield Park

09 December 2020

Gardener Vic Black writes that people have told her that at one time there were up to 12 gardeners tending to the flowerbeds in Broomfield Park. More recently, however, there has been no brigade of park staff to keep the beds in check, so many were sadly reclaimed by the weeds. And that would probably still be the case, if the Friends of Broomfield Park had not stepped in...

Join the Action Team in a community clean-up

07 October 2020

Palmers Green Action Team are looking for people to help with a litter pick of Bridge Drive next to Morrison's car park.

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Free ebook: Creating Communities

07 October 2020

Groundwork London are providing free downloads of Creating Communities: Cooking, Crafting and Gardening from Across the World at Home.

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The planters just arrived on Platform 2

09 June 2020

The Palmers Green Action Team's project of commissioning artworks to improve our town centre has moved forward with the installation of this new station sign, created by the Bread Collective. The next step will be to add planting, which will grow up around the lettering.

Towards a greener Broomfield Park

06 May 2020

Throughout their existence, the Friends of Broomfield Park have been helping make the park 'green' in the modern environmental sense of the word. Last week they published a document outlining their work to date and what they are planning for the future. Also highlighted are the FoBP's community and educational roles.

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Launch of Enfield Coronavirus Help

18 March 2020

Love Your Doorstep Enfield have been cooperating with many other organisations across the borough to organise coordinated help for vulnerable people or those who are self-isolating. They have set up links to online forms for those in need of help and for people who would like to volunteer.

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