pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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The the announcement that Hazelwood is one of the schools chosen for the next batch of school streets could not have been more perfectly timed, as on Friday the team behind the Hazelwood Lane Project will be submitting their ideas to the council. School streets and the Project share the same main aim - to encourage sustainable and active travel by families to Hazelwood School by creating a safe pathway for children and parents. What's more, the Project would improve conditions at all times of day and days of the week for people of all ages walking or cycling along the top part of Hazelwood Lane.

action 1 make the pathway smooth and evenThe first of the Hazelwood Lane Project's main ideas is to get rid of the many trip and fall hazards between Green Lanes and the school

School streets achieve the aim of encouraging sustainable and active travel by closing the street to through motor traffic at the times when children are arriving at or leaving school, reducing danger and pollution and making the immediate environment of the school quieter and pleasanter. The Hazelwood Lane Project would make walking to school a more attractive option by improving pavements and crossings between Green Lanes and the school. Collaboration between the council's school streets engineers and the Hazelwood Lane Project's team of local residents is a "no-brainer".

action 2 make the crossings safe by raising the path and slowing trafficCrossing side roads presents the biggest hazard to people walking along Hazelwood Lane

You can show your support for the project team's ideas and reinforce the message to the council by signing their petition - click on this link or scan the QR code at the end of this article.

action 3 make the walk to school excitingAdd a dash of colour and interest to the walk along Hazelwood Lane

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