pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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The second Quieter Neighbourhoods scheme to be consulted on is for the "Connaught Gardens" QN - the triangular area bounded by Hedge Lane, the North Circular and Green Lanes.  The deadline for responses is 22nd October.

connaught gardens qn proposals

I was hoping that Enfield Council's traffic planners would have studied how tremendously effective the "villages" in Walthamstow have proved, dramatically improving the liveability of residential streets by making it awkward, but not impossible, for cars to drive through residential zones.  Instead, they seem to be simply bringing out of the cupboard the designs that were worked up two or three years ago and only deal with particular localised problems.

As with the "Wolves Lane" QN, the Council is not really doing much to create a zone with little or no through traffic, though the measures proposed for the eastern end of Oakthorpe Road and for Arnold Gardens and Chimes Avenue look as if they should be effective at stopping rat-running towards the North Circular in this locality.  Unfortunately, the detailed drawings of the proposed "point no entry" build-outs are missing from the consultation document (presumably this is unintentional).  Without seeing these, it's difficult to judge what exactly the build-outs will achieve.

However, the plans don't seem to do anything about another serious rat run: south along Connaught Gardens, right into Hazelwood Lane, left into Callard Avenue, left onto the North Circ.  There is also a rat running problem at the top of Hazelwood Lane: cars enter from Green Lanes and turn right into The Grove, making both streets busier than they ought to be, and nothing has been done to stop this.

The proposed one-way system in Windsor and Osborne Roads and at the end of Lightcliffe Road is likely to increase traffic in Park Avenue, which won't be welcome to its residents.  Currently, Park Avenue does not suffer seriously from through traffic, but some drivers go much too fast for a shortish residential street.  Unlike Windsor and Osborne, there are no plans to install speed bumps in Park Avenue.

The one-way system will also create additional traffic along New River Crescent.  In fact, as far as i can see, there's nothing to stop cars wishing to avoid the Hedge Lane/Green Lane lights from using New River Crescent and Park Avenue.

The consultation document mentions in passing that following an earlier consultation, the council is going ahead with installing width restrictions at the northern ends of Connaught Gardens and Munster Gardens and at the point where Hazelwood Lane crosses the New River.  These are designed to stop HGVs transiting through the area and will be installed in the near future.

Overall, I'm deeply disappointed by these proposals, as they will only deter some of the rat runners and will create new rat running routes.  A much more ambitious and effective scheme could have been developed.

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Karl Brown posted a reply
28 Sep 2017 20:51
I assume then that this does NOT represent the commonly agreed position residents developed over two council facilitated workshops?
Basil Clarke posted a reply
28 Sep 2017 22:59
Karl Brown wrote:

I assume then that this does NOT represent the commonly agreed position residents developed over two council facilitated workshops?

It is pretty similar to what we'd developed, but with some differences:
  1. I recall there being something to make it more difficult to turn right out of Connaught Gardens into Hazelwood Lane
  2. I don't think there was agreement about making Osborne and Windsor one-way.
But the thing is that we weren't being very ambitious because we didn't know how much could be achieved, ie the Walthamstow villages hadn't been done at that stage.

Going back to something similar to what the workshops had arrived at is obviously easier and quicker for the council, but I think they should have at least suggested something more radical.
Karl Brown posted a reply
02 Oct 2017 18:49
Neither seem anywhere close to fulfilling the objective of setting the bid-outlined framework of developing a grid of tertiary streets across the borough - essentially residential streets within an A-road boundary pretty much protected from vehicles and so providing the safety for cyclists to get about and also to facilitate their safe access to the segregated cycle lanes. Nor do they tackle through (rat-running) traffic, a second related key theme of the bid.
The Lakes / Meadway / Fernleigh Road area Quieter Neighbourhoods, presumably also due out shortly, will be interesting in both capturing the planned quietway running parallel to Green Lanes and any safe cycling means between Palmers Green and Southgate town centres, two of the boroughs four main centres. Let’s see if they’re a bit more up to the required and anticipated tasks because let’s not forget that London’s transport strategy, as currently written, has us at peak car journey levels, with the planned expectation of a future reduction with car journeys being replaced by public transport, cycling and walking. If that’s to happen then the infrastructure will need to accept it and facilitate it.
Tia Sotiriou posted a reply
10 Oct 2017 13:08
I stumbled upon this consultation on this website last night by chance and was upset to see that speed humps are planned for Arnold Gardens.

I think these will only exaggerate the noise problem and our road is far too narrow not to affect our properties by noise.

I do however agree with the no point of entry proposals. The rat run is a serious issue for us residents and the noise is never ending of vehicles cutting through at all hours.

I don't recall receiving the consultation papers in the post from the council. I did receive a set many months ago but that was all and if I remember right there was no mention of speed humps.

I have looked on the Enfield Council website but cannot find any information, surprise surprise!

I have now emailed David Taylor at the council to see if I get a response to my questions.
Basil Clarke posted a reply
10 Oct 2017 14:13
I live in Park Avenue, which is also in the "Connaught Gardens Quieter Neighbourhood". We had small notice put through the door a couple of weeks ago telling us to look at the Cycle Enfield website and without any information about the specific plans for our area. I think the council is saving money by using the same flyer for all the quieter neighbourhoods rather than printing separate more detailed ones. The end result is that the public will be even less well informed about these new consultations than they were about the original one.

The details of the scheme are at and there is a more detailed drawing at

As regards Arnold Gardens, the main thing is to stop the rat run from Connaught Gardens:

Connaught Gardens - right into Hazelwood Lane - left into Chimes Avenue - left into Arnold Gardens - left into Oakthorpe Road - left onto the North Circ.

To be successful, it must make it very difficult to use this route, but at the same time it must be possible for people living in those streets to be able to enter and leave them, even if they have to drive slightly further than they do at the moment.

I'm not sure that the proposals will actually achieve this, it's difficult to tell from the maps.

Also, they won't stop people turning into Callard Avenue to get to the North Circ. I am right in thinking that you can turn left out of Callard Avenue onto the North Circ?
Tia Sotiriou posted a reply
10 Oct 2017 17:07
Since the cycle works on Green Lanes began, the rat run on Arnold Gardens and Chimes Avenue disappeared. However, since Saturday (7th) we have noticed the traffic has returned, with a vengeance!

I am dreading the thought of speed humps outside my bedroom window!

I have emailed an officer at the council to see if he can assist with my questions. I doubt any of my neighbours are aware as to the plans for humps and no entry points.
PGC Webmaster posted a reply
21 Oct 2017 13:32
Tomorrow (22nd October) is the last day you can fill in the online consultation about traffic calming in the area to the south of Hedge Lane, including Hazelwood Lane, Oakthorpe Road, Park Avenue, Windsor Road, Osborne Road, Connaught Gardens, Munster Gardens... To read what Better Streets for Enfield think about the scheme go to

To respond to the consultation visit

Basil Clarke posted a reply
21 Oct 2017 13:52
Arnold Gardens changes look as if they will be effective in stopping this street being used as a rat run. However, surely this will mean that the rat runners will use Callard Avenue instead? So it won't stop the fast rat runners along Connaught Gardens who turn right into Hazelwood Lane and are a big menace.

At the far end of the scheme, one-waying Osborne and Windsor Roads will add to the traffic on Park Avenue and New River Crescent. The council should either abandon the one-way scheme or take serious steps to calm Park Avenue, which too many drivers go along at high speed. It needs speed humps anyway, even as things are, and a narrowing at Lightcliffe Road junction to discourage fast through traffic.
Anoushka Kisten posted a reply
01 Nov 2017 21:42
These measures fail to address a number of questions. Where is the traffic coming from and going too? Why are they using Callard Avenue and Arnold Gardens as a cut through?
The possible answer is they are coming from the west of the borough (Southgate/ Winchmore Hill) via Bourne Hill and going East via A406 and A10.
Why are they using these roads, because the Bowes Road/ A406 junction is horrendous and the Hedge Lane/ Great Cambridge Roundabout lights are badly phased, so very few cars get through with the traffic backing up Hedge Lane. Which inturn forces traffic into Lightcliff through to Connaught Gardens.

Until these junctions are improved people will continue to use these "short cuts" to get on to the A406.
Darren Edgar posted a reply
02 Nov 2017 10:12
As someone who comes from the west (nr Southgate) heading East, I cannot see the above at all. Why would I/drivers ever need to bother with Callard or Arnold? Bourne Hill then over Green Lanes onto Hedge Lane straight down to A406. Very efficient.

Totally bizarre someone would change this direct journey to go via Callard/Arnold.

Fed up backed up Green Lanes traffic might turn off and head down Oakthorpe but that's about it.

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