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Quieter Neighbourhoods - Connaught Gardens

Council proposing new active travel route through Palmers Green

04 April 2023

Enfield Council's recently announced plans for a new cycling and walking route will mean that the important shopping, travel and employment hub at Southgate Circus will for the first time be safely accessible by bike from the Fox Lane LTN and Palmers Green. However, continuing the route east of PG to the Cambridge Roundabout will require bold measures to make Hazelwood Lane safe for cycling.

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Hazelwood Lane to get a school street, but a more radical solution to its traffic problems isn't imminent

07 November 2021

Enfield's Council's deputy leader has revealed that a school street scheme will be installed outside Hazelwood Primary and should be in force by May. However, phase 2 of the Connaught Gardens LTN, which would solve chronic problems further along Hazelwood Lane, remains a more distant prospect.

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Connaught Gardens QN phase 1 - engagement survey launched

22 June 2021

The statutory consultation period for phase 1 of the Connaught Gardens Quieter Neighbourhood scheme ended last week, on 14th June, but this week Enfield Council has launched a less formal 'engagement survey', which will run until Sunday 11th July.

Connaught Gardens and Bowes quieter neighbourhoods update

12 May 2021

In response to questions from Palmers Green Community, deputy council leader Ian Barnes has provided some updates on the status of the Connaught Gardents quieter neighbourhood scheme plus a couple of points about the Bowes scheme.

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Connaught Gardens QN phase 1 enters consultation phase

03 March 2021

Formal consultation for phase 1 of the Connaught Gardens quieter neighbourhood is now under way. This relates to a small one-way system and 20mph zone in the north-western corner of the area designated as a quieter neighbourhood.

Enfield wins £1.5m for active travel and quieter neighbourhood schemes

06 January 2021

Enfield Council has been allocated government funding totalling £1.55 million to spend on active travel schemes: £1.3 million to pay for two cycleway schemes and £160,000 for phase 2 of the Bowes low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN), which would use a 'bus gate' to give relief to the long suffering residents of Brownlow Road. Additionally, the council is hopeful of obtaining funding from Transport for London in the next financial year for phase 2 of the Connaught Gardens LTN and is planning to start work on two further LTNs, in Upper Edmonton.

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Revised one-way system in effect from 14th December

07 December 2020

A notice in the official publication The Gazette notifies the public that the revised one-way system in Windsor Road, Osborne Road and parts of Lightcliffe Road and New River Crescent will come into force on 14th December. It will be put into effect by an Experimental Traffic Order, which will run for a period of six months, during which written objections to its being made permanent can be submitted.

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Residents come together in support of the Connaught Gardens low-traffic neighbourhood

02 December 2020

Residents for Connaught Gardens LTN is a new group set up to support the proposal to create a low-traffic neighbourhood in Palmers Green to the east of Green Lanes. In this article they set out the reasons why they would like to see all through traffic excluded from the triangular area between Green Lanes, Hedge Lane and the North Circular Road.

Connaught Gardens low-traffic neighbourhood - why is it needed?

25 November 2020

Enfield Council's plan for a low-traffic neighbourhood in the Connaught Gardens area was drawn up after an origin and destination survey using automatic number plate recognition revealed that there are multiple routes through the area used by drivers cutting through between main roads.

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Council consulting on new low-traffic neighbourhood proposals

18 November 2020

Enfield Council has launched a consultation on proposals for the Connaught Gardens quieter neighbourhood. The council plans to use low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) principles, which would stop drivers using the area's residential streets as a cut-through between Green Lanes, the North Circular Road and Hedge Lane, while still allowing access to all addresses by car.

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Road signs go walkies

14 October 2020

Civic-minded PG citizens were out in the rain on Tuesday afternoon replacing more than 30 wayward signs for a one-way system which had somehow detached themselves from their supporting frames and gathered together in huddles on the pavement in Lightcliffe Road and near the end of Park Avenue.

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Council outlines new Quieter Neighbourhoods strategy

27 August 2019

The latest information on the Cycle Enfield website about Enfield Council's Quieter Neighbourhoods programme outlines an updated strategy, which envisages schemes eventually covering the entire borough. It includes, for the first time, a scheme in Bowes ward west of Green Lanes. Revised proposals for the Fox Lane and Connaught Gardens schemes, which are included in phase 1, will be revealed at public events in, respectively, 'late summer 2019' and 'early Autumn 2019'

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Connaught Gardens Quieter Neighbourhood consultation now on

27 September 2017

The second Quieter Neighbourhoods scheme to be consulted on is for the "Connaught Gardens" QN - the triangular area bounded by Hedge Lane, the North Circular and Green Lanes.  The deadline for responses is 22nd October. I was hoping that Enfield Council's traffic planners would have studied how tremendously effective the "villages" in Walthamstow have proved, dramatically improving the liveability of residential streets by making it awkward, but not impossible, for cars to drive through.......

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Width restrictions planned for Connaught Gardens area

27 March 2017

The deadline for objecting to width restrictions in Connaught Gardens, Munster Gardens and Hazelwood Lane is Wednesday 29th March Consultation on Quieter Neighbourhood measures for these streets is still running - so why the rush to install width restrictions? Better Streets for Enfield say width restrictions are hazardous and want to see more effective measures to cut through traffic The Quieter Neighbourhoods survey also ends this week - on Friday To object to the width restrictions.......

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Building respect for the areas where we live: the relaunch of Quieter Neighbourhoods

10 March 2017

Enfield Council has relaunched its Quieter Neighbourhoods (QNs) project, an important element of its Mini Holland bid which has been on hold since early 2015.  Leaflets will soon be posted through doors of people living in the first areas to be surveyed and it is already possible to fill in an online Residents' Perception Survey. The thinking behind the QNs schemes is summed up on the Cycle Enfield website: We're working with residents to make their streets quieter and safer.  By.......

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Quieter Neighbourhoods planning work to resume soon

08 February 2017

Now that construction of cycle lanes is finally under way, Enfield Council will shortly be making announcements about the other important aspect of its Cycle Enfield/Mini Holland project - measures to set up a network of Quieter Neighbourhoods throughout the borough. Two of the planned Quieter Neighbourhoods in Palmers Green. Click on the map to enlargeWork on developing Quieter Neighbourhoods - involving measures to reduce the amount of traffic in residential side streets, and in.......

Quieter Neighbourhoods consultations begin

17 November 2014

The initial consultation stage has now begun for two "Quieter Neighbourhood" schemes covering a large swathe of residential streets extending from the Cambridge Roundabout in the south east almost as far as Southgate Circus in the north west (though excluding Green Lanes, which runs between the two areas). Consultation began last month for the Wolves Lanes Quieter Neighbourhood, which lies south of the Connaught Gardens QN, separated from it by the North Circular Road. Click on the map to.......

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Quieter Neighbourhoods consultation to start soon

05 November 2014

Palmers Green Community has obtained information about the extent of the "Quieter Neighbourhoods" that Enfield Council is planning to create in and around Palmers Green.  At next week's open meeting of Fox Lane and District Residents' Association the Council is expected to provide some more details of what exactly they have in mind and how they intend to consult.  Non-members of FLDRA who live within the Association's area - that  bounded by Green Lanes, Bourne Hill, The Bourne,.......

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