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Health Service

See also forum discussions in the Health Services category.

Coming to the defence of the NHS

15 February 2017

< !-- .denhs { color: #017ac3; font-size: 16px; margin-top: 20px; } --> In recent weeks scarcely a day has gone by without new and very disturbing information about the crisis in the National Health Service.  Ever longer waiting times in A&E departments, postponement of non-emergency operations, skilled surgeons having to waste their precious time waiting for beds to become available, hospital doctors buckling under stress, and so on - it seems that the tremendous.......

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Extra weekday evening and weekend GP appointments

14 February 2017

Extra weekday evening and weekend GP appointments If you are registered with a GP practice in Enfield, (or resident in Enfield but have yet to register with an Enfield GP practice), you can now benefit from an appointment with a GP, or other healthcare professional, on weekday evenings, weekends and bank holidays at our new primary care access hub. Urgent and routine appointments, either same day or pre-bookable, are available from 6.30pm to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 8pm weekends and.......

Consultation about restricting access to clinical procedures to take place during March

14 February 2017

Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group will be consulting the public about proposals to introduce stricter criteria when deciding whether or not to refer patients for certain types of surgical procedures.  There will be an online consultation and three public meetings throughout March.  For details see the "Consultation Arrangements" box at the end of this article. The consultation relates to the "Adherence to Evidence Based Medicine Programme".  Put simply, this means looking at.......

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Help make it easier to find your way around the new Chase Farm Hospital

01 February 2017

Members of the public are being invited to contribute to a study into making it easier for patients and visitors to find their way around the new Chase Farm Hospital. You can do so by attending the meeting below or completing an online survey. Ever got lost trying to find your way around Chase Farm? Share your experiences and ideas to make the new Chase Farm easy to navigate! Date: 20 Feb 2017 - 10:00 to 13:00Location: Chase Farm Hospital In collaboration with the Royal Free Hospital,.......

Local NHS campaigners to join in "It's Our NHS" demo

18 January 2017

The campaigning group Defend Enfield NHS (DENHS) added its name to the list of groups backing "It's Our NHS", a national demonstration against current government policy towards the NHS, scheduled for 4th March.  Between now and the demonstration, DENHS will be hosting a public meeting to listen to local concerns about the health service and to pass on information that it has collected about the local and national situation. DENHS are also urging Enfield residents to watch a clip from ITV.......

Plans to cut back on NHS operations for Enfield residents under scrutiny

18 January 2017

Against the backdrop of growing disquiet about the ability of the NHS in England to cope, local campaigners are questioning Enfield's health commissioning body about its plans to cut back on the types of surgical procedures that will be available from the NHS. While attention nationally has been focused on accident and emergency departments that are struggling to meet demand, Defend Enfield NHS this week has been concerned with proposals to reduce NHS provision of non-emergency (so-called.......

Survey into dementia care, support and awareness

21 December 2016

The Department of Health is carrying out a survey into the experiences of dementia patients and their families and carers.  The deadline for responses is 31 January 2017. Dementia: care, support and awareness The Government’s aim is for England to be the best place in the world for people with dementia, their families and carers to live and the best place to undertake research into dementia. We want to hear first-hand from people with dementia, their families and carers if we are.......

Have you been refused or had to wait a long time for a cataract operation?

21 December 2016

Journalists from BBC Inside Out are looking for people who live in Enfield and who have been refused or waited a long time for a cataract operation for a current affairs programme to be shown on BBC 1 regarding the restriction of NHS services. If you think you would be interested in being interviewed please contact Emma Wass on 0191 2441294 or 07738.......

Advice on "staying well" this winter

07 November 2016

A booklet has been published under the title Stay Well in Enfield and Haringey This Winter. The introduction reads as follows: "With increasing pressures on Accident and Emergency (A&E), particularly in winter, it is important to know what service to choose to best treat your symptoms when you or your family are unwell. Not only can you get faster and better treatment by choosing the right NHS service, but you will help us reduce the pressure on emergency services, so they can help those.......

GP practices opening hours

02 November 2016

Healthwatch Enfield is running an online survey to gauge the level of satisfaction with opening hours at GP surgeries. Online.......

Petition calls for government action to provide more GPs in Enfield

02 November 2016

Joan Ryan, MP for Enfield North, has launched an online petition calling on the Government to take immediate action to ensure that we have the number of GPs we need in Enfield for the size of our population.  She is calling for a plan for at least 84 more GPs in Enfield by 2020, as recommended by the Royal College of General Practitioners. The petition is online at

Proposed closure of paediatric assessment unit at Chase Farm Hospital

27 October 2016

Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group is proposing to close the paediatric assessment unit at Chase Farm Hospital and instead introduce a "new model of care".  Members of the public can give their views - the deadline for responses is 15 January 2017. Paediatric assessment unit consultation We want to hear your views about our proposed changes to the Paediatric Assessment Unit at Chase Farm Hospital The Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU) at Chase Farm Hospital is open from 9am-9pm, every.......

Council leaders cry foul over cost-cutting plans for NHS in North Central London

26 October 2016

In defiance of instructions not to do so, two North London councils have published draft proposals for cost-cutting changes to NHS services in the five "North Central London" boroughs - Camden, Islington, Haringey, Enfield and Barnet. "Lack of public, patient and political involvement" Councillor Sarah Hayward, leader of Camden Council, took this step because of her "serious reservations" about the process used to draw up the proposals.  In a statement published on her council's website.......

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Local group prepares to "Defend Enfield NHS"

18 October 2016

A newly formed group of concerned Enfield residents is monitoring changes to NHS services in the borough and plans to form a focus for resistance to further cuts and privatisation. Members of "Defend Enfield NHS" are particularly concerned about the severe cost-cutting measures that are being forced upon the organisation that purchases all health services in the borough - the Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group (Enfield CCG). "More difficult to qualify for treatment" In response to demands.......

Information about plans for radical changes to local NHS services to be revealed in late September

05 September 2016

Information about plans currently being drawn up to make radical changes to NHS services in Enfield and four other north London boroughs will be made public at a meeting on 26th September. Details of the meeting at the Dugdale Centre have appeared on the Healthwatch Enfield website (see the box at the bottom of this article).  The plan in question is one of the "Sustainability and Transformation Plans" (STPs) that are currently in development, each covering health and social care in one.......

NHS cutbacks being planned for Enfield and beyond

31 August 2016

The body that commissions and pays for NHS services in Enfield is being forced to make sharp reductions in expenditure over the next two years which will inevitably affect the availability of services.  In addition, over the next five years the NHS in the five "North Central London" boroughs will be required to reduce the level of annual expenditure by around £771 million, to be achieved through implementing "Sustainability & Transformation Plans". These savings are required.......

Update from London Councils

20 August 2016

Information from the weekly newletter issued by London Councils. Consultation on HIV prevention drugs London Councils is calling on Londoners to respond to the NHS England online consultation on HIV prevention drugs, known as PrEP. The drugs can be prescribed to people at greatest risk of contracting HIV. NHS England announced earlier this year that it does not have the power to commission PrEP, but a judicial review brought by the National Aids Trust determined that it could. NHS.......

Fair Funding for Enfield: Join the campaign

05 August 2016

A petition has been launched in support of a cross-party campaign demanding "Fairer Funding for Enfield".  The petition has been organised by the Enfield Over 50s Forum and has the strong support of both political parties represented on Enfield Council.  Enfield residents of all ages are invited to sign - the effects of underfunding are felt across the generations. FAIRER FUNDING FOR ENFIELD A cross-political party Petition addressed to the Secretary of State, Department of.......

Paediatric Assessment Units survey

04 August 2016

Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group is carrying out an online survey of residents' experience of local Paediatric Assessment Units. There will be a focus group meeting on 23rd August. Please tell us your experience of local Paediatric Assessment Units (PAUs) Paediatric Assessment Units (PAU) provide specialist urgent care services to children aged 0-18. To access care at a PAU, children need to be referred by a health professional. We would like to hear about your experiences of local.......

The history of the North Mid A&E crisis

25 July 2016

A recently published document provides a detailed timeline of the developing crisis in Accident & Emergency at the North Middlesex Hospital and of the actions taken to mitigate the situation. The document, entitled Quality and Safety Concerns at North Middlesex UniversityHospital, was prepared for discussion at the July meeting of the Governing Body of Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)*.  A summary on the front page reads as follows: During the last 18 months, Haringey CCG.......
