Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group will be consulting the public about proposals to introduce stricter criteria when deciding whether or not to refer patients for certain types of surgical procedures. There will be an online consultation and three public meetings throughout March. For details see the "Consultation Arrangements" box at the end of this article.
The consultation relates to the "Adherence to Evidence Based Medicine Programme". Put simply, this means looking at whether there is sufficient evidence that a particular medical procedure will be effective in terms of both the benefit to the patient and the costs which the Clinical Commissioning Group will have to pay the hospital or other health provider.
While it is legitimate and indeed desirable that the effectiveness of clinical procedures should be kept under review, it is clear that Enfield CCG will be focusing particularly on changes to the criteria which could help them make the huge cost savings which the government is demanding. It is likely that the consultation will be phrased in such a way as to encourage respondents to give their approval to tighter criteria, for example for hip replacements - these might only be available for patients who are persistently kept awake at night by pain (this possibility was revealed in a recent Radio 4 Inside Medicine programme).
Procedures that will be consulted on will include:
- hernias
- vasectomies
- hip and knee replacement
- hearing aids
- bunions
- haemorrhoids
- gallstones
- wisdom teeth
- breast reconstruction
- coronal artery stents
For a full list see the "Links" box below.
Consultation Arrangements
We want to hear your views
The Adherence to Evidence Based Medicine Programme involves reviewing the evidence base, thresholds and criteria for access to treatments currently in the North Central London CCGs' Procedures of Limited Clinical Effectiveness (PoLCE) Policy and additional procedures where the evidence base has changed since our original thresholds and criteria were introduced.
The consultation starts on Wednesday 1 March 2017 and closes on Friday 31 March 2017.
To find out more and to complete an online questionnaire, visit our website: www.enfieldccg.nhs.uk.
You can also give your views at our public events on:
- Wednesday 1 March 2017 10am-1pm, Executive Suite at the Dugdale Centre, 39 London Road, Enfield, EN2 6DS
- Wednesday 22 March 2017 2pm-4pm (venue to be confirmed)
- Thursday 30 March 2017 2pm-4pm (venue to be confirmed)
If you would like a copy of the consultation document and the questionnaire in another format, please contact or call 020 3688 2822 from 1 March 2017
Source: Our Enfield magazine
Adherence to Evidence Based Medicine Programme (extract from Enfeild CCG Management Board paperwork, with highlighting provided by Dr Martin Blanchard of Defend Enfield NHS)
Enfield CCG Patient and Public Engagement Meeting PowerPoint Slides - see slides 10-23.