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Broomfield Park

Fitness for the over-45s: Silver Fridays in Broomfield Park, starting this week

22 June 2015

Many people run, swim or cycle to raise money for charity, a few people do two out of three of these things and even fewer combine all three, but one grandmother who does is 72-year-old Eddie Brocklesby, Britain's oldest competing "Ironman" triathlete. And she only took up sport when she was over 50! Eddie, who recently was listed in the Independent on Sunday’s 100 Happy List 2015, said: "I only started running when I was 50, and competing in triathlons when I was sixty-two. You're never.......

Council rethink policy on overnight locking of parks

08 June 2015

Following lobbying by friends of parks groups and submission of public petitions, Enfield Council has modified the decision it took in 2014 to cease locking all parks overnight.  The new policy is to completely cease locking those parks where only some entrances have been locked, but to continue to completely lock parks where the practice has been to lock all entrances overnight. Broomfield Park will be locked overnight (photo by Belinda Robinson from the FoBP Facebook page)Now that there.......

Bringing joy and merriment to the grasses of Broomfield

02 June 2015

The mysterious "Palmers Scream" scroll, discovered in Southgate Town Hall, says that "Broomfield should be a happy place. All effort should be taken to bring joy and merriment to its grasses throughout the year, for each smile reduces the power of the witches as they sleep."  One group of people who are rising to the challenge of "bringing joy and merriment to its grasses" are the Friends of Broomfield Park, who this year are extending the season of summer free musical events to take in.......

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Flower power in Broomfield Conservatory

24 May 2015

Photographs of two beautiful plants that are flowering now in Broomfield Conservatory. On the left, an Epiphyllum. Below, a Gloriosa Vine. The Conservatory is open on Wednesdays and Sundays from 2.30 to 4.30pm.  (Please note, it will not be open on 3rd and 10th June because of work to install the former toilet railings from the Triangle.) Iqbal from the Friends of Broomfield Park's Conservatory Group comments:  "Gloriosa superba is the national flower.......

Model will help public form a view about the future of Broomfield House

20 May 2015

Efforts are continuing to obtain the funds needed to restore Broomfield House.  In preparation for a probable public consultation exercise later in the year, a model of the house dating from 1951 (the model, that is - the house is rather older!) is to go on show.  It is hoped that a Conservation Management Plan for the whole of Broomfield Park, currently in development, will enable the Broomfield House Trust and Enfield Council to make a second, successful, bid for Heritage Lottery.......

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A sad loss in Broomfield Park

03 May 2015

If you're a regular visitor to Broomfield Park, you're probably familiar with the pair of Egyptian Geese that were frequently seen there.  Sad to say, there is now only one of these good-looking birds. Egyptian geese in Broomfield Park during February 2013The death of one of the Egyptian Geese was noted by Derek Honnor of the Friends of Broomfield Park.  Derek posts a monthly report on bird sightings in the Park, which you can find on noticeboards and also on the Friends of Broomfield.......

Gallipoli Campaign commemorated in Broomfield Park

27 April 2015

On Sunday 26th May a ceremony was held at the Garden of Remembrance in Broomfield Park to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the World War One Gallipoli Campaign. To mark the centenary an almond tree was planted in the remembrance garden.  Those taking part included Captain Ken Semmens, representing the Australian High Commission;  the Leader of the Council, Cllr Doug Taylor;  the Mayor of Enfield, Cllr Ali Bakir;  Cllr Joanne Laban, representing the Leader of the.......

Friends of Broomfield Park - a triple celebration, but concerns about an ailing willow tree

30 March 2015

Within a few days of the news that the Friends of Broomfield Park had succeeded in a bid for Enfield Residents Priority Fund money for the Conservatory railings, the energetic park protectors were again celebrating - this time for being awarded a further £5000 from the fund to help create a wildlife pond. Artists' imprssion of the Conservatory Railings projectAnd last week the Friends also got the go-ahead from Enfield Council for an extension of the wildflower meadow on the Aldermans Hill.......

Broomfield Friends invite you to hear about their latest projects

09 February 2015

After a very successful Sunday entertaining children with Floating Lanterns on the Model Boating Pond, the Friends of Broomfield Park are preparing to brief the public about the many projects that they are involved in. A floating lantern on Broomfield Model Boating Pond - the new improved 2015 design impressed with its increased top speed!At their quarterly Open Meeting at the Ruth Winston Centre tonight (Monday) the Friends will report on developments in Broomfield Conservatory and the.......

Palmers Greenery Community Café: More helpers needed

07 February 2015

The Palmers Greenery Community Café in Broomfield Park is looking to recruit some additional volunteers for the Spring.  If you have a few hours each week OR every month to spare and you would like to be a part of this exciting project, the Greenery holding a training session on the afternoon of Sunday 8th March. Please email to register your interest. The Palmers Greenery has been a great success since it opened in August 2014.  It is an entirely.......

Help needed to get Community Growing Space off the ground

26 January 2015

Friends of Broomfield Park are looking for volunteers to help them launch their latest project - creating a Community Growing Space on an area next to Broomfield Community Orchard. A typical growing space The Friends recently reached agreement with Enfield Council to take over an area of the Park measuring.......

Help find a new home for some well loved old railings

20 January 2015

Friends of Broomfield Park are hoping to find a new home for the decorative railings that until not long ago adorned the entrances to the subterranean Ladies and Gentlemen's toilets at Palmers Green Triangle. The planned new location is in front of the beautiful restored Conservatory in Broomfield Park, replacing the functional, but not exactly pretty, chainlink fence that currently protects the vulnerable building from vandals.  A suitable design has been devised, but more money is.......

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Park Friends disappointed by flower bed cutbacks

12 May 2013

"Sunset" by Steve Harrison - winner of the Friends of Broomfield Park photographic competition Visitors to Broomfield Park this spring and summer will find the park rather less colourful than usual.  Funding cutbacks by Enfield Council have led to a two-thirds reduction in the number of bedding plants being planted out this year - across the Borough as a whole the budget allocation for flowers in parks has been reduced from £24,000 to £8,000.  The result will be many.......

Community cafe back in business

24 March 2021

The Palmers Greenery Community Cafe in Broomfield Park has reopened, with Covid precautions in place.

Broomfield Park model boating pond: an update

04 March 2022

If you've been wondering why the model boating pond in Broomfield Park has been in such a sorry state for so long, it's because restoring the water supply from a borehole in the park is by no means straightforward. Kim Lumley from Friends of Broomfield Park explains why:

Beneath the scaffolding, plant life continues unseen in the Conservatory

12 December 2023

It's now two months since Broomfield Conservatory closed for repair and redecoration. Meanwhile, plant life goes on, mostly unseen.
