05 August 2014
The centenary of the outbreak of World War One was commemorated by Enfield Council at a ceremony held in Broomfield Park on Monday 4th August.
The Last Post is sounded in Broomfield ParkThe ceremony took place in the Garden of Remembrance, where the Mayor of Enfield, Councillor Ali Bakir, unveiled a visitor information board prepared by the Friends of Broomfield Park.
The Friends of Broomfield Park website has more photographs taken at the WW1 commemoration as well as photographs of the.......
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29 July 2014
The sun came out for the special Love Parks Week events in Broomfield Park last Sunday, and so did the people.
In Broomfield Conservatory, Marc Harris played and sang while visitors admired the Angels' Trumpets and many other plants.
In the Community Orchard, there were apple cakes, apple wine, country dancing and "Celtic Folk Americana" played live.
At the Bandstand, Bowes Park Folk Club gave their first event north of the North Circ.
On the former Bowling Green, people were able to play.......
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25 July 2014
Friends of Grovelands Park - entry in Palmers Green Community Directory
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25 July 2014
The Friends of Arnos Park are local residents who work hard to ensure that the park continues to be a well maintained and safe place of recreation for the whole community. We lobby the London Borough of Enfield and work with them to improve the tidiness of the park, increase its bio diversity and fundraise for improvements. Our work includes some maintenance of flowerbeds, pruning of trees and shrubs and landscaping work.
Sadly, as budgetary constraints increasingly restrict the amount of.......
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15 July 2014
Following last August's resoundingly successful revival, Broomfield Blues is returning this year with five servings of the very best Blues and music loosely derived from the Blues. The concerts at the bandstand in Broomfield Park will be held every Sunday in August. Each Sunday afternoon will see a different mix of music organised by the Vintage Music Association, the people behind the local St Harmonica's Blues Club (every Friday at St Monica's Club in Cannon Hill).
Each concert.......
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07 May 2014
Waitrose Palmers Green has chosen to support the restoration of the Garden of Remembrance in Broomfield park as one of its three charities for the month of May. If you are shopping in Waitrose please place your green tokens in our box so that we can get the maximum amount from the £500 pot of money to be distributed between the three charities for May.
Opening of Broomfield Park garden of remembrance in 1929The Friends of Broomfield Park are planning to use the money towards funding a visitor.......
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16 April 2014
The beautiful Broomfield Conservatory is at its best in this sunny weather. Both visitors and the conservatory's collection of exotic plants are enjoying the light and warmth, and currently there's an extra treat for visitors - an exhibition of photographs submitted to the Friends of Broomfield Park's second annual photocompetition.
The Friends' committee members have, with great difficulty, shortlisted eleven of the 85 entries to the competition, printed them out and put them on display.......
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19 February 2014
Two new projects will be described at the quarterly Open Meeting held by the Friends of Broomfield Park, which will take place at 7.30pm next Wednesday (26th February) at the Ruth Winston Centre.
© Copyright Christine Matthews and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons LicenceThe first new project is looking into the possibility of using the former bowling green for games, sports and fitness activities for people of all ages - these might include tai chi, yoga, croquet and skittles........
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07 November 2013
Next weekend there is a rare opportunity to help create a new hedgerow of native plants in the rural depths of Palmers Green - to be precise, in Broomfield Park alongside Aldermans Hill and Powys Lane. The work is being carried out by volunteers from the Friends of Broomfield Park, who have been given 420 "whips" - young bareroot saplings - by the Woodland Trust.
The volunteers will be planting eight types of tree - Elder, Hazel, Blackthorn, Dog Rose, Crab Apple, Birch, Rowan and Oak.
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03 October 2013
The Friends of Broomfield Park have won three awards in this year's Enfield in Bloom competition:
the Park itself was awarded Silver in the category for Maintained Parks
Broomfield Community Orchard won Silver in the Innovative Growing Space category
Broomfield Conservatory was awarded Bronze for its Exceptional Horticultural Contribution to the Local Community........
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14 September 2013
Enfield Council will be holding a consultation meeting about its proposals to build a new primary school on land adjacent to Grovelands Park. The meeting will be at Southgate (The Bourne) Methodist Church at 7pm on Wednesday 25th September.
Reactions to the proposals, which came to light five months ago, have been mixed. The We Want Local Schools campaign welcomes the potential increase in primary school places within the area on which it is primarily focussed. In.......
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31 July 2013
Fox Lane and District Residents' Association have published a document provided by Enfield Council showng some of the initial concepts for a possible new primary school to be built in Grovelands Park (see this earlier report)........
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26 July 2013
A new short film created by director Christine Lalla celebrates the history of Broomfield Park and its once magnificent centrepiece, Broomfield House. Christine has superimposed film footage from sixty years ago and from earlier this year, plus still photography from as far back as the 1880s, over a soundtrack of local residents speaking about their memories of the Park and of the House in its heyday - of times when Olympic sprinters would train on the running track, when crowds of.......
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20 July 2013
The public meeting on Thursday afternoon (18 July) at which London Borough of Enfield (LBE) officers outlined ideas for building a new school on part of the historic parkland of the former Grovelands House revealed considerable hostility to the idea among the packed audience. In actual fact, the concepts described would largely use land which does not form part of the current Grovelands Park, would seek to make any new buildings inconspicuous, and in any case would require approval from.......
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16 July 2013
Campaigners wishing to retain and enhance Enfield Borough's green spaces have expressed alarm at suggestions that a new primary school might be built on Grovelands Park. The Federation of Enfield Residents and Allied Associations (FERAA) and Enfield Green Party are both concerned about the wording in a letter from Gary Barnes, Assistant Director for Regeneration, Leisure and Libraries at Enfield Council, which states that the Council is to appoint external consultants to help it "develop.......
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12 May 2013
"Sunset" by Steve Harrison - winner of the Friends of Broomfield Park photographic competition
Visitors to Broomfield Park this spring and summer will find the park rather less colourful than usual. Funding cutbacks by Enfield Council have led to a two-thirds reduction in the number of bedding plants being planted out this year - across the Borough as a whole the budget allocation for flowers in parks has been reduced from £24,000 to £8,000. The result will be many.......
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10 February 2013
The Friends of Grovelands Park are looking for volunteers to help run a two-day event to celebrate the centenary of the park's opening. The celebrations, on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th May, will begin with a re-enactment of the original 1913 opening ceremony, involving an Edwardian themed historical pageant........
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17 October 2020
Biodiversity is declining globally but one option for helping to reverse this issue is to improve natural spaces in cities for wildlife. This research project is exploring ways in which people perceive nature-based solutions to urban planning problems so that we can better enhance cities for people and nature.
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24 March 2021
The Palmers Greenery Community Cafe in Broomfield Park has reopened, with Covid precautions in place.
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12 December 2023
It's now two months since Broomfield Conservatory closed for repair and redecoration. Meanwhile, plant life goes on, mostly unseen.
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