13 March 2018
Volunteer in the Garden with London Grown
Tuesdays 11am-4pm@ Wolves Lane Horticultural Centre, Wolves Lane, N22 5JD
Fridays 1-4pm@ Queensland Avenue Garden, Queensland Avenue (gates at the end), N18 1AT
Every 3rd Saturday of the month 11-4pm(see web for details)
Work with trained gardeners from seed to harvest:
seed sowing
companion planting
pest & disease management
how to harvest
greenhouse growing
magic of compost!
Please arrive 10 minutes before to start each session........
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28 February 2018
On 15th March North London Hospice will be launching its Health and Wellbeing Service and its day centre in Barrowell Green will become the Health and Wellbeing Centre. This isn't just a new name for its existing outpatient services - the Hospice is in the process of expanding the scale and range of services it offers to patients and carers, with a special focus on symptom management, rehabilitation, self-management, social, psychological and emotional wellbeing.
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05 February 2018
Enfield Refugee Welcome are now looking to apply to the Home Office to support a second refugee family in Enfield. It’s very much a team effort and we need more volunteers to help make this happen. There are a number of roles and tasks, so please consider if you could contribute and be part of the team.
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29 January 2018
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There was cause for celebration when the Nightingale Cancer Support Centre officially launched its new premises in Baker Street, Enfield Town.
At an event on Friday 26th January guests were treated to a guided tour of the purpose-designed space and had the opportunity to speak with health-care professionals in their dedicated counselling, lymphoedema,.......
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29 January 2018
There was cause for celebration when the Nightingale Cancer Support Centre officially launched its new premises in Baker Street, Enfield Town.
At an event on Friday 26th January guests were treated to a guided tour of the purpose-designed space and had the opportunity to speak with health-care professionals in their dedicated counselling, lymphoedema, consultation and therapy rooms.
The Mayor of Enfield, Councillor Christine Hamilton, was on hand to cut the ribbon and said, “It is my.......
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22 January 2018
Working with young offenders is a challenging and moving experience. As part of the Enfield Heroes campaign, Enfield Council is looking for volunteers to help in their rehabilitation. We are looking for more people to get involved, particularly working with youth offenders.
If you have a skill – for example in car engine maintenance, jewellery making, hairdressing, basic IT or gardening – you could really make a difference to a young person’s life.
There are some fantastic.......
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14 January 2018
The team of volunteers who look after the plants in Broomfield Conservatory and open it to the public twice a week had another successful year in 2017. June Dawes sums up the year.
Broomfield Conservatory volunteers enjoy some rare January sunshine while celebrating another successful year. The team won an Enfield in Bloom Gold award in 2017 - the Conservatory Committee chair, Elizabeth Dobbie, is in the centre of the front row, holding the cup
It has been another good.......
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11 January 2018
Are you a patient or carer affected by cancer? Would you like to help shape cancer services and improve early diagnosis?
UCLH Cancer Collaborative has various opportunities for people who have had cancer treatment, or cared for someone who has had cancer treatment, to get involved.
The involvement opportunities are
Being a patient representative on a Pathway Board or Expert Reference Group – deadline 28th January
Joining the Patient Experience and User Involvement Steering Group.......
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15 December 2017
Enfield Refugee Welcome brought their first Syrian refugee family to the borough earlier this year. In their Christmas message to supporters, they report that the family are doing well. They are now planning to settle a second family, but need various volunteers.
To find out how families are selected and how the settlement process works, watch the fascinating interview with Tony Carroll at the bottom of this article.
With the support of our amazing band of volunteer befrienders.......
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18 November 2017
One of Enfield's best known charities has at last found a home of its own and hopes to complete the move by December.
The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre, which recently celebrated its 15th anniversary, has until now been sharing premises in Lancaster Road with four other charities. The move to its own building in Baker Street, Enfield, will mean it will have enough room to provide more services to more people.
Founding trustees Andrew Bone, Teresa Aylott and Dr Pat Mahony outside the.......
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13 October 2017
Do you know your local area?
Do you have community ideas?
Would you like to see changes?
Share the attitudes, wishes and feelings of children and young people living or being educated in your local borough.
The Race Equality Foundation and First Steps want to work with you to carry out research that will support young people in your area. Come along to two half day workshop sessions on Saturday 18th November and 9th December 10 - 3pm at YMCA, 642 Forest Road, Walthamstow, E17 3EF........
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02 October 2017
Give an hour's salary to help build Noah's Ark Children's Hospice - the first such hospice in North London.
Noah’s Ark currently supports over 160 children who are seriously unwell, 230 of their siblings and 350 of their parents / guardians. Our dedicated team do this by providing holistic, bespoke care.
We need to provide more care for more children and their families.
We need to construct The Ark, a specialist children’s hospice building........
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22 September 2017
If you’re planning to refurnish a room the right piece might just be there waiting for you at the Barnet Furniture Centre. This valuable local asset is at the top of Colney Hatch Lane in Friern Barnet (4 Queens Parade Close, N11 3FY – tel 020 8361 6802) and should be much better known.
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and forum comments
13 September 2017
Enfield Council is conducting two surveys on food poverty in Enfield - one for local residents and one for community groups.What is food poverty?“Food Poverty” is a contested term but the Department of Health state that it can be defined as the inability to afford or have access to the food needed for a healthy diet.Who does food poverty affect?Many factors determine what does or does not end up on our plate. Households with lower incomes, lower than average educational outcomes and in low.......
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12 September 2017
Enfield Youth Offending Unit (YOU)
YOU needs volunteers who:
are concerned about youth crime
are able to engage with young people
would like to be part of the restorative justice process
can work with young offenders to help challenge and change their behaviour
can help us to help them and make Enfield a better place to live and work
believe that young people should have to make reparation (community work to repair the harm caused by their crime) to society for the harm caused by.......
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28 August 2017
The Friends of Wolves Lane Centre are looking for people with the skills needed to set up and run a workshop needed keep the unique horticultural Centre in working order, now that it is no longer looked after by Haringey Council.
Wolves Lane Centre needs you!
Would you be able to help look after the buildings and equipment at the Wolves Lane Centre?
Please help us to preserve this local asset.
If you would like to get involved...
Come to Wolves Lane Centre
Tuesday 5th September at 11.......
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08 August 2017
North London Samaritans are now 70 per cent of the way towards raising the £15,000 they need to be able to afford to rebuild Bowes Park's "Tin Tabernacle", turning it into a centre for their life-saving activities and a hub for the local community. Funds received a big boost on Sunday, when Myddleton Road Market stallholders and shopkeepers raised a total of £925 for the project. Future fundraising events include two concerts taking place in September.
The plan. To turn.......
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01 August 2017
Forty Hall Farm has announced that over the summer months it will be opening on five days a week and has posted a short film on YouTube describing the activity of its community growers.
Starting from Wednesday 26th July, summer opening hours will be:
Wednesday: 11.00 – 16.00
Thursday: 11.00 – 16.00
Friday 11.00 – 16.00
Saturday 11.00 – 16.00
Sunday 11.00 – 16.00
During visiting hours children can see animals in the barns,.......
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and forum comments
26 June 2017
The Friends of Firs Farm are using the crowdfunding website Spacehive to raise money to set up a Community Hub and Dementia Cafe. The cafe would act as a space where the community, including people with dementia or autism, could come together in an inviting and welcoming environment - a welcome safe space, with memory stimulation, and somewhere to, in the words of Alzheimer's Café founder, Dr. Bere Miesen, "just be".
The project would cost £66.232. Some council funding.......
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07 June 2017
Broomfield Park's community café- the Palmers Greenery - has had another successful year and is inviting groups and individuals to bid for a share of its profits.
The Greenery is a "community café" in several ways: its cakes are baked and sold by volunteers from the community, it serves a community function by providing refreshments in the park, and it invests its surpluses in community projects. It's located near the tennis and netball courts and is open on Wednesdays,.......
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