pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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painting the mural at palmers green stationMark Anthony of ATM Street Art painting the new mural at Palmers Green station

The second item of new public art has now been installed at Palmers Green station - a mural along the fence leading down to the car park, created by ATM Street Art, commissioned by the Palmers Green Action Team and paid for by Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR) from its Passenger Benefit Fund.

The six-metre long mural, New River Life, depicts some of the flora and fauna found in and around the historic manmade watercourse that runs through Palmers Green. The first item completed was a large combined planter and station sign on Platform 2, and the third and final part of the project will be a mosaic created by artist Alex McHallam, who grew up in PG.

new river life mural at palmers green stationThe finished New River Life mural at Palmers Green Station

Lucy Burton from the Palmers Green Action Team says that she hopes that the new additions to the station will give a little lift to people after several terrible weeks and months: "The whole point of the project was to do something for the community and to make people feel proud of Palmers Green and want to be in Palmers Green, thereby increasing footfall to the centre and to shops. By showing we care about Palmers Green, it will hopefully encourage people to love being here. We’ve already had lots of people volunteering to help with the planting, which is brilliant.”

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