pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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The Cycle Enfield website includes the official responses to various criticisms of the A105 scheme.  However, because people may not be aware of these, we are reproducing them here both to make them more widely known and to give readers an opportunity to comment and discuss them in our forums.

The following text is taken directly from Cycle Enfield without any amendment.

Impact on pedestrian crossings  

There are many improvements proposed to improve crossings for pedestrians. Here are the key proposed changes along the route, listed in order from Enfield Town down to Palmers Green:

  1. Village Road pedestrian refuge island crossing replaced with Zebra
  2. Uncontrolled crossing between Castleleigh Court and Walsingham Road to be converted to a Zebra
  3. Uncontrolled crossing to south of Bush Hill converted to Zebra
  4. An uncontrolled crossing will be removed by Regency Court
  5. Bush Hill Road/A105 junction greatly improved pedestrian facilities. Easier crossings (pedestrians will cross in one go instead of via a stagger) and a new shared surface in the road by the shops (near Berkeley Gardens) will help reduce the dominance of traffic.
  6. Green Dragon Lane junction – immediately east of the junction there will be a new Zebra crossing which will replace the existing one just south of the junction.
  7. Roundabout with Station Road and Fords Grove will be replaced with a crossroads which will include controlled (Pelican style) pedestrian crossings
  8. There will be a new Zebra crossing just south of the current Queens Avenue and Compton Road junction replacing existing uncontrolled crossings. The new Compton Road junction arm will be easy to cross as it will be placed on a raised hump at the junction keeping the traffic speeds down.
  9. The Barrowell Green and Woodbury Avenue junctions will become more pedestrian friendly as they will be on a raised table (to include the existing Zebra) slowing down motor traffic, and making it easier to cross.
  10. An uncontrolled crossing will be removed by Eaton Park Road
  11. At the Bourne Hill/Hedge Lane junction, the existing pedestrian crossings will stay in place. However, the slip lane between Green Lanes and Hedge Lane will be filled in creating a large amount of additional space for pedestrians (and removing the hazard of crossing the slip lane).
  12. A new Zebra crossing is proposed immediately south of Osborne Road (replacing an uncontrolled crossing).
  13. The Fox Lane roundabout is due to be replaced with a T-junction (with traffic lights). This will include two push-button pedestrian crossings (replacing three uncontrolled crossings).
  14. Palmers Green Triangle (keeping the Triangle option) – there will be ‘push button’ pedestrian crossings on all sides of the Triangle (there is currently just one) helping pedestrians take the shortest routes to shops, and making the town centre a more people-friendly and attractive destination.
  15. Palmers Green Triangle (roundabout option) – with this option there would be informal crossings on all junction arms. They would be similar to Zebra crossings, and have adjacent cycle crossings.
  16. Palmerston Crescent route – the Palmerston Crescent junction would be much improved for pedestrians. It would be raised on a table which would help to keep motor traffic speeds down, and make it easier for pedestrians to cross at any location. In addition a new push-button pedestrian crossing would be provided immediately to the south of the junction.
  17. New River towpath cycle route alternative – this route would also have improvements for pedestrians through the provision of a new controlled push-button crossing immediately to the north of the bridge. This crossing would be shared with pedestrians.


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