pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Enfield Council has released the latest figures for the number of bikes passing Palmers Green Triangle in either direction. Compared with December 2019 usage average weekday usage was up by a half and average weekend usage doubled.

cycle lane stats dec 2020 1

cycle lane stats dec 2019 1

cycle lane stats nov 2020 1

cycle lane stats dec 2020 graph

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Richard Carlowe posted a reply
14 Jan 2021 09:21
So, basically, 6 people per hour in each direction. There is no way that has justified the millions spent and the inconvenience caused, as well as the danger to pedestrians and wheelchair users.

The time has come to re-evaluate all cycle lanes. They are just not being used yet so much money is being spent on them.
Adrian Day posted a reply
14 Jan 2021 10:38
9000 trips is impressive in a month of dark nights and poor weather, and a big increase over previous years. And numbers will increase as more low traffic neighbourhoods roll out - these give safe(r) routes for residents to access C20 and C1 main cycleways. We've already seen more cyclists in the Fox Lane LTN and the Connaught LTN will deliver more. Luckily central, regional and local strategy is to dramatically increase cycle lanes and encourage active travel.

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