Enfield Council is running a public consultation to gauge views about an application for funding for improvements to children's play facilities in three local parks.
Hazelwood Recreation Ground, Tatem Park and Grovelands Park Play Areas
The Friends of Hazelwood Recreation Ground, Tatem Park and Grovelands Park are proposing to improve the play areas in these parks and they need your help to apply for funding. The groups are looking for people’s views and comments on the current play facilities.
The funding will be used to improve play facilities by replacing the existing old equipment for a new innovative design to increase play value in the park. This will greatly benefit all park users by encouraging more people to use the park, creating a new, vibrant and safer environment that will be especially important for local children and schools.
Please give us your views
Please let us know your views by completing the questionnaire.
Closing date
Please let us know your views no later than 25 March 2015.