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firs farm festival 2018

Friends of Firs Farm (a local registered charity) want their second Summer Wetlands Festival to be even better than their last, when more than 3000 people attended. They are still looking for more volunteers to help organise and run the day's fun and for more businesses to take up stalls and have a few sponsor opportunities left. The event is being organised to raise more funds for the Firs Farm Community Hub.

What's lined up for the 14th July Community Festival?

On the day you can expect:

  • to listen to musicians, young and old across a range of genres,
  • dogs putting on a show,
  • enjoy the funfair rides featuring zorb water balls, bumper cars, cup'n' saucer rides to name but a few.
  • sheep racing!
  • Lots of fun games including a tug of war!

And if doing all this leaves you a bit hungry, don’t worry, there will be plenty of food and drink to suit all tastes, as well as an open air pub… and much more besides.

lottery cheque friends of firs farm

Toni Guiver, chair of the Friends of Firs Farm, (centre) with members and the Big Lottery cheque

The Friends have already obtained sponsorship for the Community Hub from local businesses, such as Home Care Preferred and Target Tuition, not to mention a cheque for £10,000 from the Big Lottery Fund towards the cost of the festival. But more is needed. 

"Big or small, we have a sponsor package that's just right for you", says Friends' chair Toni Guiver. "Alternatively, why not become a volunteer to take part in organising this wonderful event for your local community? Volunteering will provide you with invaluable experience in organising an event of this magnitude and you will make some friends along the way."

Contact Gail 07983 245994 (Stallholders) or Toni 07956 537 974 for more information..

Sponsor a community cafe with a difference

The flagship project that the Friends have been working towards for some time now is the Firs Farm Community Hub - and they're keen to hear from businesses who can help them by donating time, materials, money or expertise.

firs farm community cafe image

Our vision is to create a welcoming, flexible community space, in keeping with the wetlands, which is aesthetically pleasing and can be used by ALL.

We envisage that it will be constructed from sustainable, reclaimed materials, featuring "living walls", to blend into the habitat.

The Community Hub will be designed as an educational, recreation and social space which can be used by schools and the wider community.

proposed cafe location at Firs FarmProposed location of the Community Hub

We want it to be a special place for special people, catering for children and adults with special needs.

It will incorporate Enfield's first Changing Place Toilets, a dedicated space designed for children with autism, a sensory garden and other facilities that will make a difference to the lives of people with dementia and other life-inhibiting conditions.

proposed internal layout of community hubProposed internal layout

Promises are already starting to come in from all over London, but more business support is still needed.

Your contribution would be permanently recognised in Firs Farm Wetlands.

Download the business sponsorship leaflet

Please contact Toni Guiver
07956 537974

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PGC Webmaster posted a reply
15 May 2018 15:58
If you're interested in having a stall at the Firs Farm Wetlands Summer Festival on 14th July all the information you need is at this link:


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