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As a further cost-cutting measure in response to severe cutbacks in funding by central government, Enfield Council is considering closing toilets in some of its parks.

The following report is taken from the Fox Lane Residents' Association website and was published on 30th March.

LB Enfield is reviewing the provision of park toilets, in light of the cost of maintaining the service and also the problem of vandalism. Of the current 16 toilet facilities, one has already been identified for full closure, at Tatem Park, a location which is particularly affected by vandalism . The Council says it is consulting Friends of Parks groups before final decisions are made. If you are concerned, contact your nearest park’s “Friends” group or contact the Regeneration & Environment Department directly.

In a letter to one of our members, the Regeneration & Environment Department said:

Against the background of these ongoing financial and operational pressures, the Council is considering alternative, innovative approaches to toilet provision and exploring partnership opportunities as a means of improving the service.

The Council has identified the following options for future toilet provision depending on the site context:

  1. Continuing all year round opening and daily cleaning of toilets at destination parks but looking at alternative methods of delivering the service.
  2. Where feasible, including the management of toilets as part of new café leases or negotiating with café operators to take on this task during their current lease term.
  3. Where feasible, repurposing the building in order to reduce the risk of vandalism and abuse e.g. redeveloping as a combined café & toilet
  4. Opening toilets seasonally or for special events only
  5. Opening sportsground toilets only at weekends when pitches are being used
  6. Closing some sites permanently and redirecting park users to nearby Community Toilet Scheme toilets or relying on changing room toilets to cater for weekend sports usage.
  7. Independently of the options outline above, the Council intends to expand the Community Toilet Scheme and invite suitable businesses in the vicinity of parks across the borough to join the scheme

The original letter from the Council to Friends of Parks groups, sent on 8th February, included a list of parks that might be affected (Broomfield being one of them, but what the Council had in mind for it was unclear).  At that time the Council was proposing a phased approach and was asking Friends groups to respond by 2nd March.  The current status of the review and consultation process is unclear.

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