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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Following last year's radical reconfiguration of local council wards, the first meeting of the Palmers Green Ward Panel was held on 21st March, chaired by Karl Brown. Below, Karl gives his thoughts about the discussions that took place and how to make progress in tackling crime, anti-social behaviour and other issues that were raised at the meeting.

palmers green ward mapMap showing boundaries of the new Palmers Green ward

At last week's Ward Panel meeting there was good news, as reported in the most recent Safer Neighbourhood Team's newsletter: residential burglary at nil and motor vehicle crime noticeably improved on the month. But it was not all roses, and having assessed a range of data this community panel, comprising traders, residents and various local groups, addressed the current problem set: all focused on the town centre.

We concluded there was a holistic problem requiring a holistic response. In no particular order we explored unacceptable issues in:

  • Shoplifting
  • Pickpocketing
  • Traffic - speeding / red light hopping / zebra crossing priority
  • Parking – on pavements, cycle lanes, double yellow lines, junctions, plus double parking
  • Litter - both wind borne from bins plus irresponsible discarding of eg cigarette butts
  • Begging
  • Plus widespread discomfort amongst female attendees in particular to male gatherings on or near pavement areas.

This is a police-centric panel, but many of the issue require more and better enforcement from the council, hence the need for a holistic approach to our problems.

The police intend to visit traders to better understand their issues and increase their (walking) visibility in the town centre. Here I have some sympathy, hearing how PG's own dedicated team is not so dedicated due to the need to also cover gaps elsewhere. The austerity-driven loss of 20,000 police officers included a reduction from 6,000 PCSOs to only 1,000. Realistically that could not do other than impact on availability, visibility and crime response.

PG traders already have a communication system to warn-ahead of issues. Coming out of this session, a team will now work on enhancing their IT capability via an app and / or other bespoke IT development to ease crime reporting and better identification of common suspects.

For residents there’s an ongoing feed of crime prevention advice on sources highlighted in the PG SNT Newsletter. You may get to hear the latest emerging car crime technique and if particular models (yours?) are more prone to targeting.

Crucially, it's vital that crime is reported. Again, how to do so is included in the newsletter. Whatever else they can and can’t do, the police certainly can’t respond to crime they know nothing about.

I think it worth adding that the compact nature of the new PG ward appeared to focus the commonality of experience and also the willingness of all to work together in solutionising. Very much a big win. How this panel sits with and amplifies the PG Ward Forum, which will inevitably hear a similar range of issues, looks like a positive problem to have.


Ward Panel, its not the Ward Forum, or the CAPE (Palmers Green Community 12 February 2023)

Police setting up new ward panels (Palmers Green Community 23 August 2022)

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Neil Littman posted a reply
30 Mar 2023 14:24
Interesting article and quite concerning. I was in PG yesterday lunchtime to eat and visit B&Q which is a great asset to the area but the vibe I got when I walked in was some of the staff were waiting to see if shoplifters were around. There is also drug dealing around the streets off the high road which wasn't mentioned in the issues above. There was something about this a while back connected to a dental surgery and multiple occupation households nearby. In case you wondered why I am aware of this, it goes back to when I was doing medical deliveries during the pandemic and even during the lockdowns it didn't prevent some types of anti-social behaviour. Also are there any stats on crime numbers on Aldermans Hill vs PG Green Lanes. I find the number of male only cafes very off-putting as well.
Karl Brown posted a reply
30 Mar 2023 19:01
Based on Neil Littman’s comments I should add that the Ward Panel is evidence based and no PG resident, trader, formal or voluntary group, nor the police, reported any drug dealing this period. If you have information, then please advise the police rather than speculate on here. The panel did hear of very successful resolution activity. More broadly, “vibe” is often a personal thing, often best kept that way.
I think its also important to acknowledge there is no crime associated with being male and drinking in a café, or simply being male and standing upright. Many locals are facing an issue of perception, possibly due to rapid change, and it’s important that doesn’t translate into othering or some other form of discrimination. Bunch of males out having a coffee, bunch of males out having several beers. Take your choice. Work is underway on the matter.
The perception of safety is high in PG, there is no need to be unduly concerned.
Karl Brown posted a reply
06 Jun 2023 13:19
Karl's report has been moved to a new item in the News section of this website .

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