04 August 2021
The July meeting of Enfield Climate Action Forum included presentations by Enfield Road Watch and Better Homes Enfield criticising Enfield Council's proposal to allow housing construction on Green Belt land.
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14 July 2021
With eight weeks remaining for residents to provide feedback on the draft Enfield Local Plan, two of the borough's civic groups have joined forces to campaign against the council's proposals to declassify several areas of green belt land in the borough to allow their use for large-scale housing developments. A third group says that the draft plan will not solve the borough's chronic shortage of family-sized and affordable homes.
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03 June 2021
Draft Enfield Local Plan documentation published this week confirms that the administration in the Civic Centre envisages large-scale housebuilding on Green Belt land at Crews Hill and to the east of Trent Park.
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26 May 2021
Developers' proposals to build up to 5000 new homes on farmland to the east of Trent Park have made it clear that concerns about the threat to Enfield's Green Belt land have not been exaggerated. The plans were revealed only a few days after a coalition of civic society groups issued a report labelling the idea of building homes on this protected land 'a huge mistake' and calling on concerned residents to write to their councillors and MPs expressing their opposition.
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02 April 2021
Ahead of the mayoral election on 6th May, a coalition of leading environmental groups have published a joint manifesto outlining ambitious programmes of action needed to reduce pollution and waste, improve health and wellbeing, secure nature's recovery and increase resilience to climate change. There will be an opportunity to discuss these proposals with the candidates at the Mayoral Environment Debate, which will take place online on 12th April.
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19 December 2020
A campaigning group set up to defend the borough's green belt and open spaces has published its submission to the council's consultation on a new 'blue and green strategy' for Enfield. While calling it 'ambitious with some worthy goals', Enfield RoadWatch is concerned about omissions from the draft - in particular with regard to agriculture and horticulture - and remains anxious about the possibility of development on Green Belt land. It is encouraging individual residents to register these concerns when responding to the consultation, which runs until 11th January.
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13 February 2019
Ahead of the deadline for submitting responses to the draft Enfield Local Plan, three campaigning groups have come together to release a report which questions the need to build on Green Belt land in order to provide sufficient new housing in the borough.
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27 April 2016
The leaders of a campaign to prevent development of Green Belt land between Oakwood and Enfield Town are warning that, despite the withdrawal of proposals to build houses, the fields are still threatened. They have been seeking support from candidates for the Mayor of London and GLA members, as well as other local politicians.
Enfield RoadWatch Action Group's latest update points out that Enfield Academy is continuing to press for the construction of a new school on the site, which is.......
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17 February 2016
The Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) is calling on Londoners to object to the government's proposals to allow more housebuilding in the Green Belt.
The CPRE these days extends its coverage to the big cities, in particular London, and even has a division called CPRE London. CPRE London recently issued an urgent call to the public to respond to the current government consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) by indicating their opposition to.......
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31 December 2015
This article was updated on 7th January to include the two new dates for information events
Over the next 15 years Enfield's population is expected to increase by more than a fifth. A key aspect of the new Local Plan that Enfield Council has begun developing is where to locate new housing, schools, employment sites, transport infrastructure and community facilities to provide for the additional people. To help the planning process the Council is currently running a.......
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09 November 2015
Subjects on the agenda for this Wednesday's meeting of the full Enfield Council include protection of Green Belt land within the borough, gambling policy and progress on prevention of child sexual exploitation.
The Green Belt is the subject of two items:
presentation of a petition from Enfield RoadWatch in opposition to proposals to build housing and a school on land to the south of Enfield Road (between Oakwood and Enfield Town), followed by discussion of the subject matter
discussion of a.......
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06 November 2015
Enfield RoadWatch Action Group - formed to campaign against a proposal to build on Green Belt land between Enfield Town and Oakwood - have launched a photograph and slogan competition designed to publicise their campaign.
So far the nearly 4000 people have signed the online petition against building on the land.
For the background to the campaign, see this earlier report.
Enfield RoadWatch Action Group is delighted to announce the first
'Our Green Belt Enfield'
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24 September 2015
The campaigning group Enfield RoadWatch has issued a newsletter with updated information about their campaign to prevent construction on Green Belt land adjacent to Enfield Road, between Oakwood and Enfield Town (see this earlier report).
Urgent Call to Action!
Do you want developers to build homes on Green.......
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