pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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The leaders of a campaign to prevent development of Green Belt land between Oakwood and Enfield Town are warning that, despite the withdrawal of proposals to build houses, the fields are still threatened.  They have been seeking support from candidates for the Mayor of London and GLA members, as well as other local politicians.

Enfield RoadWatch Action Group's latest update points out that Enfield Academy is continuing to press for the construction of a new school on the site, which is located on the south side of the A110 (the road runs from left to right at the top of the aerial view shown below) and extends as far south as Boxers Lake.  They are also concerned about the attitude of the London Diocesan Fund, the current local plan review by Enfield Council and the fact that Fairview Homes are refusing access to the land to carry out an ecological survey.

aerial view of the green belt land

The campaign has contacted candidates standing in next month's elections, as well as other local politicians.  Their responses can be read on the EnfieldRoadwatch website.  Additionally, the campaigners are appealing for expert assistance (planners, ecologists, traffic surveyors) and for help in distributing leaflets.


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