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Enfield Local Plan

Conservation charity calls London mayor's Green Belt review a "distraction" from tackling the capital's housing crisis

27 February 2025

Local campaigners opposed to proposals for housebuilding on countryside in the north of Enfield borough were among the first to hear about an appeal today to the mayor of London to abandon plans for a review of the Green Belt and instead tackle the 'real causes' of the housing crisis.

Green belt conservation group publishes its impressions of the first tranche of Enfield Local Plan hearings

09 February 2025

Green Belt defence group Enfield RoadWatch have issued a newsletter summarising and discussing some of the main points raised during the first phase of formal inspection of the Enfield Local Plan.

Examination in public of Enfield Local Plan begins

22 January 2025

Examination in public of the Enfield Local Plan began at 9.30 this morning and continues until next Thursday (and possibly also next Friday morning. This article has links to the live streaming of the event on YouTube.

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Examination in public of Enfield Local Plan begins (2)

22 January 2025

Examination in public of the Enfield Local Plan began at 9.30 this morning and continues until next Thursday (and possibly also next Friday morning. This article has links to the live streaming of the event on YouTube.

St Anne's moving away from PG?

10 October 2024

A new document published as part of the process of drawing up the new Enfield Local Plan indicates that St Anne's school are proposing closing their site in Palmers Green so that it can be redeveloped for housing.

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Societies issue final appeal to public to object to draft Enfield Local Plan

01 May 2024

With the deadline approaching, the Enfield Society and Enfield RoadWatch have jointly issued a leaflet informing residents how they can object to elements of the draft Enfield Local Plan that the societies are strongly opposed to: construction on the green belt and tall buildings in town centres.

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Enfield Local Plan: Window for submissions open until 20th May

10 April 2024

The long and complex process by which the new Enfield Local Plan is being developed has now moved on to the 'Regulation 19' stage, which provides a final opportunity for members of the public to submit written representations. Understanding the plan and the processes for drawing it up and approving it requires specialist expertise, and both the council and the civil sector societies opposed to elements of the plan are offering advice to residents who wish to be involved.

Full council debates Enfield Local Plan next Tuesday

13 March 2024

Full council will debate the Enfield Local Plan on Tuesday 19th March at 7pm. There will be overspill accommodation at the Civic Centre to watch the debate, which will also be accessible online.

Council leader postpones debate on Enfield Local Plan

07 March 2024

Discussion by Full Council of the Enfield Local Plan has been postponed until 19th March so that data supporting the plan can be read by councillors.

'Unfair, unreasonable and undemocratic': Council accused of reneging on local plan consultation promise

07 February 2024

A statement issued on 7th February by Action for Enfield's Future expresses the frustration felt by its constituent community groups at the failure of the council leadership and the majority of ward councillors from both parties to fulfil the promise made in 2022 to engage effectively with residents about the content of the new Enfield Local Plan.

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'Time is running out for meaningful discussions' of Enfield Local Plan

31 January 2024

Community groups in Enfield are calling on both parties on the council to fulfil their promise to engage properly with residents before a key vote on an official planning document that will have a decisive impact on the borough's future development. Time is running out before the council debates the draft Enfield Local Plan, yet councillors have arranged ward forums in only nine out of 25 wards.

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PG ward forum scheduled for 20th February

24 January 2024

Palmers Green ward forum will be meeting on 20th February, which will provide an opportunity to discuss the draft Enfield Local Plan with ward councillors.

Civic sector groups highlight draft Enfield Local Plan's threats to green belt and proposals for tall buildings

18 January 2024

Civil society groups in Enfield have repeated their calls to borough residents to ask their councillors to set up special ward forums to discuss the draft Enfield Local Plan before it is debated in full council. They are concerned in particular about plans to build on green belt land and for tall buildings in town centres, including Palmers Green. In addition, they want residents to call for the evidence that the draft plan is based on to be made available to the public.

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Discussing the Enfield Local Plan in your ward forums

10 January 2024

Action for Enfield's Future - a non-political consortium of Enfield-based residents and civil sector groups - are asking the borough's residents to write to their ward councillors requesting a special ward forum to discuss the draft Enfield Local Plan. In Winchmore Hill ward a meeting is already scheduled for Friday 19th January.

Council publishes draft local plan 2024 - 2041

06 December 2023

Enfield Council has today published the draft version of its proposed Local Plan for the period 2024 to 2041. There now follows a 13-week period during which councillors will be able to discuss the draft with residents before it is formally put to the vote at a full council meeting on 6th March. The revised draft retains controversial proposals for extensive housebuilding on Green Belt land.

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Call for public to attend rescheduled local plan council debate

24 September 2022

The debate about a petition demanding adequate debate about the new Enfield Local Plan has been rescheduled and will now be held at 7pm on Wednesday 12th October at a newly convened meeting of Enfield Council. Campaigners are asking supporters to fill the public gallery and, if available, any overspill capacity in the Civic Centre.

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Local plan petitioners to put their case to Enfield Council

08 September 2022

As a result of their success in collecting signatures supporting a petition calling for a debate on the draft local plan in full council, the coalition of local groups behind the campaign have been invited to make their case at the next meeting of Enfield Council, on Wednesday 21st September.

Local plan petitioners hit signatures target

31 August 2022

With one day remaining before the 1st September deadline for residents to sign the Debate Enfield's Local Plan petition, signatures have already considerably exceeded the number required to force a debate about the local plan in full council.

Forcing the local plan process into the daylight: Sign the petition to Enfield Council

15 June 2022

In a bid to 'force the local plan process into the daylight', civic sector societies and community organisations in the borough have joined forces to launch a petition calling on Enfield Council to provide for thorough discussion of the revised draft local plan before it is submitted to the official government inspector. The deadline for adding your name to the petition is 31st July.

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Civic groups unite in opposition to council green belt and tall buildings plans

14 July 2021

With eight weeks remaining for residents to provide feedback on the draft Enfield Local Plan, two of the borough's civic groups have joined forces to campaign against the council's proposals to declassify several areas of green belt land in the borough to allow their use for large-scale housing developments. A third group says that the draft plan will not solve the borough's chronic shortage of family-sized and affordable homes.

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