Action for Enfield's Future - a non-political consortium of Enfield-based residents and civil sector groups - are asking the borough's residents to write to their ward councillors requesting a special ward forum to discuss the draft Enfield Local Plan. In Winchmore Hill ward the discussion will take place on 19th January.
In an open letter published today (see below) Action for Enfield's Future have provided contact details for each ward's councillors, together with brief information about what the draft plan envisages for each ward with regard to housebuilding, tall buildings and declassification of green belt land.
Action for Enfield's Future are keen that all councillors should be aware of their constituents' views regarding various aspects of the draft plan before it is debated by Full Council on 6th March. To help residents take part in the ward forums they will be providing lists of relevant questions to put to councillors.
Winchmore Hill ward forum to discuss the draft plan on 19th January
Winchmore Hill ward residents will have an opportunity to talk to their councillors about the draft local plan at the ward forum scheduled for Friday 19th January (7pm at the Friends' Meeting House).
More information about the draft local plan
For more detailed information about the draft Enfield Local Plan see the Useful Links section at the end of this article.
Open letter to Enfield residents from Action for Enfield's future
Everyone who lives, works, learns, plays in Enfield will be affected by Enfield Council's Local Plan. It will shape the physical, environmental, social and economic landscape locally for decades to come.
The council has promised that councillors will “engage with businesses, communities and residents”. So please write to your local councillors to ensure this happens.
Ask them to set up a ward forum in February to discuss the Local Plan and what it means for you.
Please bcc
Over the next few weeks we will be publishing questions that you might want to ask your councillors at your ward forum.
We all have a part to play in determining the contents of the plan. Enfield is our home, we belong here, and we have just eight weeks in which to let our councillors know what we think before March 6 when they vote on the plan at Full Council. The table contains the information you need.
Action for Enfield’s Future is a non-political and inclusive group of Enfield residents and community groups including the Enfield Society, Better Homes Enfield. Enfield Roadwatch and Enfield Climate Action Forum.
If you are reading this on a small device, such as a phone, you can scroll the table below from right to left.
Your Ward To find your ward and ward councillors click here |
Your councillors Contact details for your councillors here and below. The link is to the council website and you have to scroll down. |
Impact of the Local Plan on your ward |
Additional homes (%of total) |
Tall buildings (Storeys) |
Estate infill / redevelopment? |
Green belt ? |
Arnos Grove |
319 (1.1%) |
9 |
No |
No |
Bowes |
Brimsdown |
532 (1.8%) |
13 |
Yes |
No |
Bullsmoor |
240 (0.8%) |
Not specified |
Yes |
No |
Bush Hill Park |
29 (0.1%) |
Not specified |
No |
No |
Carterhatch |
293 (1.0%) |
Not specified |
Yes |
No |
Cockfosters |
1180 (4.1%) |
13 |
Yes |
Yes |
Edmonton Green |
1462 (5.1%) |
20 |
Yes |
No |
Enfield Lock |
90 (0.3%) |
Not specified |
Yes |
No |
Grange Park |
Haselbury |
Highfield |
Jubilee |
59 (0.2%) |
Not specified |
Yes |
No |
Lower Edmonton |
146 (0.5%) |
Not specified |
Yes |
No |
New Southgate |
537 (1.9%) |
Not specified |
Yes |
No |
Oakwood |
2182 (7.6) |
No |
No |
Yes |
Palmers Green |
467 (1.6%) |
8 |
No |
No |
Ponders End |
677 (2.4%) |
11 |
Yes |
No |
Ridgeway |
2084 (7.2%) |
11 |
Yes |
Yes |
Southbury |
3352 (11.6%) |
16 |
Yes |
No |
Southgate |
264 (0.9%) |
10 |
No |
No |
Town |
1220 (4.7%) |
14 |
Yes |
No |
Upper Edmonton |
9388 (32.6%) |
27 |
Yes |
No |
Whitewebbs |
3900 (13.5) |
Not specified |
Yes |
Yes |
Winchmore Hill |
368 (1.3%) |
Not specified |
No |
Yes |
Useful links
Guide to the Enfield Local Plan on the Enfield Society's website
Council publishes draft local plan 2024-2041 (Palmers Green Community 6 December 2023)
Council leader vows to make Enfield 'deeply green' as she sets out plans for nearly 10,000 homes on Green Belt (Enfield Dispatch 6 December 2023)
Enfield Local Plan - next steps (Enfield Council website 6 December 2023)
You can view the draft Local Plan in its near and final form:
- Enfield Local Plan 2019-2041 for pre-publication - pages 1 to 57 (PDF, 19362.62 KB)
- Enfield Local Plan 2019-2041 for pre-publication - pages 58 to 144 (PDF, 8263.93 KB)
- Enfield Local Plan 2019-2041 for pre-publication - pages 145 to 296 PDF, 19067.64 KB
- Enfield Local Plan 2019-2041 for pre-publication - pages 297 to 346 (PDF, 5345.26 KB)
You can also view as individual chapters:
- Foreword and Ch 1: Introduction (PDF, 16988.61 KB)
- Ch 2: Good Growth in Enfield (PDF, 10600.95 KB)
- Ch 3: Place Part 1 (PDF, 18066.99 KB)
- Ch 3: Place Part 2 (PDF, 18866.04 KB)
- Ch 3: Place Part 3 (PDF, 17748.32 KB)
- Ch 3: Place Part 4 (PDF, 15644.56 KB)
- Ch 4: Sustainable Enfield (PDF, 10702.94 KB)
- Ch 5: Addressing equality and improving inequality (PDF, 11649.75 KB)
- Ch 6: Blue and Green Infrastructure Part 1 (PDF, 18976.09 KB)
- Ch 6: Blue and Green Infrastructure Part 2 (PDF, 17733.64 KB)
- Ch 7: Design and Character Part 1 (PDF, 17613.54 KB)
- Ch 7: Design and Character Part 2 (PDF, 13381.61 KB)
- Ch 8: Housing (PDF, 7103.29 KB)
- Ch 9: Employment Part 1 (PDF, 18083.1 KB)
- Ch 9: Employment Part 2 (PDF, 4205.38 KB)
- Ch 10: Town Centres (PDF, 7345.5 KB)
- Ch 11: Rural Enfield (PDF, 6330.32 KB)
- Ch 12: Culture, leisure and recreation (PDF, 13095.94 KB)
- Ch 13: Movement and connectivity (PDF, 6942.72 KB)
- Ch 14: Environmental Protection (PDF, 10046.37 KB)
- Ch 15: Delivering and Monitoring (PDF, 969.41 KB)
- Appendix A: List of Evidence Base (PDF, 3479.55 KB)
- Appendix B: Key performance indicators (PDF, 1049.14 KB)
- Appendix C: Site Allocations Part 1 (PDF, 11763.71 KB)*
- Appendix C: Site Allocations Part 2 (PDF, 6999.54 KB)*
- Appendix C: Site Allocations Part 3 (PDF, 7069.35 KB)*
- Appendix D: Tall buildings (PDF, 9426.8 KB)
- Appendix E: Developer Contributions (PDF, 2373.66 KB)
- Acronym buster and glossary (PDF, 287.11 KB)
*Please note that following the original pre-publication on 6 December, a number of inconsistencies and errors have been identified within the site allocations proformas. To make sure that members have accurate information, these have been rectified and the corrected files have now been uploaded to replace the inaccuracies.
The current draft of the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) and information for Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA). These resources will help Councillors understand the choices made throughout the planning process. The draft IIA explains the different options considered by the council, highlights the social, environmental and economic impacts of the Local Plan, and considers how any negative impacts could be avoided.
The IIA and HRA can be viewed: