05 October 2017
Last week saw the first Healthy Streets conference, held appropriately enough in Walthamstow, the location of pioneering Mini Holland and Villageisation schemes. More than 300 attendees were there to explore the connections between public health and transport strategies. Topics covered included health-led street design, re-allocation of road space, behaviour change and measures to improve air quality.
Public health specialists: "Active travel is the wonder drug"
Healthy Streets is.......
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20 August 2017
There'll be so many things going on at the Palmers Green Festival on 3rd September that you might miss some of them, so over the next couple of weeks we'll be highlighting a few that you might enjoy, starting with Try-a-Bike.
Think you can't cycle? Think again!
You don't have to be young, fit or even able-bodied to ride a bike. And lots of bikes are great for carrying kids and/or shopping.
Come and try some out for free at Palmers Green Festival! We have cargo bikes to carry kids or.......
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16 August 2017
Transport for London (TfL) is consulting on a proposal to make changes to the pedestrian/cycle crossing of the North Circular Road between Palmerston Crescent (north of the NCR) and Palmerston Road (south of the NCR). The intention is to make it easier and pleasanter for both pedestrians and cyclists to cross.
The existing shared crossing would be relocated slightly to the west and converted into separate pedestrian and cycle crossings. Motorised traffic would no longer be able to turn.......
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26 July 2017
Londoners have until 2 October to give their views on the draft Transport Strategy that was published by the Mayor of London in June.
The strategy is described as "the start of an ambitious plan that will reshape London over the next 25 years. It sets out a bold approach to achieve an essential vision – to create a healthier, fairer city; one that is not only home to more people, but that is a better place to live in." The complete draft document is over 150 pages long, but there is a.......
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19 July 2017
Increased police focus on enforcing safe passing of cycle riders by drivers of cars and trucks, originally associated with West Midlands Police, is gradually spreading to other forces, including the Met. It has now been taken up by police in Winchmore Hill ward, who will be doing more to educate drivers.
Earlier this month, at the N21 Fancy Fair, Clare Rogers and Hal Haines of Better Streets for Enfield spoke to PCSO Antony Rivas from the Winchmore Hill Safer Neighbourhoods Team. A good.......
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19 April 2017
The Department for Transport (DfT) has today announced a competition seeking proposals that would encourage more people to make journeys by bicycle and/or on foot.
The text below is an abridged version of the announcement extracted from the www.gov.uk website. To read the complete announcement visit
This competition seeks proposals for.......
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05 March 2017
Healthy Streets for London, published last month by Transport for London, is an important document which outlines in broad terms the strategy that will be adopted by the Mayor of London and his Walking and Cycling Commissioner in order to increase "active travel" by people living and working in London.
The health benefits of daily activity are shown in the diagram. Conversely, the disbenefits stemming from current inadequate amounts of activity among the general population are.......
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19 November 2016
In the run up to the publication of the Government's Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, a new report from the Urban Transport Group (which represents the UK's largest urban transport authorities) sets out the fivefold economic benefits of investing in active travel.
Click here to download the full reportThe benefits are:
Health costs: physical inactivity is estimated to cost the NHS of £1.06 billion per year.
Economic value of trips: ten billion annual journeys are undertaken in.......
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27 August 2016
Enfield Council's plans for cycle lanes along main roads and quieter neighbourhoods in residential areas moved a little closer to completion this week, when a High Court judge refused an application for a judicial review of the Cycle Enfield consultation arrangements and ordered that the Save Our Green Lanes campaigning group should pay the Council's costs.
The judge dismissed claims by the anti-cycle lane campaigners that there were serious flaws in the way the consultation was.......
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17 May 2016
A new campaigning group is calling for a fairer balance between cars, cycles, buses and pedestrians on Enfield's roads. Better Streets for Enfield supports the Cycle Enfield (Mini Holland) plans to boost cycling and walking rates by installing bike lanes, 'quieter neighbourhoods', and redesigned high streets.
Devonshire Road should by rights be a quiet residential street, but most of the time is a "rat run". For two hours a month it turns into a Play Street (Photo: Phil Rogers)While.......
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15 April 2016
Clare Rogers shares her thoughts about last week's Enfield Cycling Conference
This conference at Enfield’s Dugdale Centre on Friday 8 April left me feeling both inspired and daunted – inspired because we were shown what is possible and already being done in the Netherlands – and daunted because Enfield has such a long way to go.
This post tries to give a taste of what was said at the conference. For more in-depth information, you can find links to each presentation.......
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22 March 2016
On 8th April the Dugdale Centre will be hosting a cycling conference. On the same date there will be a Cycling Fair held at Fountain Island in Enfield Town between Noon and 5pm.
Enfield Cycling Fair 8 April 2016 12pm - 5pm
London Cycling Campaign and Enfield Council will be holding a cycling fair on Friday 8th April, 12-5pm, on Fountain Island, Enfield Town.
Try-a-bike area with Dutch bikes, e-bikes, bromptons and more.
Have your bike looked over by a trained mechanic
Talk to Enfield.......
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01 March 2016
Nine of the UK's leading environmental campaigns have come together to publish a manifesto outlining ways in which the next Mayor of London could tackle the capital's growing environmental problems.
Greener London: What the next Mayor can do to improve our capital has been produced by the Campaign for Better Transport, the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England, Friends of the Earth, the Green Alliance, Greenpeace, the London Wildlife Trust, the National Trust, the Royal.......
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25 January 2016
Following last week's meeting of the Enfield West Partnership Board, the revised proposals for cycle lanes along the A105 will be considered by Enfield Council's Cabinet on 10th February. If, as seems likely, the proposals are approved, they will then be sent to Transport for London (TfL) for its approval. If given the green light by TfL, the proposals will then be subject to a period of statutory public consultation.
Following the consultation, the engineers would move on to.......
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16 December 2015
The deadline for submitting comments on the Enfield Town and A110 (Southbury Road/Lea Valley Road) cycle lanes proposals is 18th December - this Friday. If the earlier A105 consultation is anything to go by, the deadline will fall at exactly midnight on Friday night, after which the system will no longer accept any input.
Consultation links
Enfield Town consultation
Southbury Road consultation
The debate about Cycle Enfield has been ongoing, on our forums and elsewhere, with.......
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14 December 2015
A Play Streets scheme that closes roads to cars opened Clare Rogers’ eyes to the idea of roads for recreation. Now she’s part of a grassroots campaign to revolutionise cycling in Enfield – but the battle isn’t over.
A consultation on the Mini Holland proposal to make Enfield town centre bike friendly closes on Friday. Photograph: Cycle Enfield
My sister Sally started it when she sent me a video about Playing Out – the seminal Bristol project which closes.......
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18 November 2015
Enfield Council has published some initial analysis of the responses from members of the public to the A105 Cycle Enfield Scheme (see the box below).
The analysis is very broad-brush, but one interesting fact that stands out is that respondents' highest priorities were pedestrian safety and air quality. "Convenient car parking" was one of the lowest priorities.
A fuller report will be issued in due course, which will include responses to points raised by the public. Some changes.......
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09 November 2015
According to a press release issued by Enfield Council today, a majority of people who responded to the public consultation about the A105 Cycle Enfield proposals indicated that they were in favour of the scheme going ahead.
The press release states that "60 per cent of the 1,646 people consulted said they supported the plans, while just 40 percent were opposed to them". However, the Cycling Weekly website breaks down the in favour submissions into two subcategories: in favour - 51.......
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04 November 2015
More evidence that cycling schemes are good for business has been provided today in the form of an open letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer from the leaders of companies employing over 250.000 people.
According to anti-Cycle Enfield campaigners, putting in cycle lanes along Green Lanes will "kill" businesses. Even before today's open letter there has already been plenty of evidence that this is at the very least a gross exaggeration and may in fact be the reverse of the truth.......
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01 October 2015
The deadline for letting the Council have your views about the A105 component of Cycle Enfield is fast approaching - the online questionnaire must be completed by 9th October. If you want to comment on every stretch of road, the process could take a while, so don't leave it to the last minute. There is plenty of information available on the Cycle Enfield website, and we have published several articles with information in easily digested form.
The approaching deadline has prompted.......
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