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Road safety

Police chase through Palmers Green ends in Bush Hill Park crash

13 April 2020

Footage on Twitter of the police chasing a drug driver from near Ritz Parade, then along the A105 through Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill, eventually ending in the chased car crashing outside St Stephen's Bush Hill Park.

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Hackney to implement emergency anti-rat running measures

13 April 2020

Hackney council is planning to implement measures to curb rat-running during the coronavirus lockdown, with the aim of protecting walkers and cyclists, allowing them more space to socially distance, and as a countermeasure to increased speeding by reckless drivers taking advantage of much lighter traffic levels. By doing so Hackney stands out from other UK local authorities, but cities in other countries all over the world have already done much more to reallocate road space away from cars.

London's top traffic policeman discusses speeding during the lockdown

12 April 2020

Detective Superintendent Andy Cox from the Met's Roads and Transport Policing Command has recorded a YouTube video in which he talks about the incidence of extreme speeding during the coronavirus lockdown and police operations against all speeding in London. He urges all drivers not to speed and passengers to ask drivers to slow down - speeding should, he says, be as socially unacceptable as drink driving.

London's top traffic cop joins medics in call for slower speeds to reduce strain on NHS

30 March 2020

As UK doctors call for lower speed limits to reduce the pressure on health services, London's top traffic cop has gone online to plead for slower driving and to highlight examples of criminal behaviour by drivers taking advantage of clearer roads to flagrantly breach speed limits.

What a difference a School Street makes!

01 March 2020

Enfield's first two School Streets went into operation on Monday 24th February. Photographs taken on that day in Tile Kiln Lane show pupils from Oakthorpe School strolling along in the middle of the road, free of the usual daily noise, noxious emissions and danger from cars.

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Appeal to trace vehicle involved in hit-and-run collision in Palmers Green

22 January 2020

Police are appealing for help in tracing a 4x4 involved in a hit and run that left a young girl with serious injuries. The collision occurred on the North Circular Road at the junction with Melville Gardens on 2nd December.

A 'dashboard' showing traffic volumes and speeds in the Fox Lane area

08 January 2020

Detailed traffic speed and volume data collected during the 'planters trial' in the Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood area is now available via an online 'dashboard'. Over a one week period in March just under 260,000 vehicles passed the data collection points - 235825 cars, 18,594 lorries, 1682 bicycles and 351 cars pulling trailers. They included 25 vehicles doing more than 70mph, of which 14 were exceeding 80mph and two were recorded at speeds between 96 and 100mph.

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Council outlines its plans for school streets

07 January 2020

Enfield's first 'school street' schemes - outside St Monica's primary school and Oakthorpe primary school - are likely to go live after the February half term. The council hopes to complete a further three schemes by this spring. The rate of implementation in the next financial year and thereafter will depend on availability of funding and the degree of interest and commitment shown by schools.

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Residents come together to support the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood concept

11 December 2019

People living in Fox Lane and surrounding streets are welcoming Enfield Council's idea of closing roads to create low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) throughout the area and are calling on other residents to voice their support.

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'School streets' for two local primaries

24 November 2019

Enfield Council has notified its intention to create 'school streets' for two primary schools - Oakthorpe in Palmers Green and St Monica's in Southgate.

Residents voice concerns about Aldermans Hill junction to TfL officers

26 June 2019

Officers from Transport for London and Enfield Council joined local residents last Friday morning to see for themselves the challenges posed by the absence of proper pedestrian infrastructure at the junction of Aldermans Hill, Powys Lane, Cannon Hill and Forestdale.

What next for the Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood?

19 June 2019

It was standing room only at last week's open meeting of Fox Lane & District Resident's Association (FLDRA) as people from the Association's catchment area (and some from further afield) flocked in, hoping to discover what Enfield Council has in mind for the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood scheme, now that the planters experiment has been officially declared a failure. Actually, we didn't learn much at all about what new traffic calming measures will be proposed, but it was nevertheless a very useful meeting because of what we, the Council and the FLDRA found out about residents' views on traffic volumes and speeds in the so far not very quiet 'quieter neighbourhood' area.

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Researchers discover that cycle lanes reduce fatalities among all road users

04 June 2019

The most comprehensive study of bicycle and road safety to date finds that building safe facilities for cyclists is one of the biggest factors in road safety for everyone. Bicycling infrastructure -- specifically, separated and protected bike lanes -- leads to fewer fatalities and better road-safety outcomes for all road users.

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Car crashes into Starfish cafe on Aldermans Hill

14 May 2019

Facebook users have posted photographs and comments after a driver lost control and crashed into Starfish on Aldermans Hill earlier today.

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Dangerous racing on the A10 is driving people round the bend

25 April 2019

An open letter to the Metropolitan Police and to Transport for London from Better Streets for London, pointing out that people living within hearing distance of the A10 have completely lost patience with both bodies because of their failure to take effective measures against 'boy racers' who are making their weekends stressful and endangering innocent road users.

Report highlights failings in London road traffic justice

04 April 2019

RoadPeace, the national charity for road crash victims, has today published a review looking at traffic law enforcement across London. Based on the latest statistics from 2017, the findings have led the charity to call for improved transparency and accountability of the Metropolitan Police, to understand the strategy it is deploying to tackle road danger. London should be leading the way when it comes to traffic law enforcement, and RoadPeace’s review indicates that enforcement is not only inconsistent and infrequent across the capital, but doesn’t compare well nationally either.

Bringing our streets back to life and making them easier to cross

20 March 2019

The London Living Streets group has been working with Transport for London to introduce a programme of crossing retimings that will make it easier and safer to cross the street - one crossing on the priority list is in Palmers Green. A new Living Streets group launches in Wood Green on 24th March.

Traffic counts and speeds: Amberley Road

19 March 2019

Newly published traffic count data for a second residential street in the Fox Lane neighbourhood confirms what its residents know only too well - that up to 400 vehicles an hour are using it as a cut-through and that, even though the street is short and has a sharp bend, there is widespread disregard for the speed limit.

Beware the Long Handlebars of the Law!

17 October 2018

Last week the Metropolitan Police were on Bourne Hill and The Bourne to carry out an operation designed to dissuade drivers from failing to pay due care and attention to people riding bicycles. Clare Rodgers was with them and reports what happened.

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Clare Rogers talks about the Better Streets for Enfield campaign

28 July 2018

In the second of the Citizen's Eye series of video interview, Francis Sealey of Enfield Voices and GlobalNet21 talks to Clare Rogers about the genesis of the Better Streets for Enfield campaign.

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