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Road safety

Cabinet asked to approve Healthy Streets Framework

13 June 2021

At their meeting on Wednesday 16th June Enfield's Cabinet will be invited to endorse a newly drafted Healthy Streets Framework, intended for use in developing and delivering Healthy Streets projects designed to enable more walking and cycling and reduce road danger.

Climate Safe Streets

04 May 2021

For transport to become environmentally sustainable we need to shift a significant proportion of journeys to non-polluting modes - walking, cycling or public transport. But doing so can also improve our environment in other ways, making it safer, cleaner, quieter, more sociable. A short film, partly filmed in Palmers Green, gives a glimpse of how we can have better streets.

'Challenge your friends, your family, your colleagues not to speed, and make it unacceptable'

07 April 2021

In the week that we were all shocked by the killing of a tiny baby by a dangerous driver, we need to hammer home the message of London's former top traffic cop in this interview for Crimewatch Live: 'Don't speed, challenge your friends, your family, your colleagues not to speed, and make it unacceptable. '

The next mayor should create a 'more natural capital'

02 April 2021

Ahead of the mayoral election on 6th May, a coalition of leading environmental groups have published a joint manifesto outlining ambitious programmes of action needed to reduce pollution and waste, improve health and wellbeing, secure nature's recovery and increase resilience to climate change. There will be an opportunity to discuss these proposals with the candidates at the Mayoral Environment Debate, which will take place online on 12th April.

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Please support LTNs – they are for everyone’s safety and wellbeing

19 January 2021

An article by Better Streets for Enfield presenting data showing that low-traffic neighbourhoods reduce road danger, allow more people to cycle, reduce car ownership, are not socially unjust and do not hinder emergency vehicles.

120 doctors and nurses urge continuation of low traffic neighbourhoods and cycle lanes schemes

06 November 2020

More than 120 medical professionals, concerned about 'the adverse impact that motor vehicles have on our patients and the broader community', have written to the Mayor of London in support of low-traffic neighbourhoods and cycle lanes.

Calling primary school kids: Design a greener school run poster!

07 September 2020

Sometimes it can take a childs-eye view to see how we can do things better, and a new competition for young budding transport planners, launched today, is intended to take advantage of this to help us speed up the decarbonisation of transport and in particular of the school run. The national walking charity Living Streets is teaming up with the Transport Planning Society to offer a prize for the best poster designed by a child of primary school age showing environmentally friendly ways to travel to school.

'Our streets, our journeys'

07 September 2020

All of us, to greater or lesser extent, shape the world that children have to grow up in. And, without our realising it, our lifestyle and behaviour might be contributing to the problems that lead to so many children growing up obese, unfit, unhealthy and with poor mental health. Instead of blaming their parents, we should consider whether we are part of the problem.

New school street in Winchmore Hill starts on Monday

05 September 2020

A school street scheme comes into force on Monday 7th September outside St Paul's primary school in Ringwood Way, Winchmore Hill. Between 8.15 and 9.15 in the morning and 2.45 and 3.45 in the afternoon Ringwood Way will be a pedestrian and cycle zone between its junctions with Station Road and Shrubbery Gardens. This normally busy cut-through will be closed to all vehicles other than those with specific exemptions.

Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood moves a step closer

26 August 2020

A public notice published in this week's Enfield Independent gives notice that five experimental traffic orders relating to the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood Area will come into effect on 7th September.

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Taking to the streets in 2020

26 August 2020

Hal Haines draws a parallel between last week's protests against Enfield's first low-traffic neighbourhood and the situation in the Netherlands 50 years ago, when Amsterdam's streets too were dominated by cars. The Stop the Child Killings campaign that began in 1971 has shaped road design in the Netherlands ever since, making it unthinkable not to design out the possibility of taking a short cut through residential areas. The UK solved the child deaths problem by turning streets into no-go areas for children, but at a cost in terms of health, both physical and mental.

National Road Victims Month: Time to start doing something about the terror on our roads

04 August 2020

London's top traffic cop has reminded us that August is National Road Victims Month and asked us to watch a short film made by the charity RoadPeace. In the UK five people a day are killed on the roads and more than 60 seriously injured. Scandinavian cities, pursuing a Vision Zero policy, have almost eliminated road deaths.

New plans for Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood revealed

09 July 2020

Enfield Council's revised plans for the Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood, which were published today, will dramatically reduce traffic and associated pollution, noise and road danger over a large area of residential streets stretching from Palmers Green to Southgate. Subject to approval by the deputy council leader, the proposals will be implemented on a trial basis for six months starting this summer.

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Covid Streetspace: Bike lanes, school streets, low-traffic neighbourhoods and more

01 July 2020

Enfield Council has published information about its progress in obtaining funding for urgent Streetspace schemes, designed to enable more walking and cycling post-lockdown in a situation where people will be unable or reluctant to use public transport. A document recently published on the council's Let's Talk website also includes updates about the status of planned low-traffic neighbourhoods in the Fox Lane, Connaught Gardens and Bowes Primary areas.

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Making more Streetspace for people

07 June 2020

Enfield Council has submitted a bid to TfL for funding for a number of Covid Streetspace measures: pop-up cycle lanes, quieter neighbourhoods, modal filters to block through traffic, school streets and temporary footway widening. A revised design has been developed for the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood and will be shared with the community prior to implementation.

Introducing Healthy Streets Bounds Green

03 June 2020

Viola Rondeboom of Healthy Streets Bounds Green introduces the new group and its ideas for creating a healthier environment in the residential streets between Bounds Green Road and Bowes Road.

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Government tells councils to reallocate roadspace for walking and cycling 'as swiftly as possible'

11 May 2020

The government has told local authorities that it expects them to take urgent measures to reallocate roadspace away from cars to provide more room for walking and cycling 'as swiftly as possible, and in any event within weeks'. They are to include 'pop-up' cycle lanes with light segregation features, more school streets, lower speed limits, pedestrian and cycle zones that exclude motor traffic, low-traffic residential neighbourhoods, and bus and cycle corridors along key routes into town and city centres. Enfield Council's 'Streetspace Plan', announced last week, will incorporate measures of this sort - residents are able to upload their own suggestions on the council's Consultation Hub.

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Freeing up streetspace throughout London - including Enfield

06 May 2020

Transport for London's Streetspace Programme, announced on Wednesday, is intended to rapidly transform the capital's streets to accommodate a possible ten-fold increase in cycling and five-fold increase in walking when lockdown restrictions are eased. Many boroughs have already started on their own similar schemes - Enfield's was announced on Tuesday. Measures of this kind have already been endorsed by the prime minister and business secretary.

'We don't want or need to go back to those fume-filled, congested and hostile roads of the past'

28 April 2020

'We don't want or need to go back to those fume-filled, congested and hostile roads of the past' - the message concluding a letter sent by campaigners to the leaders of Enfield Council concerned about what might happen once the coronavirus lockdown ends. They urge the leaders to to take steps to ensure that, as restrictions are gradually relaxed, high levels of car usage do not return, hindering social distancing and discouraging active travel modes - walking and cycling. Their suggestions include 'pop-up' cycle lanes along corridors for key workers, widening of pinchpoints that present hazards when walking or cycling, and re-allocation of road space at places where queues outside shops make it impossible for pedestrians to maintain safe distances.

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Covid-19: Rethinking our streets

22 April 2020

'Social distancing' has drawn attention to how narrow many pavements are and what a small percentage of the space on our streets is devoted to walking - which is theoretically at the top of the transport mode hierarchy. London Living Streets has published an important discussion paper about how streets should be re-evaluated in the face of Covid. As the authors point out, the ideas reflected the situation in mid-April, and the situation will undoubtedly evolve. At national level Living Streets is suggesting that we contact councillors with suggestions for reallocating space for people on foot where social distancing is proving difficult.

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