07 June 2020
Enfield Council has submitted a bid to TfL for funding for a number of Covid Streetspace measures: pop-up cycle lanes, quieter neighbourhoods, modal filters to block through traffic, school streets and temporary footway widening. A revised design has been developed for the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood and will be shared with the community prior to implementation.
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03 June 2020
Viola Rondeboom of Healthy Streets Bounds Green introduces the new group and its ideas for creating a healthier environment in the residential streets between Bounds Green Road and Bowes Road.
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26 May 2020
Residents of streets to the south of Bowes Road, particularly those living in Brownlow Road, Warwick Road and nearby streets, have come together to launch a campaign to prevent traffic in the area building up to the unacceptably high levels that were normal prior to the Covid-19 lockdown. Their proposal is to create a low-traffic neighbourhood to prevent use of roads in the area as a cut-through. The campaign, under the slogan 'A Bus Gate for Brownlow?', has won the support of Better Streets for Enfield, who promote the idea of creating people-friendly streets across the entire borough.
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26 May 2020
Find out everything you need to know on how to ask your council for a School Street to a) reduce air pollution exposure and b) overcrowding at the school gate.
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11 May 2020
The government has told local authorities that it expects them to take urgent measures to reallocate roadspace away from cars to provide more room for walking and cycling 'as swiftly as possible, and in any event within weeks'. They are to include 'pop-up' cycle lanes with light segregation features, more school streets, lower speed limits, pedestrian and cycle zones that exclude motor traffic, low-traffic residential neighbourhoods, and bus and cycle corridors along key routes into town and city centres. Enfield Council's 'Streetspace Plan', announced last week, will incorporate measures of this sort - residents are able to upload their own suggestions on the council's Consultation Hub.
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13 April 2020
Hackney council is planning to implement measures to curb rat-running during the coronavirus lockdown, with the aim of protecting walkers and cyclists, allowing them more space to socially distance, and as a countermeasure to increased speeding by reckless drivers taking advantage of much lighter traffic levels. By doing so Hackney stands out from other UK local authorities, but cities in other countries all over the world have already done much more to reallocate road space away from cars.
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09 March 2020
Following the publication by Enfield Council of a report on its engagement with the public over its proposals for a low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in the Fox Lane area, a residents' group which has been campaigning to remove through traffic from the area has commented on its findings, which showed considerable variation in attitudes between the different streets, reflecting the volumes and speeds of traffic using each street.
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03 March 2020
A resident of The Mall, which runs between Southgate High Street and Fox Lane, has launched an online petition asking Enfield Council to implement a low-traffic neighbourhood in the wider Fox Lane area as soon as possible.
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25 February 2020
As people living in and around Fox Lane await a revised low-traffic neighbourhood proposal from Enfield Council, support for a scheme which would completely rid their streets of the plague of rat-running is growing. At last week's meeting of Fox Lane & District Residents' Association (FLDRA) it was confirmed that the 'Red Poster' group, originally sceptical about excluding through traffic, are now in favour. And on Sunday residents used the opportunity provided by the monthly play street in Amberley Road to gather in the road and say 'Yes to Low Traffic'.
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19 February 2020
Ahead of a debate at its meeting on Thursday, Fox Lane Residents' Association has published information and views from Enfield Council's Healthy Streets team and the working group of residents that was set up after the January Burford Hall meeting. A new proposal by the working group is largely based on a scheme previously proposed by pro-low traffic neighbourhood campaigners, though the group favours using automatic number plate recognition rather than physical barriers.
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10 February 2020
While Enfield Council continues to analyse more than 700 consultation responses and work on developing a revised scheme, the plans for a low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in the Fox Lane area are likely to be the dominant topic of discussion at next week's Annual General Meeting of the Fox Lane and District Residents' Association (FLDRA). At the meeting, on Thursday 20th February, the FLDRA Committee will be proposing that the Association adopt a formal position calling for a revised plan which, while incorporating traffic calming, would keep as many roads 'open' as possible.
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22 January 2020
The Palmers Green Ward Forum on 9th January included lively discussions of plans for a controlled parking zone in Osborne Road and the lack of progress in implementing a low-traffic neighbourhood in the 'Connaught Gardens Quieter Neighbourhood'.
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15 January 2020
The Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting called by Paul Mandel was very well attended and was an opportunity to hear views ranging from strong support to angry opposition. Notes of what was said at the meeting have been published on the Fox Lane & District Residents' Association website and are republished here.
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14 January 2020
Enfield residents who take part in a survey about the council's Healthy Streets programmes will be entered in a draw to win a £50 shopping voucher.
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08 January 2020
Detailed traffic speed and volume data collected during the 'planters trial' in the Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood area is now available via an online 'dashboard'. Over a one week period in March just under 260,000 vehicles passed the data collection points - 235825 cars, 18,594 lorries, 1682 bicycles and 351 cars pulling trailers. They included 25 vehicles doing more than 70mph, of which 14 were exceeding 80mph and two were recorded at speeds between 96 and 100mph.
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01 January 2020
The January 2020 issue of Enfield Dispatch is now available and includes a couple of features about our corner of the borough
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11 December 2019
People living in Fox Lane and surrounding streets are welcoming Enfield Council's idea of closing roads to create low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) throughout the area and are calling on other residents to voice their support.
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20 November 2019
The plans for the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood that were unveiled last week have certainly stirred up debate! Arguments for and against have been running on this website's forum and on social media. The Conservative and Labour contenders for the Enfield Southgate parliamentary seat have joined the fray, and pressure from within the majority Labour Party Group has prompted Enfield Council to extend the deadline for commenting on the plans to 22nd December. The Better Streets for Enfield group, which has been campaigning for a true low-traffic neighbourhood scheme, has suggested a revised scheme with more entrance/exit points for cars.
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10 November 2019
Nearly two thirds of London councils have declared a climate emergency. While it is relatively straightforward to declare an emergency, it is far more challenging to commit to specific interventions that will deliver big cuts in carbon emissions. The London Living Streets group has identified a range of key policies that local authorities can adopt right now to reduce carbon emissions. All have either been adopted by another major global city, by local authorities in London or elsewhere in the UK.
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08 November 2019
Ahead of the public exhibition on Tuesday 12th November (3pm to 8pm in the former Starbucks shop), Enfield Council has published a map of its new proposals for removing through traffic from the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood.
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