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peoples vote campaigners

Members of Enfield for Europe were campaigning at Southgate station this weekend and have sent the following press release.

Pro-European campaigners were out in force in Southgate on Saturday taking part in the national launch of the People’s Vote (#PeoplesVote ; @peoplesvote_uk), a national campaign for another public vote on EU membership, crucially with an option to stay in if any UK-EU deal is worse than our membership terms, which is almost certain to be the case.

Supporters of local pro-European group Enfield for Europe gave out dozens of special postcards which people will send to local MPs to ask them to back a public vote. They also urged voters to back pro-EU council candidates and parties in the forthcoming local council elections on May 3. (see attached picture)

Enfield stands to lose millions of pounds in EU funding if Britain leaves the EU. The European Investment Bank provides Enfield council with low-cost funding for infrastructure projects, while other EU funds provide support to local farmers and businesses. Enfield also benefits from EU funds for London-wide projects such as improvements to the London
Overground rail network, which received loans totalling £236 million between 2015 and 2017. Some 40 youth, employment skills and access-to-work schemes in north and east London have received £74m from the EU.

“’Brexit’ is a local issue and isn’t a done deal. Electing as many pro-EU councillors as possible on May 3 will signal to the government that we won’t accept the damage that leaving the EU will do to local services,” an Enfield for Europe spokesperson said. “Nationally, we know ‘Brexit’ is hitting the economy, jobs and investment, is causing NHS staff
shortages and will remove UK citizens’ rights to live and work freely in at least 27 other EU countries. It will also deprive us of the benefits of big EU trade deals with countries around the world and reduce our global influence. We now know claims by the Leave campaigns during the referendum about the supposed benefits of leaving the EU, such as an extra £350m a week for the NHS, were nonsense. ‘Brexit’ could also threaten the Irish peace process by creating a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland and cause chaos at ports and airports if we leave the EU’s customs union and single market. Now the truth about ‘Brexit’ is emerging, the people of Enfield and the UK deserve another say.”

Hugo Mann, field campaign manager for EfE’s affiliate national pro-EU group European Movement UK, added:

“Thousands of activists from all over the country are campaigning to demand the right to a say on any final ‘Brexit’ deal.

“No-one voted to be poorer, no-one voted for less money for our NHS and no-one voted for a £40bn ‘Brexit’ divorce

The Enfield for Europe team
Twitter: @enfieldforeu

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Darren Edgar posted a reply
16 Apr 2018 11:30
Thanks for posting, missed them Saturday.

I also back the big Remain/Pro-EU push to only back candidates from pro EU parties, i.e. Lib Dem, Green or, if you're lucky to have a candidate standing, Renew Britain.

Sadly this means not being able to back Labour given its support of Tory Brexit, pity as I love the local councillors work on the Mini Holland cycle lanes and continued support/defence of them.
PGC Webmaster posted a reply
25 Apr 2018 19:40
If you missed Enfield in Europe's campaigners in Southgate (see above), they'll be setting up shop in Enfield Town this Saturday, from 11am outside Barclays Bank, near the market. More information at

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