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For transport to become environmentally sustainable - that is, not continue to stoke climate change by emitting greenhouse gases -  we need to shift a significant proportion of journeys currently made by car to non-polluting modes - walking, cycling or public transport. But doing so can also improve our environment in other ways, making it safer, cleaner, quieter, more sociable and giving back to our children some of the freedoms that they have lost over the last few decades.

To see the kind of transformations that are possible, watch the film above, much of it filmed in and around Palmers Green.

In the run-up to the City Hall elections this week, the London Cycling Campaign has been encouraging voters to ask candidates to sign up to the principles in the Climate Safe Streets report - a roadmap to decarbonise the capital’s roads in the next 10 years.

The Climate Safe Streets report sets out clear priorities for change, including:

  • Rapidly delivering a high-quality cycling network: to enable people to choose to cycle their everyday journeys
  • Introducing Smart Road User Charging: to discourage the most damaging and polluting motor vehicle trips
  • Supporting the growth of zero-carbon shared mobility options: such as dockless e-scooters (if made legal), cycles, e-bikes and electric car clubs, so that all Londoners have suitable, sustainable transport choices on their doorstep.

Two mayoral candidates have already signed up to the report's principles  - Sian Berry from the Green Party and Luisa Porritt from the LibDems.

For a detailed introduction to Climate Safe Streets, watch the webinar below. And if you'd like to get in touch with local people who share these dreams of people-friendly streets, visit the Better Streets for Enfield website or Facebook group.

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