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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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The third set of Quieter Neighbourhood proposals relates to the "Fernleigh Road" QN - the entire area bounded by Hoppers Road, Station Road, Green Lanes and Bourne Hill. Hoppers Road does not just form a boundary, but would itself be part of the QN. There would also be measures to reduce traffic in two roads to the north of Station Road.

The consultation is open until 12th November.

In contrast to the approach taken to the Wolves Lane and Connaught Gardens QNs, the proposals are clearly aimed at calming the entire area rather than tackling a few individual streets where there are problems. The calming would take the form of speed reduction measures and some anti-rat running measures.

The council is proposing an area-wide 20mph zone. On roads where current traffic speeds are higher, there would be physical measures to slow cars down - speed humps or road narrowing - in some cases residents will be invited to choose between the two methods. Elsewhere, 20mph roundels would be painted on the road.

Anti-rat running measures comprise a "point no-entry" in Stonard Road, one-waying of Meadowcroft Road and Eaton Park Road and banned left turns during rush hours out of Station Road into Ringwood Way and Radcliffe Road (though how these would be enforced is not explained).

The map has been turned on its side to fit mobile phone screens better, so the symbols are all on on their side. To see them the right way up use the links at the end of this article.

Fernleigh Road Quieter Neighbourhoods Proposals

fernleigh rd qn mapThe map does not show some existing traffic calming measures20 MPH ZONE
An area-wide reduction in the speed limit that requires zone entry signs and possibly traffic calming features (such as speed humps) unless vehicle speeds are already low.
Many residents of the area have complained about speeding traffic so we are proposing a 20mph zone across the entire area.
Where speeds are already low we will paint 20mph roundels on the road. However, where current speeds are higher it is necessary to introduce some form of physical traffic calming.

We are proposing to ban traffic from turning left from Station Road into both Ringwood Way and Radcliffe Road between 7:30-9:30am and 5:00-7:00pm. Although this will also affect residents, we are responding to complaints about the amount of traffic using these roads to avoid the new traffic lights on Green Lanes

In response to residents concerns, we are proposing to make both Meadowcroft Road and Eaton Park Road oneway streets to prevent traffic cutting through to avoid the traffic lights at the junction of Green Lanes and Bourne Hill.

This is a large “20” painted on the road surrounded by a white circle to remind drivers of the 20mph speed limit. We can use these instead of physical traffic calming in roads where the existing speeds are already close to 20mph.

A point no-entry is used to prevent traffic travelling past a defined point in one direction while allowing traffic to continue in the opposite direction.
A point no-entry is usually formed using a kerbed buildout to narrow the road, which may result in the loss of one or two on-street parking spaces.
This is being proposed in response to residents’ concerns about the volume of through traffic using Stonard Road.

Narrowing the road helps to reduce speeds, in several streets in the Fernleigh Road area we will reduce the width of the road by marking wider parking bays. This will reduce the number of speed humps that we use and minimise the impact on residents.

Hoppers Road already has traffic calming measures and we are only proposing to replace one set of ‘speed cushions’ (between Arlow Road and Arundel Gardens) with a newstyle road hump and to add a number of 20mph roundels.

Because of the higher speeds in these two roads traffic calming will be necessary in a 20mph zone. However we are giving residents the choice between road narrowing with planters placed in the road or speed humps.
Wherever possible we would use a particular type of speed hump which is better for cyclists, and reduces noise and vibration to nearby residents. However, in one location in Fernleigh Road (east of Hazelmere Road) the location of driveways mean that we will have to install a set speed cushions instead.
The key difference between the options is that planters will require the removal of parking spaces. Fernleigh Road would loose five spaces and Woodberry Avenue seventeen spaces.

We are proposing to ban traffic from turning left from Station Road into both Ringwood Way and Radcliffe Road between 7:30-9:30am and 5:00-7:00pm. Although this will also affect residents, we are responding to complaints about the amount of traffic using these roads to avoid the new traffic lights on Green Lanes.


Details of proposals and online questionnaire

Detailed drawings

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