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Photograph of Intimate Theatre

This Palmers Green landmark may not be there for more longer - planning officers are recommending granting permission to demolish the former Intimate Theatre

Despite campaigns to save a PG landmark by a local theatrical group, with backing from theatrical historians and some well known TV actors who once graced its stage, next week's meeting of Enfield's planning committee may well bring down the curtain on the story of the Intimate Theatre. A report drawn up for the meeting recommends granting planning permission to an application to demolish St Monica's Large Hall (the current official name of the building) to make way for a new parish centre for the adjacent St Monica's church, which owns the former theatre.

The council's planning officers consider that the harm resulting from loss of a "non-designated heritage asset which is included on the local list of heritage assets" would be offset by the benefits from the provision of a "bespoke, modern community facility for the local community" which "would be of architectural merit and make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area".

The committee will be considering the planning application on Tuesday 3rd October, along with three other important applications, for a high rise blocks of flats in Brimsdown, two schools on former Chase Farm hospital property and outline permission for more housing at Chase Farm.

The Intimate Theatre's final act?

The fate of the former Intimate Theatre is the first item on the agenda for Tuesday's planning committee meeting. Below you can see impressions of the exterior of the replacement building and summary points from the detailed report prepared by the planning officers.

proposed buildings replacing intimate theatreArtist's impressions of the proposed buildings

Planning application 19/01988/FUL - excerpts from the report by the head of planning

LOCATION: St Monicas Hall, 521 Green Lanes, London, N13 4DH

PROPOSAL: Redevelopment of site involving demolition of existing building and ancillary structures and erection of part 2, part 3 storey building with basement level to provide new church hall with parish community facilities and 6 x 2 bed self contained flats with associated landscaping.

Executive Summary

3.1 The report seeks approval for the redevelopment of site involving demolition of existing building and ancillary structures and erection of part 2, part 3 storey building with basement level to provide new church hall with parish community facilities and 6 x 2 bed self contained flats with associated parking, landscaping, refuse and cycle storage. The proposal seeks to provide a new Hall on the site adjacent to St. Monica’s Roman Catholic Church. It is also the Parish’s intention to use the apartments to house retired members of the clergy or local key workers at a peppercorn rent.

3.2 The proposal would result in the loss of a non designated heritage asset which is included on the local list of heritage assets but the harm is considered to be offset by benefits associated with the proposed development

3.3 The development would provide a replacement, bespoke, modern community facility for the local community and contribute to the much-needed housing stock in the Borough. The proposed building would be of architectural merit and make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area and would not result in any undue harm to neighbouring residential amenity.

3.4 The proposals are therefore considered acceptable.

5. Proposal

5.1 The proposal seeks permission for the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a new building to accommodate a new church hall and six, two bed, 3 person apartments of approximately 62m2.

5.2 The proposed development consists of a parish centre with flexible spaces and dedicated kitchen facilities across two storeys, rising to three storeys fronting Stonard Road where the six flats are accommodated. The building has a predominately brick façade with decorative brick profiles to emphasise the window openings and the circulation space. The primary access to the parish building is via Green Lanes with the flats accessed via a communal lobby via Stonard Road; upper flats accessed from a central stair core. More specifically the proposal includes the following:

  • 240m2 large hall with a capacity of up to 220 people
  • 85.8m2 foyer/gathering space
  • Meeting room for up to 17 people
  • Four meeting rooms, a tea room and informal gathering space on the first floor
  • Twelve off -street parking spaces, two to the front of the flats in Stonard Road, the remainder, including two spaces reserved fordisabled users, to the front of the community building accessed viaGreen Lanes
  • Outdoor kids play area
  • Cycle parking for 16 bikes
  • Associated refuse and recycling storage

A total of 50 letters and a petition comprising 4,513 signatures objecting to the development were received. A second petition, with 1,500 signatures, and 24 letters were also submitted in support of the application.

A busy meeting!

proposed schools at chase farmProposed new schools at Chase Farm

The same planning committee meeting will also be considering three major planning applications: for two new schools at Chase Farm, for additional new housing at Chase Farm (outline planning permission) and for two high-rise blocks of flats at Brimsdown.

proposed brimsdown flatsProposed development in Green Street, Brimsdown

The Brimsdown proposal is somewhat problematical as it involves loss of employment floorspace, though not of strategic industrial land.


Meeting of Enfield Council Planning Committee at 7.30pm on Tuesday 3rd November

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