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Notting Hill Housing Trust will next week be exhibiting its proposals for further construction of new housing along the North Circular Road section of Bowes Road.

bowes road redevelopment siteThe development site is marked in red. The large roof to the right is the auditorium of the former Ritz Cinema. To the left, on the corner of Wilmer Way, are the newly built Notting Hill HT flats

Notting Hill Housing Trust will next week be exhibiting its proposals for further construction of new housing along the North Circular Road section of Bowes Road.

The housing trust is inviting "residents and neighbours" to the event, to be held at Trinity-at-Bowes church next Wednesday and Thursday (16th and 17th November, 4pm to 8pm).  The site in question is 188 Bowes Road and 190-200 Bowes Road, a partially vacant site just to the west of Ritz Parade.

The developers are keen to point out that the site is not part of the Art Deco parade itself (the centrepoint of which is the former Ritz cinema, now the Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's Witnesses).  However, it is included in what Enfield Council terms the "Ritz Parade Opportunity Site", about which the Council held a public consultation at the start of 2016.

The Council was consulting on a draft Development Brief covering the stretch of road between 190-200 Bowes Road and the corner of Powys Lane.  However, a submission by Broomfield Home Owners & Residents Association (BHORA) was strongly critical of the Council's proposals.  BHORA opposes demolition of the landmark Parade and former cinema and construction of buildings more than two storeys high.

The current status of the Development Brief is not known.  Though it cannot prescribe what should be built where on privately owned land, it should in theory have some influence on whether or not planning applications are approved.  It remains to be seen whether Notting Hill's proposals match the desired outcomes of either Enfield Council or BHORA - the five-storey buildings that the Trust has built slightly further to the west have been extremely controversial because of their mass and because they block views from the north down into and across the valley of the Pymmes Brook.

Invitation to view development proposals

Dear Resident/Neighbour, 


Following previous consultation undertaken on the regeneration of various sites along the North Circular Road, I write to invite you on behalf of Notting Hill Housing to come and find out more about new proposals at the above sites. These are adjacent to Ritz Parade, yet do not include the Parade itself and the Assembly Hall.

An exhibition will take place on Wednesday 16th November and on Thursday 17th November 2016 between 4pm and 8pm in Room 5 at the Trinity at Bowes Methodist Church, Palmerston Road, N22 8RA. Draft plans will be available and the development team will be present to answer any questions you may have and importantly take on board any suggestions.

This is a good opportunity for local residents and businesses to view the plans for the proposed development and give feedback prior to planning applications being submitted to the London Borough of Enfield in the New Year.

If you cannot make the exhibition, you can find out more by contacting me or my colleague Lee Jameson on 0207 242 0170 or by emailing I do hope that you will be able to make the session next Wednesday or Thursday.

Yours sincerely,
Martin Hughes
Director, Polity Public Affairs
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