pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Question 1.  What do think is good about the area?

Good – useful convenience stores, which mean we don’t always have to go to a big supermarket. Waitrose is especially wonderful.

Question 2.  What do you think is less good about the area?

Less good – looks scrappy. Limited types of shops (ie too many of one thing). Uninspiring restaurants. Too stringent parking.

Question 3. What would you like to see to improve the area?

Improve – relax the parking restrictions.

Bring in some interesting, different (more stylish) shops and restaurants.

Question 4a. Specific aspects – traffic

Traffic – as Green Lanes is a main thoroughfare, I don’t see how this can be changed(except by making it a Red Route, which would be a disaster for business.)

Question 4b. Specific aspects – parking

Parking – Parking on the street should be free for 20-30mins. This would be good for business, as paying puts people off.

Question 4c. Specific aspects – clutter

Clutter – shops shouldn’t be allowed to have goods (or booths) on the pavement. It takes up room and looks cheap and tacky.

Question 4d. Specific aspects – look of the shops/architecture

Look of shops – the shops look pretty bland but the architecture is nice.

Question 4e. Specific aspacts – type and range of shops

Type of shops – we do not need any more Mediterranean supermarkets, nail bars, estate agents, charity shops, take always or Mediterranean grill restaurants. We need some interesting, stylish useful places – there is nowhere (apart from The Only Place for Pictures) to buy presents for example.

Question 4f. Specific aspects – amount and use of pavement space

Pavement space – as mentioned above, shops should not be allowed to have good on the pavement unless they are set back slightly.

Question 4g. Specific aspects – the Triangle public space

Triangle – very dull and uninspiring – just a lump of concrete. Can we get rid of the ancient toilets -they are filthy and full of rubbish. Maybe we could have one or two market type stalls there at the weekend to liven it up?

Question 4h. Specific aspects – Greenery

Greenery – the flowers are generally pretty good

Any other comments

– I feel strongly about the subject of Green Lanes. I love Palmers Green for its community feel but am constantly bemoaning the lack of decent restaurants and shops and a stylish pub (serving good food). The choice of restaurants is very poor – every time one opens, it’s yet another “grill”. We need  a Thai restaurant, or Vietnamese (or nay South East Asian). We lost our only French restaurant (what is happening with the site of café Anjou?) some sort of modern European or fish restaurant would be nice. If it has to be a grill than what about something like Samadan in Winchmore Hill which has the same basic menu, but has paid attention to the décor which, which makes all the difference (Kouzina is the only place in Palmers Green which has really done this). The success of Baskervilles showed that we want stylish places that look appealing as well as serving good food.

With regard to shops, again, no more of the same thing. There’s nowhere to buy toys, or anything for the home, or nay decent gifts.

We should be looking to Winchmore Hill for inspiration but at the moment its beginning to look more like Haringey.

Please do all you can to make it somewhere that people actually want to come and visit

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