Question 1. What do think is good about the area?
Good – my local shopping area should be Southgate chase side. Palmers green has a greater variety of useful shops. The supermarket Morrison’s is an asset in terms of variety and price
Question 2. What do you think is less good about the area?
Less good – space is required to provide a greater variety of shops to render, as far as possible, journeys to Enfield and wood green unnecessary
Question 4a. Specific aspects – trafficTraffic – palmers green is a direct route between Enfield and wood green. Are there possible by pass routes available?
Question 4b. Specific aspects – parking
Parking – I rarely park in palmers green except at Morrison's, the superstore. Waitrose does not seem to possess a parking area for customers
Question 4c. Specific aspects – clutter
Clutter -everything that does not contribute to safety should be removed
Any other commentsOther – it would seem that major improvement work with respect to the above unanswered questions (- refers to 4 blank standard questions - ) depends very largely on the space necessary to effect improvements and how available space is distributed between traffic and pedestrians