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StopPGMerkurSlots have provided some updated information about their campaign against the opening of 24-hour gambling arcade in the centre of Palmers Green. This should be read in conjunction with last week's report.

Writing to the licensing department

When writing the email subject line should read: ‘Review Application for Bingo Premises – Merkur Slots 292-292A Green Lanes’. However, submissions will be valid without this subject line as long as people include their name and address.

The campaigners have drafted a template letter (see below) but are recommending that senders make some changes to make it more distinctive.

Influential people

The campaigners are particularly keen to reach local schools, doctors, surgeries, religious leaders and other local institutions/organisations as their voice adds particular weight to the review process

MP asked to meet Merkur Slots owners

Bambos Charalambous MP has been asked by the owners of Merkur Slots, the Gauselmann Group, to meet them, along with councillors and council officers, to discuss the opposition to the licence. It's unclear whether the campaigners will be able to send a representative. No date for the meeting has yet been set.

Leafleting in Palmers Green

The campaigners will be out leafleting on 1st May. Meet outside MyTime at 10.30am.

Merkur Slots Enfield Town - the campaign is launched

It turns out that the council granted a licence for a Merkur Slots branch in St Onge Parade, Southbury Road, Enfield Town, in similar circumstances. Enfield Town Residents Association are campaigning against it. They have recently been informed that council leader Nesil Caliskan will be submitting an application for review on their behalf. If you have links to this area please contact

Template letter to the Enfield Licensing Committee

(Please customise and email to


SUBJECT: Review Application for Bingo Premises – Merkur Slots 292-292A Green Lanes

I am writing to object to a 24hr Adult Gaming Centre being opened by Merkur Slots in Palmers Green, High Street, 292-292A Green Lanes, N13 5TW

As a local resident, I feel strongly that the license granted in January this year was morally irresponsible and should be revoked immediately. I object on the ground of:

1) preventing gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder or being used to support crime.

We do not need another gambling centre in the area. There is already a concentration of four betting shops in close proximity to the proposed new gambling premises. There is a well-known risk that these venues attract money laundering, criminality. These venues encourage behaviour that has a negative effect on individuals, families and communities. People will be able to leave the local pubs at closing time and move to the nearby gaming arcade to start gambling. The anti-social behaviour this venue will attract after hours is a concern, especially when the police are under-resourced. I am also concerned about walking down the high street late at night when gamblers will be going in and out of the premises.

2) protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling

This type of venue is totally unsuitable in this area with a large number of growing families and elderly. Two schools sandwich the part of our high street in question and there is a school bus stop right outside this venue.

There is also a McDonalds very close by where youths congregate. Neon lights and an alluring shop front will attract a child/young adult's attention. I am concerned that children will become normalised to gambling on the high street. Children will be exposed to gamblers - and to the risks of antisocial behaviour linked to betting 24/7 - while en route to school, to the nearby park, playgrounds and local shops.

Palmers Green ward is one of the top 40% of most deprived wards in the country. We witness homelessness and begging. Town centres should not be places where people are encouraged to waste money and get into debt, causing damage to their lives and to their families. There are many more people now struggling financially, making them more vulnerable to such a venue.

Gambling is related to serious mental health issues with a sharp increase in the number of NHS gambling clinics for 13-25-year-olds who are suffering from addiction. Gambling addiction can result in homelessness, suicide, domestic violence and family breakups.

Local residents in Palmers Green have worked with businesses to improve and support the high street, making it a more pleasant environment for the community at a time when local high streets are facing huge challenges. The local community are keen to see the local day and night-time economy thrive, and the opening of a 24-hour Adult Gaming Centre in a prime spot in the high street would be highly detrimental to those efforts.

Please do not allow this venue to open here. I insist the Council has the moral imperative to revoke Merkur's licence and allow our local community to thrive.



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PGC Webmaster posted a reply
05 May 2021 22:04

Shirley Rose has sent a brief update on the progress of the campaign:

We are continuing our campaign to urge individuals, business and organisations to submit representation to the licensing committee by 18 May. We know that Bambos is preparing a submission and are waiting to hear from our local councillors

We had an extremely successful leafleting session on Saturday 1 May and many of the local shops voiced support and agreed for leaflets to be left in their shops to distribute to customers.

There is no date fixed as yet for the meeting between Bambos, the council and the Gauselmann Group (the owners of Merkur). We hoped to attend as observers but have been told that now we have been granted a review we are unwelcome.

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This week's update from Shirley Rose:

Some of the campaign group met with the three Palmers Green councillors today (Tuesday). We started to plan how best to present the concerns of local residents to the licensing committee at the review meeting on 16 June

We would urge people to send submissions to the licensing committee by 18 May ( if they haven’t done so already) focussing on how the 24 gambling premises could affect them . The focus needs to be on why this centre can be a source of crime and disorder in the area and what impact this could have on children and vulnerable adults. If people can personalise their submissions that would be great- for example "As a parent of teenagers I am concerned that… As a teacher at a local school I believe that.. etc..."

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