pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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interior of stitch shop within palmers green post office

After a busy fortnight rebuilding and settling into their new home inside Palmers Green post office, Stitch! is back up and running, with needles threaded and skeins at the ready. The previously bare and boring shop in front of you when you enter from the street is now a cosy and colourful treasure trove of fabrics, wools, threads, buttons and general haberdashery.

The new opening hours are Tuesday - Friday 10-2pm, Saturday 10-3pm.

Spreading the gospel of upcycling

iwill logoUpcycling - transforming waste materials and worn out or unwanted items into new and better products - is on the rise, as part of the much needed move away from wasteful consumerism towards  personal creativity and environmental sustainability. Young people are learning the frugal but satisfying skills that their grandparents or great-grandparents took for granted, but in recent decades have been sadly neglected. Shops like Stitch! have an important role to play its revival, supplying both the materials and advice and training.

Stitch! will be playing a key role in an initiative by the London Community Foundation's #iwill Fund. They'll be running training projects in three local schools aimed at giving youngsters the life skills to become "upcycling champions". The "champions" will then pass on these skills to their fellow students.

#iwill is a UK-wide campaign that aims to make social action part of life for as many young people as possible by the year 2020. Through collaboration and partnership, it is spreading the word about the benefits of youth social action.

What about classes and workshops?

During the move, while the shop was closed, Stitch! ran its sewing, knitting and crochet classes at the Woodman in Bourne Hill. Suzanne Kelly from Stitch! says that participants very much enjoyed the conservatory space at the very friendly and hospitable pub, and some classes will continue there, while others will relocate to the new shop.

Suzanne says that people have been asking how being in Tier 2 will affect the classes: "The good news is that under government guidelines we can still continue to provide our workshops and classes. Throughout the run-up to opening our new premises we have been mindful of how we arrange the space safely, social distancing and being sensible and sensitive to the changing situation."

To find out more, email, telephone 07903 614726 or visit

Coming up: Classes and workshops at Stitch!


Sew & Make with Seamstress Pat, Wednesday 4th November 12-1.30pm, £30

Sewing Skill Workshop- How to Make A Fabric Pot, Saturday 7th Nov, 3-5pm £30

Sew and Make with Seamstress Pat, (with opportunity to Make A Xmas gift or table runner) Wednesday 11th November 12-1.30pm, £30

Sewing Skills Workshop- Make A Christmas Wreath, Saturday 21st Nov, 3-5pm, £30

Learn to Use Your Sewing Machine, Saturday 14th November 11-12.30pm, £30

Crochet for Beginners, Saturday 7th & 28th November, 11-1pm, FULLY BOOKED! £45

Crochet for Beginners, Friday 4th & 11th December, 11-1pm, FULLY BOOKED! £45

Corner to Corner Crochet, Saturday 7th November 2-4pm FULLY BOOKED! £20

Tunisian Crochet, Friday 6th November, 11-1pm, £30 FULLY BOOKED! £30

Learn to Crochet A Snowflake, Saturday 5th December, 3-5pm, £30

Patchworking, Thursday 5th November 12-2pm, £30

Patchworking, Thursday 12th November, 12-2pm, £30

Intermediate Quilting One Day Workshop, Sunday 15th November, 10-5pm, £75

An Introduction To Calligraphy- Thursday 26th November, 7-9pm £37
Two hour taster knitting class in Cables and Bobbles with Sharon Wallin, Sunday 22nd November 10-12pm, £25

STITCHING CIRCLE with Sharon Wallin, every other Wednesday evening, 7-9pm, £5.
We still have some work to be done in the our toilet, kitchen and store room area which is taking place in the evenings so our start date for Stitching Circle is a little delayed. But it will return as soon as we can....hopefully in about 2-3 weeks. We will let you know as soon as we can :)

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