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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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stitch is relocatingOn Thursday the proprieters of Stitch! will close their shop on the corner of Green Lanes and Devonshire Road, start packing up their stocks of fabrics, wools, haberdashery and all the other items that they sell, and prepare to move across Green Lanes to their new home, a stone's throw away, inside Palmers Green Post Office.

Stitch! was only ever a temporary occupier of the former Grout's shop at 397 Green Lanes. They've been there since spring 2019 - a much longer time than first envisaged. Their new home inside the Post Office is bigger then you might imagine, but still doesn't have enough room for lessons in sewing, knitting and other crafts during the daytime, which will now be held at the Woodman pub, in the conservatory section - so there'll be plenty of daylight. However, the plan is to use the Post Office for some evening sessions.

After the current shop shuts on the 8th, there will be a week's gap for the move to take place, before Stitch! reopens in the Post Office on 20th October, but during the move you'll still be able to buy fabric, crafting, sewing, wool supplies or any of the other fabulous products that Stitch! sells via their website -

stitch crafts and classes logo

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