The notes of the meeting of the Cycle Enfield Partnership Board (Enfield West) have been provided to all participants, along with the slides used for four of the supporting presentations.
The main headings below are links to PDF documents. The bullet points are my very rough attempts at describing the content and conclusions of the documents.
Notes of the meeting (click to download0
- The notes do not in general duplicate the information contained in the presentation slides.
- They are mainly comments or questions from board members and answers provided by consultants or the Council representatives.
- As such, it's possible that there were some important points made by the presenters that are not included in the slides.
Consultation Overview (click to download)
- An explanation of the consultation methodology
- Data about the respondents
- Positive impacts perceived by respondents
- Concerns and negative impacts perceived by respondents, with information about steps taken by the council in response
- Changes to the design affecting multiple locations
- Changes to the design at specific locations, with accompanying maps/drawings.
Air quality assessment (click to download0
- Explanation of the harms caused by various pollutants
- Likely excess mortality rates
- Current levels of pollution and adherence to national standards
- the entire borough has been declared an Air Quality Management Area because limits are exceeded at busy roadside locations
- Description of the methodology used to model the impact of the A105 cycle lanes
- Summary of conclusions
- improvements in roadside average NO2 concentration, but increases at some junctions
Assessment of economic impact on town centre businesses (click to download0
- Explanation of methodology used to estimate impact on three town centres
- Palmers Green, Winchmore Hill Broadway, Winchmore Hill Green Dragon
- Estimated figures for net impacts on annual business turnover
- three scenarios: Worse Case, Base Case and Better Case
- for the construction phase and the operational phase (ie once the work is completed)
- Summarized conclusions:
- construction phase will have minor impacts all within a single year
- very limited impacts (whether negative or positive) on town centre economic viability
- potential for positive transformational change leading to a longer term uplift in footfall and spend
Parking and traffic flow (click to download0
- Assessments of the impact on availability of parking
- Assessments of traffic flow at key junctions (with diagrams)
- Assessment of the impact on corridor journey times
- not explicitly specified, but presumably the impact on car drivers rather than other users, such as cyclists
- greatest impact forecast as an extra 2.5 minutes over the entire route southbound during the PM peak