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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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The project to indentify and record local "built heritage" that we have reported on previously (on 6th June and 13th June) is now well under way, but there is still time for new volunteer surveyors to come forward and for anyone to suggest buildings or other objects that they think might be suitable for "local listing".

The project involves many local societies and other groups, but the three main bodies involved are Enfield Council, the Enfield Society and Urban Vision.  Urban Vision are the consultants that the Council has employed to develop the selection criteria, using as a basis the Good Practice Guide for Local Heritage Listing, published by Historic England (the new name for English Heritage).  Urban Vision is also training the volunteer surveyors:  two sessions have already been held, but there are still a few vacancies on the final training session on 17th September - to book a place email or telephone or phone 020 8363 9495.

fingerpost at southgate greenNot just buildings, but street furniture too, can be part of our built heritageSo far 30 volunteers have been trained in how to identify structures worthy of recording, how to photograph them and how to record information.  The training included a session in the street looking at buildings and filling in the forms.  The borough has been divided up into around fifty areas, which will be allocated to individual volunteers (or two volunteers working together) or in some cases to groups that are active in a particular neighbourhood, such as residents' associations.

What exactly are we looking for?

The criteria for listing include:

  • historic value (which includes age, rarity etc)
  • value –for example urban design or architectural quality
  • local cultural value (encompassing social or communal value and aesthetic merit).

Structures other than buildings will also be considered, for example war memorials, horse troughs, waymarkers, verges, postboxes, railings and other items of street furniture.  Another category that will be included is designed landscapes (though not natural ones).

Do you know a building that you think should be listed?

In a large borough with so many buildings and other built structures, local knowledge will be invaluable.  Even if you don't have the time or inclination to do the survey work, you can still play an important part by sending in your suggestions to

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PGC Webmaster posted a reply
12 Sep 2015 00:07
The final training session for the Local List of Heritage Assets is on Thursday 17th September, 2.00-3.30pm at Jubilee Hall in Enfield. There are still places available, so if you are interested please contact Hannah Barter Barter at Urban Vision on 01782 790 595, 0782 790 595 or

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