Back in March 2016 we reported that a new green space was being created between the New River and Green Lanes between the junctions with Carpenter Garden and Barrowell Green.
A campaign against a planned funfair in Broomfield Park which would have lasted for 24 days has been successful. An Enfield cabinet member has written to neighbouring residents stating that the fair will not be held this year and that the council will be applying tighter conditions on future funfairs and circuses in the park to address the various issues raised by campaigners.
This Sunday, for the eighth year in succession, a rather special garden is open to the public, raising money for the upkeep of the plants in Broomfield Conservatory.
Broomfield Conservatory reopens on Sunday after some long overdue repairs and repainting. As well as giving you a chance to catch up on the progress of the bananas and the many other wonderful plants, there's a talk about carnivorous plants given by Jean, one of the Friends of Broomfield Park volunteers whose special duty is to look after the collection of insect-eaters.
The Friends of Firs Farm want their second Summer Wetlands Festival to be even better than last year's, when more than 3000 people attended. They still need more volunteers to help organise and run the day's fun, and sponsorship from businesses or individuals. And they are also seeking further sponsors for their next big project - the Firs Farm Community Hub.
Broomfield Conservatory: Still open on Sundays
If you’ve visited Broomfield Conservatory over the last few months (and if you haven’t, why not?), you may have noticed that the wood in the entrance doors is rotting away and that paintwork is peeling off everywhere.
The state of the Conservatory has been a matter of concern for the Friends of Broomfield Park’s Conservatory Group, who’ve been trying to persuade the Council for many months to get repairs carried.......
There have been further acts of vandalism and arson in Broomfield Park, culminating in the destruction of a "bug hotel" that had been created by children.
The burning out of the bug hotel in Broomfield Community Orchard follows an earlier incident, in which bags of waste material were set on fire. The fire was so fierce that the interior of a metal shed next to the bags was charred.
The orchard was targeted by vandals in January, when eight fruit trees were destroyed. There has.......
Geraldine Anwar has provided a summary of the project updates given at the January 2018 open meeting of the Friends of Broomfield Park.
"At the moment the strelitzia are performing well in the Conservatory"A group has been set up with the aim of improving the playground. Their project was allocated money from the Greenery surplus fund. Unfortunately, this did not meet the Council's strict criteria and they are now working with the Council to come up with a proposal that will be.......
The Friends of Broomfield Park have expressed dismay and anger about a recent spate of vandalism in which some of the park amenities that they have been contributing to have been damaged.
The Friends have reported that during the first fortnight of 2018 vandals damaged plants and park facilities in the Community Orchard, Palmers Greenery cafe and the Garden of Remembrance, as well as more generally in the park.
In the orchard seven apple tree "stepovers" were destroyed, along with a pear tree........
The team of volunteers who look after the plants in Broomfield Conservatory and open it to the public twice a week had another successful year in 2017. June Dawes sums up the year.
Broomfield Conservatory volunteers enjoy some rare January sunshine while celebrating another successful year. The team won an Enfield in Bloom Gold award in 2017 - the Conservatory Committee chair, Elizabeth Dobbie, is in the centre of the front row, holding the cup
It has been another good.......
At a ceremony at Lords cricket ground last week, Marc Ellun, Chair of the Friends of Tatem Park, was declared Community Champion 2017 by Fields in Trust. The national charity presents this award to "those who really make a difference to their local green space, going the extra mile organising events, or encouraging others to get involved".