The Friends of Firs Farm have provided a copy of a document setting out the proposals for the creation of a wetlands area in the park. The detailed information in the document is the subject of a consultation exercise in which Enfield Council are seeking the views of people living near the playing fields and park.
The wetlands project is being funded by Enfield Council, Thames Water, the Environment Agency and the GLA. It will achieve a whole range of objectives, including alleviation of flooding, encouragement of ecological diversity and the creation of a beautiful natural environment for recreational purposes.
The overall effect will be to transform what was once an unremarkable area of playing fields and open land into an area of natural beauty - as has already been done on the River Lea marshes in Tottenham and Walthamstow.
The Friends of Firs Farm are asking people to use them as a conduit for sending comments to the Council. If you would like to comment, you can download the documents using the links below.
Please fill in the Q&A sheet and email it to
More background is included in the following item on the Enfield Council website (dated 10 July 2015).
Firs Farm Project Underway!
A new £792k wetlands project and cycle path, being constructed in Firs Farm Playing Fields in Palmers Green, is being taken forward by Enfield Council.
The wetlands, which will help prevent flooding, reduce pollution and encourage wildlife, will shortly begin construction. The new cycle path will both encourage cycling in the park as well as making it easier to reach by bike.
The wetlands project, which is funded by Enfield Council, Thames Water, the Environment Agency and the GLA will see the creation of a major new wetland habitat that can store up to 30,000 cubic metres of flood water.
This will reduce the risk of flooding risk to more than 100 residential properties and parts of the A10. The park’s ecology will also be improved with a range of new native plants.
The project has been the subject of a public consultation exercise and has the backing of The Friends of Firs Farm park.
Funding of £175,000 has been obtained through the Mayor of London’s Big Green Fund. Out of seven shortlisted projects Firs Farm Park received the most votes, and was one of only two sites to receive the maximum grant.
Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Daniel Anderson, said: “The environmental benefits of this project are significant. Not only will these beautiful wetlands provide protection against flooding in the local area, but as the water quality improves we will also be creating a space which the community can enjoy, whilst wildlife will flourish.
“The new cycle path will also ensure that not only is the area going to be easier to reach by bike, but will also encourage cycling in the borough.”