Letter from Bambos Charalambous MP to Enfield Council Licensing Committee
Dear Enfield Council Officers
Re: Objection to the application by Barbican Events Ltd to hold the Oktoberfest beer festival at Broomfield Park, 21-23 October 2022.
I have received objections from constituents to the application submitted by Barbican Events Ltd for a Premises Licence Application for Broomfield Park Oktoberfest.
Friends of Broomfield Park and residents will share their individual concerns with Enfield Council's Licensing team to add to the below concerns for disorderly behaviour and public safety as per the Licensing Act 2003. I would like to echo these concerns and share the following points which have been raised to me:
- Residents of roads surrounding the park and routes to public transport links have not received notification of the proposed Oktoberfest beer festival and learnt of the event only from notices attached to gates of Broomfield Park.
- Local businesses on Aldermans Hill have also not been made aware of the proposed event and the impact it may have.
- The event will take place next to the children's play area and there are concerns for the safety and protection of children from harm whilst an event focused on drinking alcohol takes place in the same playing field.
- Toilet facilities are thought to be inadequate for up to 2000 people attending each session of the festival, and for the routes to public transport links taking in Broomfield Avenue and Powys Lane.
- Safety concerns have been raised for residents, road users and potential festival goers as the entry/ exit gate leads immediately to Aldermans Hill road and will be a cluster point for 2000 people per session
- There are concerns that local transport links, including Paimers Green train station, may not be able to support the number of people attending the event.
- Set up of the festival and delivery of supplies will require heavy goods vehicles to access the locality and cause disruption beyond the dates of the festival.
Residents feel that due diligence has not been followed in reviewing this application as the above issues all create pressure points in a residential area. For example:
- Are residents expected to report noise levels should they exceed those permitted or disorderly behaviour breaks out? Will it be residents that report these issues or will Council Officers be on hand to monitor the situation?
- How many Accredited Traffic Operatives will be in position on pedestrian crossings between PaInners Green Station and Broomfield Park?
- Why are Accredited Traffic Operatives not positioned the length of routes to all advertised transport links?
I have also contacted Enfield Council previously regarding dangerous driving on Broomfield Avenue and Broomfield Lane. I understand local councillors will have raised similar fears previously. This proposed event is thought to add to existing dangers as parking spaces have been proposed for festival goers in the licensing application.
Enfield Southgate takes pride in its green spaces and they are well loved by our community. Friends of Broomfield Park have raised concerns about potential damage caused to our public space. I wish for the Licensing team to review the above concerns alongside the following statement from FoBP regarding the event: "the scale and its alcohol-driven nature presents high risks to the Palmers Green and is likely to create major damage to the park."
Yours sincerely,
Bambos Charalambous MP