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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Mayfield Tennis Club in Kenmare Gardens, Palmers Green, is nearly a century old - it was founded in 1925. It's there for tennis players of all ages and levels and its facilities are fully accessible.  There are fully qualified coaches for wheelchair and disabled players and twice weekly sessions for seniors - the average age of seniors is 74 and the oldest still playing is 83!

Mayfield has raised thousands of pounds in support of large and small charities including Marie Curie, Macmillan, British Heart Foundation, Breast Cancer, Noah’s Ark, Amara Charitable Trust (Kenya).

However, after 17 years of use, the club's four tennis courts are now beyond viable repair and must be resurfaced to ensure the safety of players - rain can make the surfaces very slippery!

New courts will cost £91,000, but the club has already raised £71.000 through donations from Sport England and members and from fundraising events, such as the Play with the Pro's event in April and Wellness Day in June.

To help them find the final £20,000 Mayfield have started a crowdfunding campaign offering a range of discountss provided by local businesses and club members. See some of the rewards below.

What the new courts will mean for Mayfield Tennis Club.

The club will be able to

  • Re-start its disability tennis programme in the spring encourage volunteers from membership and local schools/colleges (A level students studying PE who wish to learn strategies for teaching tennis to those with a disability).  
  • Enable seniors to continue to play regularly without fear of slipping
  • Continue to offer everyone a great surface to play on, to enjoy their tennis and take it to the next level.
  • Encourage more of the community to play tennis through online booking and pay to play scheme using ClubSpark.
  • Continue to offer quality coaching to various different abilities and ages.

Visit Mayfield Tennis Club's Crowdfunder page

Manchester City Reward 002

mayfield tennis club crowdfunder image from video

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